1 in-core analysis system
система внутризонного контроля ядерного реактора
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > in-core analysis system
2 in-core analysis system
система внутризонного контроля; система внутризонного анализаEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > in-core analysis system
3 in-core monitoring system
- система внутризонного мониторинга ядерного реактора
- система внутризонного контроля ядерного реактора
система внутризонного контроля ядерного реактора
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
система внутризонного мониторинга ядерного реактора
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > in-core monitoring system
4 analysis
1. анализ; исследование
* * *
анализ; исследование; изучение; разбор; оперативный прогноз
* * *
* * *
1) анализ; исследование; изучение; разбор•- analysis of defects
- accident-incident analysis
- amplitude analysis
- array analysis
- availability analysis
- carbon group analysis
- component analysis of casing head gas
- computed log analysis
- consequence analysis
- contingency analysis
- continuous combustible gas analysis
- core analysis
- corrective maintenance analysis
- cost-sensitivity analysis
- design reliability analysis
- design safety analysis
- downhole hydraulic analysis
- drill cuttings analysis
- drilling fluid analysis
- dry screen analysis
- ex post analysis
- fail-safe analysis
- failure analysis
- failure cause analysis
- failure criticality analysis
- failure effect analysis
- failure mode analysis
- failure mode frequency analysis
- fault analysis
- fault-tree analysis
- field complaint analysis
- formation damage analysis
- fractional analysis
- fracture-mechanics analysis
- gas analysis
- gas analysis of drilling mud
- grade analysis
- grain-size analysis
- hazard analysis
- hazard integration analysis
- horizon-oriented velocity analysis
- lithofacies analysis
- log analysis
- magnetic analysis
- maintainability analysis
- maintenance engineering analysis
- malfunction analysis
- malfunction effect analysis
- mechanical analysis
- mesh analysis
- micromineralogical analysis
- microsection analysis
- moveout analysis
- mud analysis
- near-accident analysis
- noise analysis
- oil-type analysis
- operability analysis
- operating safety analysis
- optimum repair level analysis
- performance analysis
- performance degradation analysis
- performance variation analysis
- period analysis
- pore-size analysis
- porosity analysis
- post-accident analysis
- pressure transient analysis
- real time fault analysis
- refraction analysis
- regional-residual analysis
- reliability analysis
- reliability apportionment analysis
- reliability-cost trade-off analysis
- reliability design analysis
- reliability figure-of-merit analysis
- reliability improvement analysis
- reliability requirements analysis
- reliability stress analysis
- reliability stress-versus-strength analysis
- reliability variation analysis
- reservoir analysis
- retort analysis
- ring analysis
- rock analysis
- routine analysis
- safety analysis
- sample analysis
- screen analysis
- sedimentation analysis
- seismic analysis
- seismic facies analysis
- seismic reflection amplitude analysis
- seismic-sequence analysis
- seismogram analysis
- sieve analysis
- size analysis
- sizing analysis
- spectrographic analysis
- stacking velocity analysis
- statistic analysis
- stratigraphic analysis
- structure analysis
- system reliability analysis
- systems operational reliability analysis
- Tadema structural group analysis
- test analysis
- textural analysis
- thin-section analysis
- trace analysis
- trend analysis
- trouble analysis
- ultrasonic analysis
- upward trend analysis
- velocity analysis
- volumetric-gas analysis of core
- wave pattern analysis
- wavefield analysis
- wavelet analysis
- well log analysis
- wet screen analysis
- worst case performance analysis* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > analysis
5 analysis
1) анализ2) исследование, изучение4) расчет ( обычно проверочный)5) состав6) теория•-
activation analysis
algorithmic analysis
amino acid analysis
approximate analysis
Auger-electron analysis
backward analysis
base ratio analysis
behavioral analysis
bending analysis
bottom-up analysis
boundary-element analysis
brittle coating analysis
buckling analysis
bulk analysis
carbon group analysis
cepstral analysis
chemical analysis
chromatographic analysis
circuit analysis
circuit malfunotion analysis
closed boundary analysis
clustering analysis
cluster analysis
coal-sizing analysis
combustion analysis
comfirmatory analysis
comparative analysis
compensation analysis
component analysis of casing head gas
computer aided analysis
core analysis
correlation analysis
coupled-mode analysis
covariance analysis
criticality analysis
cross correlation analysis
cross-field analysis
