1 initial source of supply
Логистика: первичный источник поступленияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > initial source of supply
2 initial source of supply
English-Russian dictionary of logistics > initial source of supply
3 current supply
1. подвод тока2. электропитаниеdual supply — двойное электропитание; двойная подача
3. источник токаelectrical supply — источник тока; подача электроэнергии
4 power supply
1. питание; подвод энергии, мощности; энергоснабжение2. источник питания -
5 external power supply
1. внешний источник питания2. внешний источник энергииelectrical supply — источник тока; подача электроэнергии
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > external power supply
6 medical gas supply
7 uninterrupted power supply
English-Russian big medical dictionary > uninterrupted power supply
8 uninterruptible power supply
English-Russian big medical dictionary > uninterruptible power supply
9 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал3) электродвижущая сила, эдс•voltage across smth — напряжение на чем-л.;voltage applied to smth — напряжение, приложенное к чему-л.;voltage between phases — междуфазное [линейное\] напряжение;voltage to earth [to ground\] — напряжение относительно земли;to handle voltage — выдерживать напряжение;-
ac voltage
accelerating voltage
active component voltage
active voltage
actuating voltage
adjusting voltage
aging voltage
allowable voltage
alternating voltage
alternator field voltage
anode voltage
applied voltage
arc voltage
arc-drop voltage
arcing voltage
arc-stream voltage
average voltage
back voltage
background ionization voltage
backward voltage
balanced voltage
balancing voltage
bandgap voltage
barrier voltage
bar-to-bar voltage
base voltage
battery voltage
bias voltage
bidirectional voltage
black-out voltage
blanking voltage
blocking voltage
branch voltage
breakdown voltage
breakover voltage
bridge supply voltage
bucking voltage
built-in voltage
burning voltage
burnout voltage
bus voltage
calibration voltage
capacitor voltage
carrier voltage
category voltage
catenary voltage
cathode voltage
ceiling voltage
cell voltage
charge voltage
circuit voltage
clamp voltage
clock voltage
closed-circuit voltage
commercial-frequency voltage
commercial-frequency withstand voltage
common-mode voltage
commutating voltage
commutator voltage
compensating voltage
complex voltage
component voltage
constant voltage
contact voltage
control voltage
convergence voltage
corona voltage
corona-onset voltage
counter voltage
crest voltage
critical corona voltage
critical visual corona voltage
critical voltage
current-noise voltage
current-resistance voltage
cutoff voltage
cycling voltage
dc recovery voltage
dc voltage
decelerating voltage
decomposition voltage
deflecting voltage
delta voltage
design voltage
dielectric breakdown voltage
direct voltage
direct-axis component voltage behind transient reactance
direct-axis subtransient internal voltage
direct-axis subtransient voltage
direct-axis synchronous internal voltage
direct-axis synchronous voltage
direct-axis transient internal voltage
direct-axis transient voltage
discharge extinction voltage
discharge inception voltage
discharge ionization voltage
discharge voltage
disruptive discharge voltage
disruptive voltage
dissymmetrical voltage
disturbance voltage
driving voltage
drop-away voltage
dry withstand voltage
effective voltage
electric cell voltage
electrode voltage
end voltage
end-point voltage
equilibrium voltage
equivalent input noise voltage
error voltage
excess voltage
excitation voltage
exciter voltage
extinction voltage
extinguishing voltage
extrahigh voltage
Faraday voltage
fatal voltage
feedback voltage
field voltage
filament voltage
final acceleration voltage
final voltage
fire-back voltage
firing voltage
flash test voltage
flashover voltage
floating voltage
flyback voltage
focusing voltage
focus voltage
formation voltage
forward voltage
gas-discharge maintaining voltage
gate nontrigger voltage
gate trigger voltage
gate turn-off voltage
gate voltage
gating voltage
generated voltage
generator voltage
glow-discharge sustaining voltage
grid driving voltage
ground voltage
Hall voltage
heater voltage
high voltage
high-level voltage
ignition voltage
impedance voltage
impressed voltage
impulse testing voltage
impulse voltage
impulse withstand voltage
induced body voltage
induced voltage
inductance voltage
initial ionization voltage
initial voltage
injected voltage
in-phase voltage
input voltage
