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См. также в других словарях:

  • insides — • intern, inre, insides, invärtes …   Svensk synonymlexikon

  • Insides Out — is a children s television game show. Its theme was the human body, and involved games that included body parts. A total of thirty episodes were made over two series, lasting from 15 September 1999 to 22 December 2000. It was presented by Mark… …   Wikipedia

  • insides — noun guts, intestines, innards …   Wiktionary

  • insides — Synonyms and related words: abdomen, anus, appendix, blind gut, bowels, brain, cecum, census, colon, composition, constituents, content, contents, divisions, duodenum, elements, endocardium, entrails, foregut, giblets, gizzard, guts, heart,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • insides — (Roget s IV) pl.n. Syn. interior, inner parts, internal organs, bowels, entrails, viscera, recesses, middle, center, belly, womb, heart, soul, breast, contents, components, workings, guts*, innards*; see also abdomen , center 1 , contents 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • insides — n. intestines, entrails, inner organs of the body in·side || ‚ɪn saɪd n. interior; interior part adj. located on or in the inner side; private, confidential, privileged adv. inward; within; in; in the house; in jail (Slang) prep. within; in …   English contemporary dictionary

  • insides — informal the stomach and bowels. → inside …   English new terms dictionary

  • insides — adv …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • insides — n internal organs, entrails, guts, intestines, bowels, organs, viscera, belly, stomach, abdomen COLLOQ. innards, tummy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Patent insides — Inside In side , n. 1. The part within; interior or internal portion; content. [1913 Webster] Looked he o the inside of the paper? Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. The inward parts; entrails; bowels; hence, that which is within; private thoughts and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • patent insides — noun plural : readyprint that comes printed on the inside pages compare boiler plate, patent outsides * * * patent insides, newspaper sheets printed on the inside only, and thus sold to publishers of small newspapers, who fill the unprinted side… …   Useful english dictionary

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