1 independent rear suspension
Автомобильный термин: независимая задняя подвеска, независимая подвеска задних колёсУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > independent rear suspension
2 independent rear suspension
English-russian automobile dictionary > independent rear suspension
3 independent rear suspension
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > independent rear suspension
4 independent rear wheels suspension
Военный термин: независимая подвеска задних колесУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > independent rear wheels suspension
5 suspension
подвеска; подвешивание; приостановка; отсрочка- suspension additives - suspension attachment points - suspension bracket - suspension bridge - suspension forks - suspension lever - suspension lever pivot pin - suspension-test course - candle suspension - nose suspension - three-point suspension - three-point spring suspension - torque rod suspension - torque tube type suspension - torsion-bar suspension - torsional suspension - variable-rate suspension - wishbone suspension - wishbone type independent suspension -
6 suspension
- adaptive suspension
- air suspension
- all-independent suspension
- ball-joint suspension
- bogie suspension
- cab suspension
- conventional suspension
- double wishbone suspension
- electronically controlled suspension
- engine suspension
- equalizing beam suspension
- front suspension
- hydropneumatic suspension
- independent front suspension
- independent rear suspension
- independent suspension
- load-leveling air suspension
- McPherson strut suspension
- multilink suspension
- parallel trailing link suspension
- progressive-rate suspension
- rear suspension
- rigid suspension
- rubber suspension
- self-leveling suspension
- semi-active suspension
- semi-independent suspension
- soft suspension
- spring suspension
- torsion suspension
- torsion-bar suspension
- transverse leaf suspension
- twin A-arm suspension
- variable-rate suspension
- wishbone suspension* * ** * * -
7 independent
независимый; отдельный; раздельный; незакреплённый; изолированный; местный (о смазке); индивидуальный; свободностоящий- independent front wheels - independent magneto - independent oiler - independent power take-off - independent rear suspension - independent springing - independent suspension - independent suspension by guides and springs - independent suspension by parallel guides - independent suspension by parallelogram - independent suspension by swinging arms - independent suspension by vertical guides - independent suspension with torsion bar - independent trailer - independent wheel - independent wheel suspension - independent wheel suspension by guides and springs - independent wheel suspension by parallel guides - independent wheel suspension by parallelogram - independent wheel suspension by swinging arms - independent wheel suspension by vertical guides - independent wheel suspension with knee action -
8 suspension
1) взвесь, суспензия || суспензионный2) взвешенное состояние; взвешенность3) взвешивание4) подвес ( измерительного прибора)5) авто подвеска6) подвешивание; зависание8) приостановка•- contrahomology suspension -
9 suspension
1) (при)остановка; временное прекращение2) подвешивание3) подвеска4) взвесь, суспензия5) вчт. подвешивание, зависание (задачи, процесса)6) подвес; нить подвеса ( в измерительных приборах)•-
acoustic suspension
air-spring suspension
air suspension
antidive suspension
axle suspension
axlebox suspension
ball-joint suspension
bar suspension
bifilar suspension
bogie swing suspension
bolster suspension
Cardan's suspension
catalyst-oil suspension
catenary suspension
centerpoint suspension
chord catenary suspension
coarse coal-oil suspension
coarse suspension
compound catenary suspension
double catenary suspension
double fishbone suspension
double spring suspension
double transverse spring suspension
electrode suspension
electromagnetic suspension
engine suspension
fine coal-oil suspension
flexible suspension
food suspension
full coil suspension
helical spring primary suspension
inclined catenary suspension
independent suspension
leaf suspension
lug suspension
maglev suspension
McPherson suspension
medium coal-oil suspension
moving element suspension
outside swing hanger suspension
parallelogram linkage suspension
pendulum suspension
pneumatic suspension
primary suspension
rear suspension
rigid catenary suspension
rigid suspension
secondary suspension
semirigid suspension
simple catenary suspension
single-spring suspension
span-wire suspension
spring shackle suspension
spring suspension
structured suspension
swing suspension
telescopic suspension
torsional suspension
torsion suspension
two-stage secondary suspension
vibration suspension -
10 IRS