cryoscopic analysis
crystal analysis
cylindrical mirror Auger analysis
data analysis
depth-area-duration analysis
destructive analysis
diagnostic analysis
differential thermal analysis
diffraction analysis
dilatometric analysis
discourse analysis
discriminant analysis
dispersion analysis
distortion analysis
dynamic force analysis
ecological analysis
economic analysis
elastic-plastic stress analysis
electron diffraction analysis
electron microprobe analysis
electron probe analysis
emission analysis
end-point analysis
energy-dispersive analysis
environmental analysis
error analysis
event-sequence analysis
extinction analysis
factor analysis
failure analysis
failure cause analysis
fast neutron activation analysis
field analysis
fine-mesh analysis
fingerprint analysis
finite-element analysis
float-and-sink analysis
fluorescence analysis
formation damage analysis
four-dimensional analysis
Fourier analysis
fractional analysis
frequency analysis
frequency-domain analysis
frequency-response analysis
frontal analysis
fuel analysis
gamma-ray analysis
gradation analysis of soil
grading analysis
gravimetric analysis
grid-point analysis
group analysis
harmonic analysis
Hempel analysis
heteroduplex analysis
hot-extraction gas analysis
hydrograph analysis
immunoblot analysis
infrared analysis
Interactive analysis
interactive image analysis
ion microprobe mass analysis
ladle analysis
large-sample analysis
least-square analysis
limit state analysis
linear analysis
logical analysis
logic analysis
magnetometric analysis
malfunction analysis
market analysis
mass spectrographic analysis
mass spectrometric analysis
mathematical analysis
matrix analysis
measure analysis
mechanical analysis
mesh analysis
microprobe analysis
microprobe-inclusion analysis
microscopical analysis
microstructure analysis
mobility-shift analysis
modal analysis
model-based analysis
model analysis
moire stress analysis
molecular spectrum analysis
multilevel analysis
multivariate analysis
NDT analysis
nearest neighbor analysis
nephelometric analysis
network analysis
neutron diffraction analysis
nodal analysis
noise analysis
nondestructive test analysis
noninvasive analysis
numerical analysis
observational analysis
octave analysis
oil type analysis
on-line analysis
operations analysis
opticospectral analysis
parametric analysis
particle-size analysis
periodogram analysis
perturbation analysis
petrographic analysis
phase shift analysis of the scattering
phase-plane analysis
photoelastic-coating analysis
photoelasticity analysis
polarographic analysis
pore-size analysis
postaccident criticality analysis
posttest analysis
predictive analysis
pretest analysis
probit analysis
proximate analysis
qualitative analysis
quantitative analysis
radioactive tracer analysis
radiographic analysis
RAM analysis
rapid analysis
real-time analysis
regression analysis
release analysis
reliability analysis
reliability availability maintainability analysis
revolving field analysis
ring analysis
Rutherford scattering analysis
safety transit analysis
sample analysis
sampling analysis
scale analysis
screen analysis
sea-level analysis
sedimentation analysis
shear analysis
sieve analysis
signature analysis
simulated network analysis
single burst analysis
slag analysis
small signal analysis
solar resource analysis
spatial frequency analysis
spectral analysis
spectrophotometric analysis
speculative analysis
spot test analysis
stack-gas analysis
standing wave analysis
statistical analysis
stiffness analysis
strain-gage analysis
strength analysis
stress analysis
structural analysis
subsynoptic-scale analysis
symbolic analysis
syntactic analysis
systems analysis
system analysis
tapping analysis
temporal pulse analysis
tensor analysis
test sieve analysis
thermal analysis
thermoeconomic analysis
thermographic analysis
thermogravimetric analysis
thermomagneto-gravimetric analysis
three-dimensional analysis
time series analysis
timing analysis
top-down analysis
trace analysis
transient analysis
triangular hydrograph analysis
ultimate analysis
upper-level analysis
variance analysis
vault-pathways analysis
vector analysis
wandering spot analysis
water analysis
wave analysis
weather analysis
wet analysis
worst-case analysis
X-ray absorption analysis
X-ray analysis
X-ray crystal analysis
X-ray dispersive analysis
X-ray emission analysis
X-ray image analysis
X-ray spectrum analysis
X-ray structure analysis
Zuber's hydrodynamic analysis -
6 system analysis
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > system analysis
7 system failure analysis
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > system failure analysis
- система управления информацией
- система внутризонного контроля ядерного реактора
- подсистема передачи мультимедийных данных по IP-сетям
подсистема передачи мультимедийных данных по IP-сетям
(МСЭ-Т Y.2261 МСЭ-Т Y.2111).