instantaneous voltage
interference voltage
internal voltage
inverse voltage
ionizing voltage
junction voltage
keep-alive voltage
lagging voltage
leading voltage
leakage reactance voltage
leakage voltage
lightning impulse flashover voltage
lightning impulse voltage
lightning impulse withstanding voltage
lightning induced voltage
limit voltage
limiting voltage
line voltage
linearity trim voltage
line-to-earth voltage
line-to-line voltage
loading voltage
load voltage
locked rotor voltage
locking voltage
logic threshold voltage
low voltage
low-level voltage
mains voltage
maintaining voltage
maximum operating voltage
maximum-power-point voltage
medium voltage
modulation voltage
negative phase-sequence voltage
negative sequence voltage
net voltage
neutral-to-ground voltage
nodal voltage
noise voltage
no-load field voltage
no-load voltage
nominal excitation ceiling voltage
nominal voltage
normal voltage
off-load voltage
offset voltage
off-standard voltage
off-state voltage
one-minute test voltage
one-minute withstand voltage
on-load voltage
on-state voltage
open-circuit secondary voltage
open-circuit voltage
operate voltage
operating supply voltage
operating voltage
out-of-phase voltage
output voltage
pace voltage
partial discharge extinction voltage
partial discharge inception voltage
peak arc voltage
peak reverse voltage
peak voltage
peak-point voltage
peak-to-peak ripple voltage
peak-to-peak voltage
per unit voltage
periodic voltage
permissible voltage
phase voltage
phase-to-ground voltage
phase-to-phase voltage
pickup voltage
pinch-off voltage
plate voltage
polarization voltage
positive-phase-sequence voltage
positive-sequence voltage
power-frequency voltage
preset voltage
presparkover voltage
primary voltage
probe voltage
protection voltage
psophometric voltage
pull-in voltage
pull-out voltage
pulsating voltage
pulse breakdown voltage
pulse noise voltage
punch-through voltage
puncture voltage
quadrature-axis component voltage behind transient reactance
quadrature-axis subtransient internal voltage
quadrature-axis subtransient voltage
quadrature-axis synchronous internal voltage
quadrature-axis synchronous voltage
quadrature-axis transient internal voltage
quadrature-axis transient voltage
quiescent input voltage
quiescent output voltage
radio interference voltage
rated impulse withstand voltage
rated temperature-rise voltage
rated voltage
reach-through voltage
reactance voltage
receiver voltage
receiving-end voltage
recovery voltage
rectified voltage
reduced voltage
reference voltage
reignition voltage
release voltage
repetitive voltage
residual voltage
resistance voltage
resonance voltage
response voltage
restoring voltage
restraining voltage
restriking voltage
reverse voltage
ring voltage
ring-to-ring voltage
ripple voltage
root-mean-square voltage
running voltage
safety extralow voltage
saturation voltage
sawtooth voltage
secondary voltage
self-induction voltage
sending-end voltage
sense voltage
service voltage
shift voltage
shock voltage
short-circuit voltage
shorting voltage
shot-noise voltage
signal voltage
sine-curve voltage
sine voltage
sine-wave voltage
sinusoidal voltage
slip-ring voltage
smoothed dc voltage
source voltage
spark-gap breakdown voltage
sparking voltage
sparkover voltage
speed-induced voltage
speed voltage
spot cutoff voltage
square-wave voltage
stabilized voltage
standard voltage
star voltage
starting voltage
static breakdown voltage
station auxiliaries voltage
steady-state voltage
step voltage
stray voltage
striking voltage
subtransient internal voltage
subtransient voltage
superimposed voltage
supply voltage
supply-line voltage
surge voltage
sustaining voltage
sweep voltage
swing voltage
switching surge voltage
switching voltage
symmetrical voltage
synchronous generator internal voltage
synchronous generator voltage
system voltage
tank voltage
tapping voltage
temperature voltage
terminal voltage
testing voltage
test voltage
thermal noise voltage
thermocouple voltage
thermoelectric voltage
threshold voltage
tooth voltage
touch voltage
transient internal voltage
transient recovery voltage
transient voltage
transmission-line voltage
trigger voltage
tuning voltage
turnoff voltage
ultor voltage
ultrahigh voltage
unbalanced voltage
unidirectional voltage
upper voltage
variable voltage
welding voltage
welding-arc voltage
wet switching surge withstand voltage
wet withstand voltage
withstanding voltage
withstand voltage
working voltage
zener voltage
zero-phase-sequence voltage
zero-sequence voltage -