1) Компьютерная техника: Indian Remote Sensing Satellite, Intelligent Register System, Interchange Recors Separator2) Авиация: опорная инерциальная система3) Медицина: inherent rubeola syndrome4) Спорт: Iron Ring Stag5) Военный термин: In Range Shooting, Information And Recon Ships, Information Reporting System, Intelligence Requirements Subcommittee, Intelligence Research Specialist, Interface Requirements Specification, inactive reserve section, incremental range summary, induction and recruiting station, ineligible reserve section, informal routing slip, infrared reconnaissance set, infrared scanning, infrared sensor, infrared source, infrared spectrometer, infrared spectroscope, infrared suppression, infrared surveillance, inquiry and reporting system, inspection record sheet, instrumentation radar set, integrated record system, ionospheric radio signal, спецификация IRS (Interface Requirement Specification)6) Техника: Incident Reporting System, Infinitely Rigid System, Institut fur Reaktorsicherheit der Technischen Uberwachungs-Vereine, e.V., infrared signature, inspector of radio services, iodine removal system7) Шутливое выражение: Improving The Republican Summer, Income Revenue Service, Infernal Revenue Service, Insane Raving-mad Shit, International Riot Society8) Бухгалтерия: Increasing Returns To Scale9) Астрономия: International Reference Star10) Биржевой термин: Interest Rate Swap11) Грубое выражение: I'm Really Sexy, I'm Really Stupid, Im Really Sexy, Intimate Relations Schedule, It's Really Stupid, Its Really Stupid12) Сокращение: Improved Radar Simulator, Inertial Reference System, Internal Revenue Service (USA federal tax department), Internal Revenue Service, International Reconciliation System (2007, part of Global Business System), jacket, Interchange Record Separator, insulin resistance syndrome13) Университет: Instructor Rating System, Intelligent Responsible Students14) Физиология: Insulin Receptor Substrate15) Космонавтика: International Referral Service for Sources of Environmental Information16) Транспорт: Independent Rear Suspension17) Фирменный знак: Information And Referral Services18) СМИ: Interested Readers Society19) Деловая лексика: Image Results And Security, Internal Regulating Services, международная система ссылок (International Referral System), налоговое управление (США, Internal Revenue Service)20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: International Referral System, inspection requirement specification21) Американский английский: Служба по внутреннему налогообложению22) Сетевые технологии: Information Retrieval System, информационно-поисковая система23) Полимеры: infrared spectroscopy, infrared spectrum24) Безопасность: Internal Revenue System25) Расширение файла: Resource (WordPerfect)26) ООН: International Relief Service27) Чат: I Respect Someone28) СМС: It Really Stinks -
11 IRS
1. Incident Reporting System - система отчётности о происшествиях;2. independent rear suspension - независимая подвеска задних колес;3. inertial reference system - опорная инерциальная система;4. information retrieval system - система поиска информации, информационно-поисковая система;5. infrared signature - характерные признаки распознавания целей в инфракрасной области спектра;6. Inquiry and Reporting System - система расследования и отчётности;7. inspector of radio services - инспектор службы радиосвязи;8. Institut fur Reaktorsicherheit der Technischen Uberwachungs-Vereine, e.V. - Институт безопасности ядерных реакторов и технического надзора (Германия);9. Internal Revenue Service - Налоговое управление;10. iodine removal system - система удаления йода -
12 steering
управление; рулевое управление; поворот- steering angle sensor - steering arm shaft - steering arrangement - steering attitude - steering axis - steering booster - steering cam - steering clutch control button - steering clutch driven disk - steering clutch driving drum - steering clutch housing - steering clutch lever - steering clutch release ring - steering clutch release rocking lever - steering clutch release yoke - steering clutch shaft - steering column bracket - steering column control - steering-column gear change - steering-column gear control - steering column lock - steering column tube - steering computer - steering connecting rod - steering connection - steering console - steering control - steering control lever - steering control valve - steering drag rod - steering drop arm - steering drum - steering effort - steering equipment - steering flow - steering force - steering gear connection - steering gear ratio - steering gear shaft - steering-gear worm - steering geometry - steering hand-wheel - steering handle - steering head lock - steering house - steering knuckle gear rod arm - steering knuckle tie rod - steering knuckle tie rod ball - steering knuckle tie rod ball seat - steering knuckle tie rod end - steering knuckle tie rod plug - steering lever handle - steering lever quadrant - steering lever shaft - steering linkage layout - steering linkage with conventional suspension - steering linkage with independent suspension - steering logic - steering magnet - steering mast - steering mechanism - steering mechanism of track-type machine - steering motor - steering nut - steering pad - steering pillar - steering pin - steering Pitman arm - steering plow - steering post - steering post gear shift - steering power unit - steering range - steering ratio - steering response - steering servo - steering shaft - steering-shaft thrust bearing - steering shock