1 letsel
1 injury♦voorbeelden:iemand zwaar lichamelijk letsel toebrengen • inflict grievous bodily harm on someonelichamelijk letsel oplopen • sustain physical injuryhij is er zonder letsel afgekomen • he escaped without injury -
2 verwonding
♦voorbeelden:iemand een verwonding toebrengen • inflict an injury on someone, wound/injure someone -
3 lichamelijk letsel oplopen
lichamelijk letsel oplopen————————lichamelijk letsel oplopenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > lichamelijk letsel oplopen
n. first aid, emergency treatment for injury (usually before regular medical aid is available) -
5 agrafie
n. agraphia, inability to write as a result of a brain injury -
6 amnesie
n. amnesia, condition caused by illness or injury and characterized by forgetfulness -
7 autogordel
n. belt that straps one into a seat in order to prevent injury in case of an accident -
8 blessure
n. injury -
9 blessuretijd
n. injury time -
10 blessuur
n. injury, hurt, wound, harm, damage -
11 boksbeugel
n. knuckle duster, brass knuckles, type of metallic weapons worn on the hand to cause injury when punching -
12 boksijzer
n. knuckle duster, brass knuckles, type of metallic weapons worn on the hand to cause injury when punching -
13 commensaal
adj. eating together at one table; living alongside or inside one another without causing harm or injury (plants & animals); living in the same area but with different lifestyle and values (people) -
14 contusie
n. contusion, bruise, injury, swelling -
15 convalescent
n. convalescent, one who is recovering from an illness or injury, one who is recuperating -
16 detriment
n. detriment, damage, harm, injury -
17 doodwond
n. fatal wound, deadly injury -
18 eerste hulp
n. first aid, emergency treatment for injury -
19 geboortetrauma
n. birth trauma, injury resulting from childbirth -
20 geheugenverlies
n. amnesia, condition caused by illness or injury and characterized by forgetfulness
См. также в других словарях:
injury — in·ju·ry n pl ries [Latin injuria, from injurus injurious, from in not + jur jus right] 1: an act that wrongs or harms another; specif: a violation of a legally protected interest (as the physical or mental well being, property, reputation, or… … Law dictionary
injury — in‧ju‧ry [ˈɪndʒəri] noun injuries PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] 1. physical harm to a person, for example in an accident: • Mr. Lewis was awarded $75,000 as compensation for injuries suffered in the accident. • absence from work due to… … Financial and business terms
Injury — is damage to a biological organism which can be classified on various bases. Contents 1 Classification 1.1 By cause 1.2 By location 1.3 By activity … Wikipedia
injury — 1 Injury, hurt, damage, harm, mischief mean the act or the result of inflicting on a person or thing something that causes loss or pain. Injury is the comprehensive term referable to an act or to a result of that act which involves a violation of … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Injury — In ju*ry, n.; pl. {Injuries}. [OE. injurie, L. injuria, fr. injurius injurious, wrongful, unjust; pref. in not + jus, juris, right, law, justice: cf. F. injure. See {Just}, a.] Any damage or hurt done to a person or thing; detriment to, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
injury — (n.) late 14c., harm, damage, loss; a specific injury, from Anglo Fr. injurie wrongful action, from L. injuria wrong, hurt, injustice, insult, noun use of fem. of injurius wrongful, unjust, from in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + jus… … Etymology dictionary
injury — [n] hurt, harm abrasion, abuse, affliction, affront, agony, bad, bite, blemish, boo boo*, bruise, burn, chop, cramp, cut, damage, deformation, detriment, discomfiture, disservice, distress, evil, fracture, gash, grievance, hemorrhage, ill,… … New thesaurus
injury — ► NOUN (pl. injuries) 1) an instance of being injured. 2) the fact of being injured; harm or damage. ORIGIN Latin injuria a wrong … English terms dictionary
injury — [in′jə rē] n. pl. injuries [ME iniurie < L injuria < injurius, wrongful, unjust < in , not + jus (gen. juris), right, justice: see JUST1] 1. physical harm or damage to a person, property, etc. 2. an injurious act; specif., a) an offense… … English World dictionary
injury — Any wrong or damage done to another, either in his person, rights, reputation, or property. The invasion of any legally protected interest of another. Restatement, Second, Torts, No. 7. Absolute injuries. Injuries to those rights which a person… … Black's law dictionary
injury — Any wrong or damage done to another, either in his person, rights, reputation, or property. The invasion of any legally protected interest of another. Restatement, Second, Torts, No. 7. Absolute injuries. Injuries to those rights which a person… … Black's law dictionary