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
система внутризонного контроля ядерного реактора
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
система управления информацией
Иерархическая система управления базами данных IBM для мэйнфреймов.
[ http://www.lexikon.ru/dict/net/index.html]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > IMS
система внутризонного контроля ядерного реактора
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > INCAS
1) Военный термин: Database Commitment Accounting System, Defense Contract Administration Service, Defense Contract Administration Services, Deployable Communications Applications Shelter, Deployable Consolidated Applications Server, Deputy Chief of Air Staff, Director, Contract Administration Services, data collection and analysis system2) Бухгалтерия: Databased Commitment Accounting System3) Сокращение: Defense Contract Administration Services (USA), Deputy Chief of the Air Staff, Digital Core Avionics System, Director of Civil Air Service4) Общественная организация: Denton County Autism Society5) Международные перевозки: Distribution Cost Analysis System (система анализа распределения расходов), Distribution Cost Analysis System -
11 ACE
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Automated commercial environment2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Compound Entity, area control error, automatic crossconnection equipment3) Биология: adrenal cortical extract4) Авиация: Airborne Command Element (AWACS/ABCCC)5) Медицина: (i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitor) (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ангиотензинпревращающий фермент), External Carotid Artery6) Спорт: Adventure Camaraderie Entertainment, Annual Catch Entitlement, Athlete Career And Education7) Военный термин: ASAS( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave, Advance Communications Element, Aerobatic Competency Evaluator, Airborne Command Element, Airborne Communications Electronics, Analysis and Control Element, Armored Combat Earth-mover, Armored Combat Excavator, Army Certificate of Education, Army Combat Earth-mover, Army Corps of Engineers, Army combat engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineers, Assistant Corps of Engineers, Aviation Career Education, Aviation Combat Element, Aviation Council Emeritus, advanced compilation equipment, advanced controlled experiments, advanced cost effective, air combat engagement, aircraft capability estimator, aircraft condition evaluation, airspace control element, ambush communications equipment, armored combat earthmover, armored combat engineer, artillery control experiment, assessment of combat effectiveness, atmospheric control experimentation, automatic clutter elimination, automatic computing equipment, automatic control equipment, Airspace Coordination Element (сокр.) (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства)8) Техника: Advanced computer environment, Association of Computer Experts, accelerated, acceleration, advanced capability explorer, advanced computing element, altitude control electronics, analytic computer equipment, anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether, attitude control electronics, automatic circuit exchange9) Сельское хозяйство: anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether10) Химия: Acetate11) Строительство: Approved Capital Expenditure12) Религия: Alliance For Catholic Education13) Юридический термин: Action Community Empowerment, Advanced Court Engineering14) Бухгалтерия: A Checking Experience, Accumulated Cash Equivalence, Adjusted Current Earnings15) Архитектура: (Association of Consulting Engineers) ассоциация инженеров-консультантов (Великобритании)16) Испанский язык: Аргентинская академия экономических наук (сокр. от Academia de Ciencias Económicas = Argentine Academy of Economics)17) Политика: Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации)18) Сокращение: Achinese, Actuator Control Electronics, Advanced Computing Environment (2003 IT upgrade including Microsoft Outlook email), Advanced Computing Environments, After Christian Era, Agile Control Experiment, Air Combat Element (USAF), Air Combat Element, Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation, All Composite Evaluator, Allied Command Europe (NATO), Allied Command, Europe, Altimeter Control Equipment, American Council on Education, Analogue Code Encryption unit, Analysis & Control Element, Armored Combat Earthmover (USA), Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel), Assistant Chief Engineer, Automatic Calibration and Equalization, Automatic Compilation Equipment, Automatic Computing Engine, Avion de Combat Europeen, Adaptive Communication Environment, angiotension-converting enzyme, American Cinema Editors («Американские редакторы — монтажёры кинофильмов » (почётное