eliminator - steering stop - steering stub - steering swivel - steering system - steering system vibration - steering torque indicator - steering tube - steering turn into the slide - steering wheel - steering wheel arm - steering wheel boss - steering wheel cover - steering wheel diameter - steering wheel effort - steering wheel lock-to-lock turns - steering wheel-mounted remote control - steering wheel play - steering wheel position - steering wheel positioning - steering wheel rim - steering wheel shaft - steering wheel spider - steering wheel tilting - steering wheel tube - steering worm - steering worm gear - steering worm sector - steering worm shaft - steering worm wheel - steering yoke - steering-yoke bolt - cross steering - wheel steering - worm-and-sector steering -
13 unit
организационная единица; боевая единица (напр. корабль, ЛА танк); подразделение; часть; соединение; расчетно-снабженческая единица; секция; орган; элемент; комплект; агрегат; установка; см. тж. elementbulk petrol (transport) unit — Бр. часть [подразделение] подвоза наливного (бестарного) горючего
counter C3 unit — часть [подразделение] подавления системы оперативного управления и связи
Fleet Marine (Corps) reconnaissance unit — разведывательное подразделение [часть] флотских сил МП
multisensor (AA) firing unit 3PK — с приборным комплексом из нескольких систем обнаружения и сопровождения
photo (graphic) reconnaissance unit — фоторазведывательная часть [подразделение]
surface-launched unit, fuel air explosive — установка дистанционного разминирования объемным взрывом
surface-launched unit, mine — установка дистанционного минирования
tactical (air) control unit — часть [подразделение] управления ТА
war (time) strength (TOE) unit — часть, укомплектованная по штатам военного времени
— air unit— ASA unit— BM unit— border operation unit— car unit— depot support unit— dry unit— EW unit— GM unit— host country unit— HQ unit— logistics support unit— manpack radio unit— marksmanship training unit— mechanized infantry unit— missile-armed unit— nuclear weapon unit— provisional unit— QM unit— Rangers unit— supported unit— TOE unit— transportation unit— truck transport unit— van unit— wet unit* * *1) часть; 2) единица
См. также в других словарях:
independent rear suspension — (IRS) A suspension system where the two rear wheels are sprung independently from each other. It has the advantage over a beam axle suspension because the unsprung weight is reduced, the ride and handling over rough roads are improved, and a… … Dictionary of automotive terms
multi-link independent rear suspension — A special multi link rear suspension design, developed by Mercedes Benz for the W 201 series … Dictionary of automotive terms
Rear suspension — For front wheel drive cars, rear suspension has few constraints and a variety of beam axles and independent suspensions are used.For rear wheel drive cars, rear suspension has many constraints and the march to the superior but more expensive… … Wikipedia
rear suspension — The axles, springs, and linkages which control the movement of the rear wheels. See five link rear suspension four link rear suspension independent rear suspension multi link independent rear suspension multi link rear suspension … Dictionary of automotive terms
five-link rear suspension — Independent rear suspension layout also used on live rear axles, in which each wheel is guided by two trailing links, two transverse links and a common track rod … Dictionary of automotive terms
four-link rear suspension — An independent rear suspension layout, also used on live rear axles, in which each wheel is guided by two control arms, one mounted longitudinally, the other mounted transversely or almost transversely, thus providing lateral location for the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
multi-link rear suspension — A general term for independent rear suspension layouts incorporating several control arms. Also see four link rear suspension five link rear suspension … Dictionary of automotive terms
Independent suspension — is a broad term for any automobile suspension system that allows each wheel on the same axle to move vertically (i.e. reacting to a bump in the road) independently of each other. This is contrasted with a beam axle, live axle or deDion system in… … Wikipedia
Twist-beam rear suspension — The Twist beam rear suspension is a type of automobile suspension based on a large H shaped member. The front of the H attaches to the body via rubber bushings, and the rear of the H carries each wheel, on each side of the car. The cross beam of… … Wikipedia
suspension — [1] The assembly of springs, shock absorbers, torsion bars, joints, arms, etc., that cushions the shock of bumps on the road and serves to keep the wheels in constant contact with the road, thereby improving control and traction. [2] A mixture of … Dictionary of automotive terms
rear — The back of a vehicle or component. See five link rear suspension folding rear seats four link rear suspension heated rear window independent rear suspension multi link independent rear suspension multi link rear suspension … Dictionary of automotive terms