1 inland
I ['ɪnlənd]1) (not coastal) [area, navigation] interno2) BE (domestic) [mail, trade] internoII [ˌɪn'lænd]* * *1. ['inlənd] adjective1) (not beside the sea: inland areas.) interno2) (done etc inside a country: inland trade.) interno2. adverb(in, or towards, the parts of the land away from the sea: These flowers grow better inland.) nell'entroterra* * *inland (1) /ˈɪnlənd/A n.interno del paese; retroterra; entroterraB a.1 situato nel retroterra; dell'entroterra; racchiuso fra terre emerse; (dell') interno: an inland district, una regione dell'entroterra; an inland sea, un mare interno2 (econ., comm.) interno: inland trade, commercio interno; inland consumption, consumo interno; (fisc.) inland duty, dazio interno; inland navigation, navigazione interna ( fluviale o per idrovie)● (fin.) inland bill, cambiale interna; cambiale pagabile all'interno □ (fisc.) inland revenue, imposte e dazi interni; gettito fiscale; erario, fisco □ inland-revenue stamp, bollo fiscale □ inland waterways, canali navigabili; idrovie interne.inland (2) /ɪnˈlænd/avv.all'interno; verso l'interno; nell'entroterra: to go inland, andare verso l'interno ( d'un paese); to live inland, abitare nell'entroterra.* * *I ['ɪnlənd]1) (not coastal) [area, navigation] interno2) BE (domestic) [mail, trade] internoII [ˌɪn'lænd] -
2 ♦ board
♦ board /bɔ:d/n.1 asse; assicella; tavola: ironing board, asse per stirare; cheese board, tagliere per formaggio; surf board, tavola da surf2 tavoliere ( di vari giochi); scacchiera; tabellone: board games, giochi da tavolo (o da scacchiera); giochi giocati su un tabellone NOTA D'USO: - table game o board game?-3 (elettr.) pannello6 (= notice-board) tabellone; bacheca; pannello; quadro (murario): to put a notice up on the board, affiggere un avviso sul tabellone (o in bacheca)7 [u] vitto, pasti ( in una pensione, ecc.): board and lodging, vitto e alloggio; full board, pensione completa8 comitato; consiglio; commissione; collegio: board of arbitrators, collegio arbitrale; board of directors, consiglio d'amministrazione; board of examiners, commissione esaminatrice; board of governors, consiglio di amministrazione ( di scuola, ospedale, ecc.); board of inquiry, commissione d'inchiesta; board of management, comitato direttivo; direzione ( di fabbrica); board chairman, presidente del consiglio di amministrazione; board meeting, riunione (o seduta) del consiglio9 (naut.) murata; fianco; bordo10 (naut.) bordata; bordo12 (al pl.: the boards) (antiq. o scherz.) (le tavole del) palcoscenico; le scene (fig.): to tread the boards, calcare le scene● board foot, piede quadrato per pollice ( misura cubica per legname) □ (in GB) the Board of Inland Revenue, l'Ufficio delle Imposte Dirette e delle Imposte di Bollo; l'Amministrazione Finanziaria; il Fisco □ Board of Trade, (in GB, stor.) Ministero del Commercio; (in USA) Camera di commercio □ across the board, (avv.) in modo generale; in modo indiscriminato; a tutti i livelli; dappertutto; a 360В°; (ipp., USA) piazzato; (agg., anche across-the-board) generale; indiscriminato: Prices fell across the board, i prezzi sono crollati dappertutto; I backed Black Prince across the board, scommisi su Black Prince piazzato; across-the-board tariff cuts, riduzioni generali delle tariffe doganali □ on board, a bordo ( di un veicolo): on board the bus, sull'autobus; to get sb. on board, (naut., aeron.) imbarcare q.; (fig.) imbarcare, far entrare ( in un'impresa); (naut., aeron.) to go on board, imbarcarsi □ to go by the board, (naut.: di albero, ecc.) essere spazzato via, cadere in mare; (fig.: di progetto, ecc.) fallire, venir meno, essere rifiutato, essere trascurato □ to take st. on board, recepire, accettare qc. ( un'idea nuova, situazione, ecc.) □ to sweep the board, far piazza pulita (di premi, punti, ecc.); vincere tutto; trionfare.NOTA D'USO: - the board is o the board are?- (to) board /bɔ:d/A v. t.3 (naut.) abbordare; arrembare4 (naut., aeron.) salire a bordo di; imbarcarsi su5 salire su, montare su ( un veicolo): We boarded the Rome train at 11 a.m., alle undici siamo saliti sul treno per RomaB v. i.1 salire a bordo; imbarcarsi: DIALOGO → - Checking in- You should be boarding from gate twelve, but keep an eye on the monitors for any changes, dovrebbe imbarcarsi al gate dodici ma controlli gli schermi in caso di cambiamenti3 essere a pensione; alloggiare: I boarded with a nice old lady, ero a pensione da una simpatica vecchietta4 essere un convittore.
См. также в других словарях:
inland — Within a country, state or territory; within the interior part of a land mass. In old English law, inland was used for the demesne (q.v.) of a manor; that part which lay next or most convenient for the lord s mansion house, as within the view… … Black's law dictionary
inland — Within a country, state or territory; within the interior part of a land mass. In old English law, inland was used for the demesne (q.v.) of a manor; that part which lay next or most convenient for the lord s mansion house, as within the view… … Black's law dictionary
inland — adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 situated in the interior of a country. 2 esp. Brit. carried on within the limits of a country; domestic (inland trade). n. the parts of a country remote from the sea or frontiers; the interior. adv. in or towards the… … Useful english dictionary
inland — /ˈɪnlænd / (say inland) adjective 1. relating to or situated in the interior part of a country or region: inland cities. 2. carried on within a country; domestic; not foreign: inland trade. 3. confined to a country. –adverb 4. in or towards the… …
inland — 1. adjective 1) inland areas Syn: interior, inshore, central, internal, upcountry, upriver; landlocked Ant: coastal 2) inland trade Syn: domestic … Thesaurus of popular words
inland — in‧land [ˈɪnlənd] adjective [only before a noun] 1. inland mail or transport services are those used for letters or goods being sent within a country, not abroad: • The letter was lost in the inland post. • inland cargo transport 2. an inland… … Financial and business terms
Trade route — A trade route is a logistical network identified as a series of pathways and stoppages used for the commercial transport of cargo. Allowing goods to reach distant markets, a single trade route contains long distance arteries which may further be… … Wikipedia
Inland port — The term inland port is used in two different but related ways to mean either a port on an inland waterway or an inland site carrying out some functions of a seaport. As a port on an inland waterway An inland port in the wide sense, as used in… … Wikipedia
Inland waterways of the United States — The inland waterways of the United States include over 25,000 miles (40000 km) of navigable waters. Much of the commercially important waterways of the United States consist of the Mississippi River System mdash;the Mississippi River and… … Wikipedia
TRADE AND COMMERCE — In the Bible The geopolitical location of Palestine, set as it is in the heart of the Fertile Crescent, made it a pivotal link in the commercial activities carried on by land and sea between, on the one hand, Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Inland Waterways Association — The Inland Waterways Association (IWA) was formed in 1946 as a registered charity in the United Kingdom to campaign for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and sensitive development of British Canals and river navigations. Notable… … Wikipedia