1 inland
I ['ɪnlənd]1) (not coastal) [area, navigation] interno2) BE (domestic) [mail, trade] internoII [ˌɪn'lænd]* * *1. ['inlənd] adjective1) (not beside the sea: inland areas.) interno2) (done etc inside a country: inland trade.) interno2. adverb(in, or towards, the parts of the land away from the sea: These flowers grow better inland.) nell'entroterra* * *inland (1) /ˈɪnlənd/A n.interno del paese; retroterra; entroterraB a.1 situato nel retroterra; dell'entroterra; racchiuso fra terre emerse; (dell') interno: an inland district, una regione dell'entroterra; an inland sea, un mare interno2 (econ., comm.) interno: inland trade, commercio interno; inland consumption, consumo interno; (fisc.) inland duty, dazio interno; inland navigation, navigazione interna ( fluviale o per idrovie)● (fin.) inland bill, cambiale interna; cambiale pagabile all'interno □ (fisc.) inland revenue, imposte e dazi interni; gettito fiscale; erario, fisco □ inland-revenue stamp, bollo fiscale □ inland waterways, canali navigabili; idrovie interne.inland (2) /ɪnˈlænd/avv.all'interno; verso l'interno; nell'entroterra: to go inland, andare verso l'interno ( d'un paese); to live inland, abitare nell'entroterra.* * *I ['ɪnlənd]1) (not coastal) [area, navigation] interno2) BE (domestic) [mail, trade] internoII [ˌɪn'lænd] -
2 navigation
[ˌnævɪ'geɪʃn]nome navigazione f. (anche inform.)* * *noun (the art or skill of navigating.) navigazione* * *navigation /nævɪˈgeɪʃn/n. [u]1 (naut., aeron.) navigazione: inland navigation, navigazione interna; air (o aerial) navigation, navigazione aerea; river navigation, navigazione fluviale3 (naut.) nautica● (naut.) navigation lights, fanali di via □ (naut., aeron.) navigation officer, ufficiale di rotta.* * *[ˌnævɪ'geɪʃn]nome navigazione f. (anche inform.)
См. также в других словарях:
Inland navigation — Navigation Nav i*ga tion, n. [L. navigatio: cf. F. navigation.] 1. The act of navigating; the act of passing on water in ships or other vessels; the state of being navigable. [1913 Webster] 2. (a) The science or art of conducting ships or vessels … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Inland navigation — is transport with ships via inland water (canals, rivers etc.) between inland ports or quays and wharfs … Wikipedia
inland navigation — noun The passage of boats or vessels on rivers, lakes, or canals within a country • • • Main Entry: ↑inland … Useful english dictionary
inland navigation — Navigation upon waters lying wholly within the boundaries of a state, and hence not including any of the great lakes. Moore v American Transportation Co. (US) 24 How 1, 16 L Ed 674. Navigation upon inland waters. See inland rules of navigation;… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation — is an agency under the State government of Kerala, that oversees the shipping and inland navigation matters of the state … Wikipedia
Association of Inland Navigation Authorities — The Association of Inland Navigation Authorities (AINA) is an unincorporated membership organisation in the United Kingdom. Membership is available for navigation authorities in the United Kingdom who have legal responsibility for managing an… … Wikipedia
Navigation — Nav i*ga tion, n. [L. navigatio: cf. F. navigation.] 1. The act of navigating; the act of passing on water in ships or other vessels; the state of being navigable. [1913 Webster] 2. (a) The science or art of conducting ships or vessels from one… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Inland Electronic Navigational Charts — Based on the findings of the European transport R D project INDRIS (Inland Navigation Demonstrator for River Information Services) and the German project ARGO in 2001, both the Danube and the Rhine Commissions adopted an Inland Electronic Chart… … Wikipedia
navigation — noun 1 movement of ships, aircraft, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate ▪ safe ▪ inland, ocean (esp. AmE), river, sea (esp. BrE), underwater … Collocations dictionary
inland — Within a country, state or territory; within the interior part of a land mass. In old English law, inland was used for the demesne (q.v.) of a manor; that part which lay next or most convenient for the lord s mansion house, as within the view… … Black's law dictionary
inland — Within a country, state or territory; within the interior part of a land mass. In old English law, inland was used for the demesne (q.v.) of a manor; that part which lay next or most convenient for the lord s mansion house, as within the view… … Black's law dictionary