10 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал•- accelerating voltagevoltage across — напряжение на (напр. зажимах)
- acceleration voltage
- active voltage
- actuating voltage
- allowable voltage
- alternating voltage
- anode voltage
- anode breakdown voltage
- anode-cathode voltage
- anode-to-cathode voltage
- applied voltage
- arc voltage
- arc-drop voltage
- asymptotic breakdown voltage
- avalanche voltage
- avalanche breakdown voltage
- average voltage
- back voltage
- balanced voltages
- barrier voltage
- base voltage
- baseband voltage
- base-to-emitter voltage
- bath voltage
- bias voltage
- birefringence threshold voltage
- black-out voltage
- blanking voltage
- blocking voltage
- blue video voltage
- booster voltage
- branch voltage
- breakdown voltage
- breakover voltage
- bridge supply voltage
- bucking voltage
- built-in voltage
- bus voltage
- calibration voltage
- capacitor voltage
- catcher voltage
- cathode voltage
- cathode sheath voltage
- cathode storage-element equilibrium voltage
- cell voltage
- charge voltage
- circuit voltage
- clamp voltage
- clock voltage
- closed-circuit voltage
- coercive voltage
- collector voltage
- collector breakdown voltage
- collector storage-element equilibrium voltage
- collector-to-base voltage
- collector-to-emitter voltage
- color voltage
- commercial-frequency voltage
- common-mode voltage
- commutating voltage
- compensating voltage
- complex voltage
- compliance voltage
- composite controlling voltage
- computer voltage
- constant voltage
- contact voltage
- control voltage
- control-circuit voltage
- convergence voltage
- corona start voltage
- counter voltage
- crest voltage
- critical voltage
- critical anode voltage
- critical grid voltage
- crossover voltage
- current-resistance voltage
- cutoff voltage
- dc voltage
- decelerating voltage
- decomposition voltage
- deflecting voltage
- derivative voltage
- dielectric breakdown voltage
- differential-mode voltage
- dipole voltage
- dipole barrier voltage
- direct voltage
- discharge voltage
- disruptive discharge voltage
- domain voltage
- drain voltage
- driving voltage
- drop-away voltage
- drop-out voltage
- effective voltage
- electric voltage
- electrode voltage
- emitter voltage
- equilibrium voltage
- error voltage
- excess voltage
- excess domain voltage
- excitation voltage
- extinction voltage
- extinguishing voltage
- extra-high voltage
- Faraday voltage
- field voltage
- filament voltage
- final voltage
- firing voltage
- first breakdown voltage
- first crossover voltage
- flashback voltage
- flashover voltage
- flat-band voltage
- floating voltage
- fluctuation voltage
- flyback voltage
- focusing voltage
- formation voltage
- forming voltage
- forward voltage
- forward breakover voltage
- forward gate voltage
- fuel-cell voltage
- gate voltage
- gate nontrigger voltage
- gate trigger voltage
- gate turn-off voltage
- generated voltage
- gradient-established storage-element equilibrium voltage
- green-video voltage
- grid voltage
- half-wave voltage
- Hall voltage
- heater voltage
- high voltage
- high-level voltage
- holding voltage
- ignition voltage
- impressed voltage
- induced voltage
- inflection-point voltage
- initial voltage
- initial inverse voltage
- injected voltage
- in-phase voltage
- input voltage
- input error voltage
- interference voltage
- internal correction voltage
- inverse voltage
- ionization voltage
- junction voltage
- keep-alive voltage
- kickback voltage
- line voltage
- link voltage
- load voltage
- logical-threshold voltage
- low-level voltage
- magnetron critical voltage
- mains voltage
- maintaining voltage
- mask voltage
- minimum off-state voltage
- neutralizing voltage
- node voltage
- node-to-datum voltage
- noise voltage
- no-load voltage
- nominal voltage
- offset voltage
- off-load voltage
- off-state voltage
- on-load voltage
- on-state voltage
- open-circuit voltage
- operating voltage
- oscillating voltage
- out-of-balance voltages
- out-of-phase voltage
- output voltage
- output offset voltage
- pace voltage
- peak voltage
- peak inverse voltage
- peak-point voltage
- peak reverse voltage
- peak-to-peak voltage
- periodic voltage
- permissible voltage
- phase voltage
- photoelectric voltage
- pickup voltage
- pinch-off voltage
- plate voltage
- polarizing voltage
- poling voltage
- primary voltage
- principal voltage
- projected peak-point voltage
- psophometric voltage
- pull-in voltage
- pulsating voltage
- pump voltage
