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  • 1 inform

    v. underrätta, meddela; informera; informera någon angående något; fylla (med känslor etc.); genomsyra
    * * *
    1) (to tell; to give knowledge to: Please inform me of your intentions in this matter; I was informed that you were absent from the office.) informera
    2) ((with against or on) to tell facts to eg the police about (a criminal etc): He informed against his fellow thieves.) uppträda som angivare []
    - information
    - informative
    - informer
    - information superhighway
    - information technology

    English-Swedish dictionary > inform

  • 2 acquaint

    v. lära känna; presentera någon; underrätta, meddela
    * * *
    1) (to make (usually oneself) familiar (with): You must acquaint yourself with the routine of the office.) bekanta sig, lära känna
    2) (to inform (a person) of: Have you acquainted her with your plans?) underrätta
    - be acquainted with
    - make someone's acquaintance

    English-Swedish dictionary > acquaint

  • 3 advise

    v. rådgiva; ge råd; meddela
    * * *
    1) (to give advice to; to recommend: My lawyer advises me to buy the house.) råda
    2) ((with of) to inform: This letter is to advise you of our interest in your proposal.) meddela

    English-Swedish dictionary > advise

  • 4 notify

    v. meddela, underrätta
    * * *
    (to inform or warn about something: He notified the headmaster of his intentions; If there has been an accident you must notify the police.) underrätta, varsko, anmäla

    English-Swedish dictionary > notify

  • 5 put (someone) wise

    (to tell, inform (someone) of the real facts.) göra ngt klart för ngn, öppna ngns ögon för ngt

    English-Swedish dictionary > put (someone) wise

  • 6 put (someone) wise

    (to tell, inform (someone) of the real facts.) göra ngt klart för ngn, öppna ngns ögon för ngt

    English-Swedish dictionary > put (someone) wise

  • 7 reference

    n. hänvisning; åberopande; anspelning; hänvändelse; hänvisningstecken; referens
    v. förse med hänvisningar (bok etc.)
    * * *
    1) ((an) act of referring (to something); a mention (of something): He made several references to her latest book; With reference to your request for information, I regret to inform you that I am unable to help you.) hänvisning, hänsyftning, refererande
    2) (a note about one's character, ability etc, eg when one applies for a new job: Our new secretary had excellent references from her previous employers.) referens
    3) (an indication in a book, report etc, showing where one got one's information or where further information can be found.) hänvisning

    English-Swedish dictionary > reference

  • 8 regret

    n. ånger; sorg
    v. vara ledsen över, ångra
    * * *
    [rə'ɡret] 1. past tense, past participle - regretted; verb
    (to be sorry about: I regret my foolish behaviour; I regret that I missed the concert; I regret missing the concert; I regret to inform you that your application for the job was unsuccessful.) vara ledsen över, beklaga, ångra
    2. noun
    (a feeling of sorrow, or of having done something wrong: I have no regrets / I feel no regret about what I did; It was with deep regret that I heard the news of his death.) ånger, ledsnad, sorg
    - regretfully
    - regrettable
    - regrettably

    English-Swedish dictionary > regret

  • 9 telegraph

    n. telegraf
    v. telegrafera
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a system of sending messages using either wires and electricity or radio: Send it by telegraph.) telegraf, telegram
    2) (an instrument for this: Send the message on the telegraph.) telegraf
    2. verb
    1) (to send by telegraph: He telegraphed the time of his arrival.) telegrafera
    2) (to inform by telegraph: He telegraphed us to say when he would arrive.) telegrafera till
    - telegraphy
    - telegraphic
    - telegraph pole

    English-Swedish dictionary > telegraph

  • 10 tell

    v. berätta; veta; urskilja, känna igen; befalla
    * * *
    1) (to inform or give information to (a person) about (something): He told the whole story to John; He told John about it.) tala om, berätta
    2) (to order or command; to suggest or warn: I told him to go away.) säga till (åt)
    3) (to say or express in words: to tell lies / the truth / a story.) säga, tala, berätta
    4) (to distinguish; to see (a difference); to know or decide: Can you tell the difference between them?; I can't tell one from the other; You can tell if the meat is cooked by/from the colour.) skilja, känna [], veta, avgöra
    5) (to give away a secret: You mustn't tell or we'll get into trouble.) tala om
    6) (to be effective; to be seen to give (good) results: Good teaching will always tell.) göra verkan, ge resultat
    - telling
    - tellingly
    - telltale
    - I told you so
    - tell off
    - tell on
    - tell tales
    - tell the time
    - there's no telling
    - you never can tell

    English-Swedish dictionary > tell

См. также в других словарях:

  • Inform — ist eine von Graham Nelson seit 1993 entwickelte objektorientierte Programmiersprache, in der Textadventures programmiert werden können. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 1.1 Weitere Sprachversionen 1.2 Deutsche Sprachversion …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Inform — est un langage de programmation optimisé pour la création de jeux en fiction interactive, créé en 1993 par Graham Nelson. Sommaire 1 Vue d ensemble 2 Inform 7 3 Notes et référ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • inform — in‧form [ɪnˈfɔːm ǁ ɔːrm] verb [transitive] to formally or officially tell someone about something or give them information: inform somebody (that) • We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful. inform somebody of/​about… …   Financial and business terms

  • inform — vb 1 Inform, animate, inspire, fire are comparable when they mean to infuse (a person or thing) with something (as a spirit, a principle, an idea, or a passion) that gives him or it effective power or an urge to action or activity. Sometimes,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Inform — en un un sistema de creación de aventuras conversacionales y un lenguaje de programación creado en 1993 por Graham Nelson. El sistema está dividido en dos partes: el compilador y la biblioteca, un conjunto de software que realiza las tareas de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • inform — INFÓRM, Ă, informi, e, adj. Care nu are o formă determinată sau un contur precis. fără formă; care este lucrat grosolan, care are forma nepotrivită, brută, dizgraţioasă. ♦ fig. Imperfect, nedesăvârşit. – Din fr. informe, lat. informis. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Inform — en un lenguaje de programación diseñado para realizar aventuras conversacionales, creado en 1993 por Graham Nelson. El sistema Inform esta compuesto por dos componentes: Compilador, que genera los archivos de historia desde el código fuente en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Inform — Тип исполнения: компилируемый Появился в: 1993 Автор(ы): Грэхем Нельсон Расширение файлов: .Z#, .inf, .Z5, .Z8 Inform  компилируемый объектно ориентированный язык программирования, во многом похожий на Си …   Википедия

  • Inform — In*form , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Informed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Informing}.] [OE. enformen, OF. enformer, F. informer. L. informare; pref. in in + formare to form, share, fr. forma form. See {Form}.] 1. To give form or share to; to give vital or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Inform — In*form , v. t. 1. To take form; to become visible or manifest; to appear. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] It is the bloody business which informs Thus to mine eyes. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To give intelligence or information; to tell. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • inform — I (betray) verb accuse, announce, bear witness against, betray the secret, break faith, break trust, charge, communicate, confess, declare, denounce, disclose, disclose intentionally, disclose secrets, divulge, expose, give over to the foe,… …   Law dictionary

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