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См. также в других словарях:

  • Instruction set — An instruction set, or instruction set architecture (ISA), is the part of the computer architecture related to programming, including the native data types, instructions, registers, addressing modes, memory architecture, interrupt and exception… …   Wikipedia

  • Instruction pipeline — Pipelining redirects here. For HTTP pipelining, see HTTP pipelining. Basic five stage pipeline in a RISC machine (IF = Instruction Fetch, ID = Instruction Decode, EX = Execute, MEM = Memory access, WB = Register write back). In the fourth clock… …   Wikipedia

  • Instruction Set Architecture — Eine Befehlssatzarchitektur (engl. Instruction Set Architecture, kurz: ISA) ist – vereinfacht gesagt – die formale Spezifikation bestimmter Verhaltensweisen eines Prozessors aus Sicht seines Programmierers, auf die sich dieser bei der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • instruction path — komandų magistralė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instruction path; program bus vok. Programmschiene, f rus. шина команд, f pranc. bus d instructions, m; bus d ordres, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • bus d'instructions — komandų magistralė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instruction path; program bus vok. Programmschiene, f rus. шина команд, f pranc. bus d instructions, m; bus d ordres, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • bus d'ordres — komandų magistralė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instruction path; program bus vok. Programmschiene, f rus. шина команд, f pranc. bus d instructions, m; bus d ordres, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Complex instruction set computing — A complex instruction set computer (CISC) (  /ˈsɪs …   Wikipedia

  • One instruction set computer — Computer science portal A one instruction set computer (OISC), sometimes called an ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC), is an abstract machine that uses only one instruction – obviating the need for a machine language opcode …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitively Guided Instruction — is a professional development program based on an integrated program of research on (a) the development of students mathematical thinking; (b) instruction that influences that development; (c) teachers knowledge and beliefs that influence their… …   Wikipedia

  • Jeu d'instruction x86 — Article détaillé : Jeu d instructions. Le jeu d instructions du x86 a subi de nombreux changements au cours du temps. La plupart d entre eux ne sont que des ajouts au jeu d instruction initial afin d apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lignes de bus RATP de 300 à 399 — Réseau de bus RATP Lignes de 300 à 399 Situation Île de France Paris, Petite et gr …   Wikipédia en Français

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