общество)), Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания)), automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина), automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий), Advanced Compatibility Engineering (автомоб.), Adverse Channel Enhancements, Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement19) Университет: Academic And Career Excellence, Academic Center For Excellence, Academic Character Excellence, Academic Community For Enrichment, Academic Competition Of Excellence, Academic Core Enrichment, Accelerated College Enrollment, Achievement Centred Environment, Achieving A College Education, Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs20) Физиология: Antegrade Continence Enema21) Электроника: Advanced Combination Encoder, Automatic Control Environment, aging compensating effect ( сокр.) (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения), advanced customized ECL (сокр.) (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями)22) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Collaborative Filtering, Advanced Computing Environment, Associated Computer Experts, Asynchronous Communication Element, advanced computational element, asynchronous communications element, аппаратура управления доступом, записи контроля доступа (Access Control Entries), Access Control Entry (AD), ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN), Advanced Computing Environments (Corporate name), Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller), Advanced Composition Explorer (Space), Autonomous Computer Engine (WD), запись (точка входа в список) управления доступом, access control entry, шифрование управления доступом23) Иммунология: Arthritis Control Electrostimulator24) Связь: Auxiliary Control Element25) Космонавтика: Advanced Composition Explorer, автоматическое оборудование проверки26) Транспорт: Active Cornering Enhancement, Air Cleaning Engine, Airport Capacity Enhancement27) Воздухоплавание: Airspace Coordination Element, Automatic Clutter Eliminator28) Фирменный знак: Air Canada Enterprises, Alice Calhoun Enterprises, American Coal Enterprizes, American Computer Estimating, Austin Chess Enterprises, Austria Cards Emv29) Экология: Antarctic current experiment30) Энергетика: ошибка в пределах данной области регулирования31) СМИ: American Cinema Editors, American Classic Edition, Assistant Community Editor, Awards For Cablecasting Excellence32) Деловая лексика: Accepting The Challenge Of Excellence, Access Competition And Etiquette, Access To Career Enrichment, Achieving Customer Excellence33) Производство: Achieving Competitive Excellence, достижение конкурентного совершенства (система непрерывного совершенствования производства, принятая ам. компанией Pratt & Whitney)34) Менеджмент: actual control estimate35) Образование: Academically Committed Environment, Academics Citizenship And Effort, Accelerated Cooperative Education, Achievement Credentials And Evaluation, Achieving And Choosing Excellence, Adult And Community Education, Advanced Continuous Education, Affordable Community Education, Aids Counseling And Education, Aids Counseling Education, Appreciation Certification And Education, Assistance Counseling And Encouragement, Attend Class Everyday, Aviation Career Exploration, Aviation Careers Education36) Сетевые технологии: Access Collaboration Equity, Address Correction And Encoding, access control encryption, access control equipment37) Полимеры: acceptance checkout equipment, automatic checkout equipment38) Программирование: Ascii Compatible Encoding39) Контроль качества: acceptance check-out equipment40) Океанография: Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Atmospheric Collection Equipment41) Химическое оружие: acetylcholinesterase42) Авиационная медицина: accident cause elimination43) Безопасность: Advanced Combination Encoders44) Расширение файла: Access Control Encryption/Entry, Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom), Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)45) МИД: Allied Command Europe NATO46) Электротехника: automatic control engineering47) Космический летательный аппарат: advanced capability explorer( сокр.) (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками)48) Майкрософт: элемент управления доступом49) Должность: Adobe Certified Expert, Amx Certified Expert, Associate Career Enhancement, Available Consultants And Executives50) Чат: A Cool Experience51) НАСА: Apollo Checkout Equipment52) Программное обеспечение: The Adobe Color Engine -
12 Ace
