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  • 1 institute

    1. संस्थान
    I like to work in this institute of Information Technology.
    1. संस्थापित\instituteकरना
    Tatas have instituted a number of openings for the engineers.

    English-Hindi dictionary > institute

  • 2 institute

    नियम, रीति; संस्थापन, संस्था, विद्या की उन्नति के लिये संघटन या समाज
    v. tr.
    ठहराना, स्थापित करना, नींव डालना, आरम्भ करना, जारी करना, प्रचलित करना, चलता करना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > institute

  • 3 acre

    1. एकड़\{4840\acreवर्ग\acreगज\acreभूमि\}
    The institute has been built on 35 acres of land.

    English-Hindi dictionary > acre

  • 4 acreage

    1. कई\acreageवर्ग\acreageभूमि
    The institute occupies about 35 acreage of land.

    English-Hindi dictionary > acreage

  • 5 announce

    1. घोषणा\announceकर
    She announced the withdrawl of her financial support to the institute.

    English-Hindi dictionary > announce

  • 6 announcement

    1. घोषणा
    She made an announcement about the withdrawl of her support to the institute.

    English-Hindi dictionary > announcement

  • 7 appropriate

    1. उचित
    The alliance will be declared at an appropriate time.
    1. अनुचित\appropriateरूप\appropriateसे\appropriateअपना\appropriateबना\appropriateलेना
    It is alleged that Mr. Kumar appropriated the Institute Funds.
    2. अलग\appropriateरखना
    Rs.20000/- have been appropriated for the Conference.

    English-Hindi dictionary > appropriate

  • 8 arm

    1. बाँह
    He held the monkey in his arms
    The dye has stained the arm of my jacket
    2. शाखा
    It is said that the monster was seen in the northern arm of the lake
    This arm of the science institute houses the physics department
    The country was bombarded through air arm
    3. हत्था
    She sat on the arm of the chair.
    1. शस्त्र\armयुक्त\armकरना
    Two men armed with rifles entered and looted the bank

    English-Hindi dictionary > arm

  • 9 chronicle

    1. इतिहास/वृत्तान्त
    He consulted the chronicles of the period to find the facts.
    1. इतिहास\chronicleमें\chronicleलिखना
    That institute chronicles the events.

    English-Hindi dictionary > chronicle

  • 10 constitution

    1. संविधान
    All the members should follow the constitution of this institute.
    2. गठन
    His elder brother is having a weak constitution.

    English-Hindi dictionary > constitution

  • 11 delegate

    1. प्रतिनिधि
    The workshop was attended by delegates from all organizations.
    Ram is appointed as the delegate for the Medical Conference.
    1. सौंपना
    Sita is delegated with the management work of the office.
    सीता को कार्यालय का प्रबंधन कार्य सौंपा गया है.
    2. प्रतिनिधित्व\delegateकरने\delegateके\delegateलिये\delegateभेजना
    Ram was delegated to the Internaional Conference by his Institute.
    राम को उसकी संस्था द्वारा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन में प्रतिनिधित्व करने कि लिये भेजा गया था.

    English-Hindi dictionary > delegate

  • 12 director

    1. अध्यक्ष
    Mr.Nair is the director of this institute.
    2. निर्देशक
    Satyajit Ray is a well-known director of films in the West also.

    English-Hindi dictionary > director

  • 13 distant

    1. दूर\distant[का]
    A distant relative of mine passed away this month.
    The Institute is about 2 kilometers distant.

    English-Hindi dictionary > distant

  • 14 enforcement

    1. प्रवर्तन
    There is a slackness in the enforcement of rules and regulations in the institute.

    English-Hindi dictionary > enforcement

  • 15 institutional

    1. संस्थानिक
    Institutional accreditation helps the institute to function well.

    English-Hindi dictionary > institutional

  • 16 librarian

    1. लाइब्रेरियन/पुस्तकालय-अध्यक्ष
    They are looking for a librarian for their Institute.

    English-Hindi dictionary > librarian

  • 17 misprint

    1. गलत छपना
    The newspaper apologised for the misprint.
    1. गलत छपना
    The name of the Institute was misprinted.

    English-Hindi dictionary > misprint

  • 18 off

    1. सुदूर
    He looked a bit off during the ceremony.
    1. से दूर हटकर
    The institute is still two kilometers off.
    1. पर से
    He fall off a ladder.

    English-Hindi dictionary > off

  • 19 performing arts

    1. रंगकलाएँ
    She has opened an institute for the awareness of the performing arts.

    English-Hindi dictionary > performing arts

  • 20 quater-centenary

    1. चार\quater-centenaryसौंवी\quater-centenaryजयंती
    The Institute is celeberating its quarter-centenary next year.

    English-Hindi dictionary > quater-centenary

См. также в других словарях:

  • Institute — In sti*tute, n. [L. institutum: cf. F. institut. See {Institute}, v. t. & a.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of instituting; institution. [Obs.] Water sanctified by Christ s institute. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is instituted, established,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Institute — In sti*tute ([i^]n st[i^]*t[=u]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Instituted} ([i^]n st[i^]*t[=u] t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Instituting}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To set up; to establish; to ordain; as, to institute laws, rules, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • institute — in·sti·tute 1 vt tut·ed, tut·ing 1: to establish in a particular position or office; specif in the civil law of Louisiana: to appoint as heir see also instituted heir at heir 2: to get started …   Law dictionary

  • Institute FC — Institute Football Club Institute FC Club fondé en 1905 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Institute — en 2005 Pays d’origine États Unis Genre musical Rock alternatif …   Wikipédia en Français

  • institute — institute, institution Both words are used with reference to organizations and societies set up to pursue some specific literary, scientific, legal, or social purpose, and choice usually depends on the form already used for a particular name. The …   Modern English usage

  • Institute — In sti*tute ([i^]n st[i^]*t[=u]t), p. a. [L. institutus, p. p. of instituere to place in, to institute, to instruct; pref. in in + statuere to cause to stand, to set. See {Statute}.] Established; organized; founded. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] They… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • institute — [n1] law; custom convention, decree, decretum, doctrine, dogma, edict, establishment, fixture, habit, maxim, ordinance, practice, precedent, precept, prescript, principle, regulation, rite, ritual, rule, statute, tenet, tradition; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • institute — [in′stə to͞ot΄, in′stətyo͞ot΄] vt. instituted, instituting [< L institutus, pp. of instituere, to set up, erect, construct < in , in, on + statuere, to cause to stand, set up, place: see STATUTE] 1. to set up; establish; found; introduce 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Institute — 2005 Allgemeine Informat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • INSTITUTE — s Name Shows That It s Totally Unrelated To Emacs …   Acronyms

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