- punch-through voltage
- puncture voltage
- push-pull voltages
- push-push -voltages
- rail voltage
- rated voltage
- rated impulse withstand voltage
- reactive voltage
- rectified voltage
- rectifier-load voltage
- red video voltage
- reference voltage
- reflector voltage
- reignition voltage
- residual voltage
- resistance voltage
- resonance voltage
- reverse voltage
- reverse-bias voltage
- reverse-bias breakdown voltage
- ripple voltage
- root-mean-square voltage
- saturation voltage
- sawtooth voltage
- scanning voltage
- screen-grid voltage
- secondary voltage
- secondary-emission crossover voltage
- second-crossover voltage
- self-breakdown voltage
- self-firing voltage
- self-induction voltage
- shot-noise voltage
- signal voltage
- single-ended input voltage
- single-ended output voltage
- sinusoidal voltage
- source voltage
- square-wave voltage
- stabilized voltage
- staircase voltage
- starter breakdown voltage
- starting voltage
- step voltage
- storage-element equilibrium voltage
- supply voltage
- surge voltage
- sweep voltage
- swing voltage
- switching voltage
- synchronousvoltage
- tank voltage
- target voltage
- temperature voltage
- thermocouple voltage
- thermoelectric voltage
- threshold voltage
- time-base voltage
- touch voltage
- tree-branch voltage
- tunnel breakdown voltage
- ultrahigh voltage
- unit step voltage
- valley voltage
- variable voltage
- working voltage
- Zener voltage -
11 point
1) точка2) остриё, острый конец || заострять4) положение; позиция; координата ( рабочего органа)5) указывать; ориентировать, наводить6) место; пункт11) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка; остряк, перо ( стрелочного перевода)13) расшивать швы ( кладки)16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент (ручки, карандаша)17) пищ. оценочный балл•point at infinity — бесконечно удалённая точка;to point off — отводить ( в сторону);to pass through a point — проходить через точку-
Abel flash point
acid dew point
actual point
acute round needle point
addressable point
adherent point
aerodrome check point
aerodrome reference point
agate arrestment point
aggregative transition point
agreed reporting point
aiming point
air supply breathing point
aircraft fire point
alternator pivot point
anchor point
anchorage point
aniline point
annealing point
antinodal point
aplantic points
arch work point
arithmetic point
array feed point
assumed point
attachment point
automatic point
azeotropic point
backoff point
backward stagnation point
balance point
base point
bend point
bending yield point
binary point
bleeding point
bleed point
blow point
blunt round needle point
boiling point
boundary point
branch point
breaker point
break-in point
breaking point
brittle point
bubble point
bucking point
bullet point
burble point
burn point
burning point
burnout point
burster point
cardinal points
casing point
central point
changeover point
characteristic point
check point
chemical-pinch point
chilling point
chisel point
clearing point
close spread collar point
closed flash point
cloud point
cold point
collinear points
collocation point
common depth point
compass points
concyclic points
condensation point
congelation point
consolute point
consumption point of current
contact point
contactor points
control point
control transfer point
corona point
correct point
coupler pivot point
coupling point
critical point
crossing point
crossover point
cryogen boiling point
Curie point
cuspidal point
cut point
cutoff point
cutting point
datum point
dead point
decimal point
defined point
delivery point
demixing point
dendritic point
depth reference point
destination point
destruction point
detonation point
dew point
dial indicator contact point
diamond grinding point
diamond point
directional kickoff point
discharge point
dispatching point
dispersion point
distinct curve collar point
distinct points
distinguished point
distribution point
double point
drain point
draw point
drawoff point
driving point
dropping point
dry point
dryout point
early warning point
edit point
edit-in point
edit-out point
elevation point
elliptic point
emission point
end point
energy breakeven point
entry point
entry-exit points
equal time point
equilibrium point
eutectic point
exclamation point
exhaustion end point
exit point
exterior point
extraction point
face point
fashioning point
fatigue point
feeding point
fiber saturation point
fiducial point
filling point
filling-in point
film entry point
film leaving point
final approach point
