Перевод: с венгерского на все языки

со всех языков на венгерский


  • 1 alkalmatlan

    (DE) Ungelegenheit {e}; Unzweckmässigkeit {e}; unangemessen; ungeeignet; ungelegen; unpassend; untauglich; unzulänglich; unzweckmässige; unzweckmäßig; importun; (EN) awkward; bad; displeasant; ill-fitted; ill-qualified; improper; inadequate; inappropriate; inapt; incommodious; inconvenient; inept; inexpedient; inopportune; mistimed; pesky; pestering; trying; unadapted; unapt; unbefitting; unchristian; unfeasible; unfit; unfitted; unsuitable; unsuited; unwelcome; unwished; wrong

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > alkalmatlan

  • 2 időszerűtlen

    (DE) gegenwartsfremd; unzeitgemäß; unzeitig; (EN) be out of time; ill-timed; inconvenient; inopportune; out of place; out of season; out of time; timeless; unlucky; unseasonable; untimely

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > időszerűtlen

  • 3 kellemetlen

    (DE) anzüglich; arg; enttäuschende; garstig; heikle; misslich; mißbehaglich; mißlich; mulmig; pestartig; prekär; schikanös; unangenehm; unbehaglich; unerfreulich; unerquicklich; ungemütlich; unlieb; unliebsam; vertrackt; widerwärtig; (EN) awkward; bad; beastly; bothersome; churlish; crabby; cumbrous; disagreeable; disappointing; disgracious; displeasant; displeasing; effing; grating; grotty; homely; ill; inconvenient; irksome; nasty; noisome; objectionable; obnoxious; offensive; pesky; pestilent; pestilential; poisonous; sticky; troublesome; trying; ugly; unagreeable; uneasy; ungrateful; unkindly; unlovely; unpleasant; unpleasing; unsavory; unsavoury; untoward; unwelcome; vexatious

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > kellemetlen

  • 4 kényelmetlen

    (DE) unbequem; (EN) awkward; comfortless; cramp; cramped; cumbersome; cumbrous; discomfortable; easeless; inconvenient; rough; uncomfortable; uneasy

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > kényelmetlen

  • 5 terhes

    (DE) Lästigkeit {e}; drückende; lästig; schwanger; schwangere; fatigant; gravid; (EN) arduous; be big with child; be in the family way; be pillowed; be quick with child; be with child; big with child; bothersome; burdensome; childing; cumbersome; cumbrous; displeasant; enceinte; expecting; gravid; heavier; heavy; impregnate; inconvenient; irksome; look pillowed; onerous; oppressive; plegnant; ponderous; pregnant; tight; trying; uncalled for; uncalled-for; vexatious; with child

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > terhes

  • 6 kellemetlen

    obnoxious, trying, inconvenient, noisome, crabby

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > kellemetlen

  • 7 nem megfelelõ

    incongruent, wrong, undue, unfit, inconvenient

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > nem megfelelõ

См. также в других словарях:

  • inconvénient — [ ɛ̃kɔ̃venjɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1220 adj. « qui ne convient pas »; lat. inconveniens 1 ♦ Vx Accident fâcheux; désagrément, embarras. 2 ♦ Mod. Conséquence, suite fâcheuse d une action, d une situation donnée. Situation qui entraîne des inconvénients… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • inconvénient — inconvénient, ente 1. (in kon vé ni an, an t ) adj. Terme vieilli. Qui ne convient pas. •   Encore n a t il pas été inconvénient que les choses n arrivassent pas tout d un coup à la plus haute élévation, BALZAC le Prince, ch. 15. •   Et si ses… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • inconvenient — INCONVENIÉNT, inconveniente, s.n. Neajuns, dezavantaj; dificultate, obstacol, piedică. [pr.: ni ent] – Din fr. inconvénient, lat. inconveniens, ntis. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  INCONVENIÉNT s. 1. v. dificultate. 2. v.… …   Dicționar Român

  • inconvenient — Inconvenient, Infortunium, Casus aduersi. Un inconvenient et malencontre qui vient soudainement, Nimbus. Cet inconvenient nous est survenu, Illud incommodum accessit nobis. Un inconvenient advenu en un proces, et dont on ne se doutoit aucunement …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • inconvenient — Inconvenient. s. m. Accident fascheux. Je suis marry de l inconvenient qui vous est arrivé. Il se prend pour difficulté, suite fascheuse dans les choses qu on projette, ou qu on execute. Tomber d un inconvenient dans un autre. éviter un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • inconvenient — UK US /ˌɪnkənˈviːniənt/ adjective ► causing problems or difficulties: inconvenient hour/moment/time »They rescheduled the meeting for a very inconvenient time. »I can call back later if it s inconvenient. »an inconvenient detail/fact/truth …   Financial and business terms

  • Inconvenient — In con*ven ient, a. [L. inconveniens unbefitting: cf. F. inconv[ e]nient. See {In } not, and {Convenient}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Not becoming or suitable; unfit; inexpedient. [1913 Webster] 2. Not convenient; giving trouble, uneasiness, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • inconvenient — (adj.) late 14c., injurious, dangerous, from O.Fr. inconvénient (13c.), from L. inconvenientem (nom. inconveniens) unsuitable, not accordant, dissimilar, from in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + convenientem (see CONVENIENT (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • inconvenient — index ill advised, inopportune, undesirable, unfavorable, unfit, unsuitable, untimely Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Bur …   Law dictionary

  • inconvenient — [adj] bothersome, troublesome annoying, awkward, cumbersome, detrimental, difficult, disadvantageous, discommoding, discommodious, disturbing, embarrassing, incommodious, inexpedient, inopportune, pestiferous, prejudicial, remote, tiresome,… …   New thesaurus

  • inconvenient — [in΄kən vēn′yənt] adj. [OFr < L inconveniens] not convenient; specif., a) not favorable to one s comfort; difficult to do, use, or get to; causing trouble or bother; unhandy b) Obs. not appropriate inconveniently adv …   English World dictionary

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