final boiling point
fine point
fire point
firing point
fixed point
flame break point
flare point
flash point
flexion point
flight reference point
flight way point
floating point
floc point
flooding point
flow point
flywheel dead point
focal point
forced open point
forward stagnation point
fouling point
freeze point
freezing point
French point
frontier point
frost point
fuel injection point
fuel servicing point
full point
fusing point
gage point
gaging point
gas hydrate formation point
gas point
geodetic point
glazier's point
gloss point
grasp point
grid point
grouped service points
half point
hammer point
hard points
heat point
heavy ball needle point
heavy rounded set needle point
heavy set needle point
holding point
hopper work point
horizontal control point
ice point
ignition point
image point
impact point
incongruent melting point
index point
infeed changeover point
initial point
injection point
insertion point
integral point
intended landing point
intercardinal point
interception point
intercept point
interior point
interlocked point
isoelectric point
jacking point
junction point
knee point
laminar separation point
landfall point of the storm
last departure point
lattice point
leaving point
leveling point
level point
lifter point
lifting point
lift-off point
light ball needle point
light rounded set needle point
light set needle point
limiting point
limit point
linking point
load point
loading point
load-unload point
long collar point
lower yield point
lubrication point
machine home point
macroyield point
maker point
matching point
matrix point
maximum power point
measurement point
measure point
medium ball needle point
melting point
mesh point
mid-boiling point
mixed melting point
movable point
multiple point
needle point
neutral point
nodal point
node point
noise measurement point
normal round needle point
observation point
open point
operation point
optimum point
panel point
paper point
paraffin crystallization point
peak point
pelerine point
pen point
pickup point
piercing point
pile stoppage point
pinch point
pinning point
pitch point
pivotal point
pivot point
plait point
plow point
point of absolute zero
point of arrival
point of contraflexure
point of curve
point of departure
point of discontinuity
point of distance
point of engagement
point of fault
point of force application
point of graph
point of hook
point of increase
point of inflection
point of intersection
point of load application
point of looper
point of maximum
point of minimum
point of no return
point of occlusion
point of sight
point of support
point of tangency
point of tree
porous point
pour point
power point
precision point
preroll point
primary calibration point
principal point
probe point
projected peak point
pullout point
quadrantal point
quarter-span point
quarter point
quiescent operating point
radix point
reaction point
receiving point
reentry point
reference point
reflection depth point
refraction depth point
regional heat point
reporting point
rerun point
ripper point
rounded set needle point
saddle point
salient point
saturation point
sectioning point
set needle point
set point
setting point
shot point
sighting point
singing point
single defect point
single point
singular point
sintering point
slinging point
smoke point
softening point
solder termination point
solidification point
source point
special ball needle point
spring point
square collar point
stable point
stadia point
stagnation point
star point
stationary breaker point
stitch transfer point
stuck point
subsatellite point
support point
surveying point
survey point
switch point
switching point
takeoff point
tangent point
tapping point
terminal point
termination point
test point
thaw point
thermal critical point
thermodynamic point
third point
threshold point
tie point
toll point
tool point
touch point
touchdown point
towing point
tow point
trailing point
transfer initiation point
transfer point
transformation point
transit point
transition point
trap point
triangulation point
triple point
tripping point
true molal boiling point
turning point
umbilical point
unload point
unloading point
upper yield point
valley point
vanishing point
vertical control point
visible point
vitrifying point
volumetric boiling point
water supply point
wax dropout point
weight boiling point
weight-drop point
well point
wiring point
word break point
working point
yield point
zero point -
12 material
n1) материал, вещество2) данные, факты, материал
- advertising material
- advertising and display material
- artificial material
- auxiliary material
- available material
- base material
- basic material
- building material
- bulk materials
- census material
- cheap material
- classified material
- commercial material
- competitive material
- construction material
- consumable material
- contaminating materials
- copyright material
- covering material
- critical material
- crude material
- customer's material
- dangerous materials
- defective material
- defence materials
- deficient raw materials
- descriptive material
- direct materials
- documentary material
- domestic raw materials
- durable material
- educational material
- expendable material
- experimental material
- fabricated materials
- faulty material
- finishing material
- first-grade material
- granular material
- high grade material
- high-quality material
- illustrated materials
- illustrative materials
- imported raw materials
- improper material
- indirect materials
- information material
- initial material
- inventory materials
- key materials
- key raw materials
- less costly material
- local material
- low-grade material
- manmade materials
- mined materials
- mineral raw materials
- nonproductive materials
- nonstandard material
- operational materials
- original material
- original raw materials
- packaging materials
- packing materials
- plastic materials
- primary material
- printed material
- production materials
- productive material
- promotional material
- protective material
- publicity material
- raw materials
- rejected material
- scarce material
- secondary raw materials
- selected materials
- source material
- standard material
- statistical material
- strategic material
- strategic raw materials
- structural materials
- substandard material
- superior material
- supporting material
- surplus material
- unfit material
- unused material
- used material
- useless material
- vegetable raw materials
- war materials
- waterproof material
- material for official use
- material in short supply
- materials on hand
- materials on order
- check material
- choose material
- circulate materials
- deliver material
- distribute materials
- economize material
- economize on material
- employ material
- examine material
- furnish materials
- inspect material
- obtain material
- present material
- process material
- procure material
- provide material
- reject material
- require material
- save material
- save on material
- select material
- send out materials
- store material
- supply material
- use materialEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > material
13 star-delta starting
пуск переключением со звезды на треугольник
star-delta starting
the process of starting a three-phase motor by connecting it to the supply with the primary winding initially connected in star, then reconnected in delta for the running condition
[IEV number 411-52-16]FR
démarrage étoile-triangle
mode de démarrage d'un moteur triphasé à tension réduite, consistant à relier à la source à tension constante les enroulements statoriques, d'abord en couplage étoile, puis à passer au couplage triangle pour le fonctionnement normal
[IEV number 411-52-16]Magnetic only circuit-breaker - Автоматический выключатель с электромагнитным расцепителем
Y/Δ changeover node - Узел переключения со звезды на треугольник
Contactor KL - Контактор KL
Thermal relay - Тепловое реле
Contactor KΔ - Контактор KΔ
Contactor KY- Контактор KY
Параллельные тексты EN-RU Star-delta Y/Δ starting
Star-delta starting is the best known system and perhaps the commonest starting system at reduced voltage; it is used to start the motor reducing the mechanical stresses and limiting the current values during starting; on the other hand, it makes available a reduced inrush torque.This system can be used for motors with terminal box with 6 terminals and double supply voltage.
It is particularly suitable for no-load starting or with low and constant load torque or lightly increasing load torque, such as in the case of fans or low power centrifugal pumps.
Making reference to the diagram of Figure 6, the starting modality foresees the initial phase with star-connection of the windings to be realized through the closing of the circuit-breaker, of the line contactor KL and of the star contactor KY.
After a suitable predetermined period of time, the opening of the contactor KY and the closing of KΔ allow switching to delta-connection, which is also the configuration of normal running position.
[ABB]Пуск переключением со звезды на треугольник
Пуск переключением со звезды на треугольник является самым известным способом и, возможно, самой распространенной схемой пуска на пониженном напряжении. С одной стороны, этот способ используется для снижения механических нагрузок и ограничения пускового тока, а с другой - обеспечивает уменьшение пускового момента.Такая возможность может быть реализована в двигателях с шестью зажимами в выводной коробке, что позволяет питать его от двух напряжений.
Особенно этот способ подходит для ненагруженного пуска и пуска с низким постоянным или немного увеличивающимся вращающим моментом, например, для пуска вентиляторов или маломощных центробежных насосов.
Схема пуска переключением со звезды на треугольник представлена на рисунке 6. В начальный момент пуска обмотки статора соединяют звездой путем замыкания контактов автоматического выключателя, линейного контактора KL и контактора KY со схемой "звезда".
По истечении заданного времени контакты контактора KY размыкаются и замыкаются контакты контактора КΔ со схемой треугольник.
В результате выполняется переключение обмоток статора со схемы «звезда» на схему «треугольник».
Обе схемы соединения обмоток являются схемами нормального рабочего режима.
[Перевод Интент]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
- star-delta starting
- Y/Δ starting
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > star-delta starting
14 Y/Δ starting
пуск переключением со звезды на треугольник
star-delta starting
the process of starting a three-phase motor by connecting it to the supply with the primary winding initially connected in star, then reconnected in delta for the running condition
[IEV number 411-52-16]FR
démarrage étoile-triangle
mode de démarrage d'un moteur triphasé à tension réduite, consistant à relier à la source à tension constante les enroulements statoriques, d'abord en couplage étoile, puis à passer au couplage triangle pour le fonctionnement normal
[IEV number 411-52-16]Magnetic only circuit-breaker - Автоматический выключатель с электромагнитным расцепителем
Y/Δ changeover node - Узел переключения со звезды на треугольник
Contactor KL - Контактор KL
Thermal relay - Тепловое реле
Contactor KΔ - Контактор KΔ
Contactor KY- Контактор KY
Параллельные тексты EN-RU Star-delta Y/Δ starting
Star-delta starting is the best known system and perhaps the commonest starting system at reduced voltage; it is used to start the motor reducing the mechanical stresses and limiting the current values during starting; on the other hand, it makes available a reduced inrush torque.This system can be used for motors with terminal box with 6 terminals and double supply voltage.
It is particularly suitable for no-load starting or with low and constant load torque or lightly increasing load torque, such as in the case of fans or low power centrifugal pumps.
Making reference to the diagram of Figure 6, the starting modality foresees the initial phase with star-connection of the windings to be realized through the closing of the circuit-breaker, of the line contactor KL and of the star contactor KY.
After a suitable predetermined period of time, the opening of the contactor KY and the closing of KΔ allow switching to delta-connection, which is also the configuration of normal running position.
[ABB]Пуск переключением со звезды на треугольник
Пуск переключением со звезды на треугольник является самым известным способом и, возможно, самой распространенной схемой пуска на пониженном напряжении. С одной стороны, этот способ используется для снижения механических нагрузок и ограничения пускового тока, а с другой - обеспечивает уменьшение пускового момента.Такая возможность может быть реализована в двигателях с шестью зажимами в выводной коробке, что позволяет питать его от двух напряжений.
Особенно этот способ подходит для ненагруженного пуска и пуска с низким постоянным или немного увеличивающимся вращающим моментом, например, для пуска вентиляторов или маломощных центробежных насосов.
Схема пуска переключением со звезды на треугольник представлена на рисунке 6. В начальный момент пуска обмотки статора соединяют звездой путем замыкания контактов автоматического выключателя, линейного контактора KL и контактора KY со схемой "звезда".
По истечении заданного времени контакты контактора KY размыкаются и замыкаются контакты контактора КΔ со схемой треугольник.
В результате выполняется переключение обмоток статора со схемы «звезда» на схему «треугольник».
Обе схемы соединения обмоток являются схемами нормального рабочего режима.
[Перевод Интент]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
- star-delta starting
- Y/Δ starting
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Y/Δ starting
15 operation
операция; кампания; боевые [военные] действия; бой; сражение; эксплуатация; обслуживание; работа; pl. оперативное управление [отдел, отделение]; см. тж. action, battle, combatcounter C3 operation — операция [действия] против систем руководства, управления и связи [оперативного управления и связи]
counternaval forces naval operation (in closed or open offshore areas) — морская операция по разгрому ВМС противника (в закрытых или прилегающих к побережью открытых морских районах)
— breaching operation— exploitation-type operation— guarding security operations— missile operations— tactical operations— urban ized operations* * * -
16 information
nинформация; данныеto carry information — помещать информацию / сведения ( в СМИ)
to classify information — засекречивать информацию / данные
to collect / to compile information — собирать информацию
to convey information to smb — передавать информацию кому-л.
to cover up information — скрывать / замалчивать / утаивать информацию
to delegate information (to) — посылать / направлять информацию (куда-л.)
to dig up information — добывать / откапывать информацию
to extract information — извлекать / добывать информацию
to feed false information to smb — снабжать кого-л. ложной информацией, дезинформировать кого-л.
to gain information — добывать информацию / сведения
to get information — добывать / получать информацию / сведения
to give information — давать / предоставлять информацию
to issue information — публиковать информацию / сведения
to pass information to smb — передавать информацию кому-л.
to receive information — получать информацию / сведения
to suppress information — скрывать / замалчивать / утаивать информацию; запрещать распространение информации
- advance informationto withhold from smb information about smth — скрывать от кого-л. информацию о чем-л.
- amount of information
- analysis of information
- ancillary information
- appropriate information
- background information - collection of information
- commercial information
- complete information
- confidential information
- consumer of information
- contradictory information
- current information
- detailed information
- directness of information
- disclosure of information
- dissemination of information
- diversion of information
- doctored information
- documentary information
- economic information
- exact information - false information
- first-hand information
- flow of information
- freedom of information
- general information
- government-approved information
- hard information
- health information
- imprecise information
- inadequate information
- incoming information
- incomplete information
- information from inside the government
- information on technical matters
- initial information
- input information
- inside information
- intelligence information
- international information
- latest information
- leak of information
- management information
- market information
- military information
- misleading information
- nonclassified information
- null information
- objective information
- off-the-record information
- output information
- pertinent information
- political information
- precise information
- preliminary information
- printed information
- private information
- privileged information
- processed information
- radio information
- reciprocal information
- relevant information
- reliable information
- scanty information
- scientific information
- secondhand information
- secret information
- selected information
- selection of information
- sensitive information
- sharing of information
- shrift information
- source information - statistical information
- supporting information
- technical information
- technological information
- top-secret information
- torrent of information
- transfer of information
- transmission of information
- true information
- updated information
- up-to-date information
- valuable information
- weather information -
17 data
n (pl от datum)(исходные) данные; факты, фактические сведения; информацияto collect data — собирать данные / информацию
to contribute data — представлять данные / информацию
to disseminate data — распространять данные / информацию
to gather data — собирать данные / факты / информацию
to organize data — систематизировать данные / информацию
to process data — обрабатывать данные / информацию
- adequate datato supply data — снабжать данными / информацией
- aggregate data
- analysis of data
- available data
- average statistical data
- basic data
- biographical data on the candidate
- business data
- collection of data
- compatibility of data
- comprehensive data
- conflicting data
- crude data
- demographic data
- detailed data
- economic data
- experimental data
- falsification of data
- final data
- finite data
- fragmentary data
- gap in the data
- inadequate data
- incompatible data
- incomplete data
- initial data
- input data
- intelligence data
- limited data
- military data
- obtainable data
- official data
- operating data
- operational data
- output data
- preliminary data
- primary data
- provisional data
- published data
- raw data
- reliable data
- restricted data
- retrieval of data
- scientific data
- source data
- statistical data
- storage of data
- summary data
- supplementary data
- supporting data
- technical data
- tentative data
- test data
- unofficial data
См. также в других словарях:
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