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Automated commercial environment2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Compound Entity, area control error, automatic crossconnection equipment3) Биология: adrenal cortical extract4) Авиация: Airborne Command Element (AWACS/ABCCC)5) Медицина: (i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitor) (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ангиотензинпревращающий фермент), External Carotid Artery6) Спорт: Adventure Camaraderie Entertainment, Annual Catch Entitlement, Athlete Career And Education7) Военный термин: ASAS( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave, Advance Communications Element, Aerobatic Competency Evaluator, Airborne Command Element, Airborne Communications Electronics, Analysis and Control Element, Armored Combat Earth-mover, Armored Combat Excavator, Army Certificate of Education, Army Combat Earth-mover, Army Corps of Engineers, Army combat engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineers, Assistant Corps of Engineers, Aviation Career Education, Aviation Combat Element, Aviation Council Emeritus, advanced compilation equipment, advanced controlled experiments, advanced cost effective, air combat engagement, aircraft capability estimator, aircraft condition evaluation, airspace control element, ambush communications equipment, armored combat earthmover, armored combat engineer, artillery control experiment, assessment of combat effectiveness, atmospheric control experimentation, automatic clutter elimination, automatic computing equipment, automatic control equipment, Airspace Coordination Element (сокр.) (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства)8) Техника: Advanced computer environment, Association of Computer Experts, accelerated, acceleration, advanced capability explorer, advanced computing element, altitude control electronics, analytic computer equipment, anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether, attitude control electronics, automatic circuit exchange9) Сельское хозяйство: anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether10) Химия: Acetate11) Строительство: Approved Capital Expenditure12) Религия: Alliance For Catholic Education13) Юридический термин: Action Community Empowerment, Advanced Court Engineering14) Бухгалтерия: A Checking Experience, Accumulated Cash Equivalence, Adjusted Current Earnings15) Архитектура: (Association of Consulting Engineers) ассоциация инженеров-консультантов (Великобритании)16) Испанский язык: Аргентинская академия экономических наук (сокр. от Academia de Ciencias Económicas = Argentine Academy of Economics)17) Политика: Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации)18) Сокращение: Achinese, Actuator Control Electronics, Advanced Computing Environment (2003 IT upgrade including Microsoft Outlook email), Advanced Computing Environments, After Christian Era, Agile Control Experiment, Air Combat Element (USAF), Air Combat Element, Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation, All Composite Evaluator, Allied Command Europe (NATO), Allied Command, Europe, Altimeter Control Equipment, American Council on Education, Analogue Code Encryption unit, Analysis & Control Element, Armored Combat Earthmover (USA), Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel), Assistant Chief Engineer, Automatic Calibration and Equalization, Automatic Compilation Equipment, Automatic Computing Engine, Avion de Combat Europeen, Adaptive Communication Environment, angiotension-converting enzyme, American Cinema Editors («Американские редакторы — монтажёры кинофильмов » (почётное общество)), Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания)), automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина), automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий), Advanced Compatibility Engineering (автомоб.), Adverse Channel Enhancements, Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement19) Университет: Academic And Career Excellence, Academic Center For Excellence, Academic Character Excellence, Academic Community For Enrichment, Academic Competition Of Excellence, Academic Core Enrichment, Accelerated College Enrollment, Achievement Centred Environment, Achieving A College Education, Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs20) Физиология: Antegrade Continence Enema21) Электроника: Advanced Combination Encoder, Automatic Control Environment, aging compensating effect ( сокр.) (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения), advanced customized ECL (сокр.) (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями)22) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Collaborative Filtering, Advanced Computing Environment, Associated Computer Experts, Asynchronous Communication Element, advanced computational element, asynchronous communications element, аппаратура управления доступом, записи контроля доступа (Access Control Entries), Access Control Entry (AD), ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN), Advanced Computing Environments (Corporate name), Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller), Advanced Composition Explorer (Space), Autonomous Computer Engine (WD), запись (точка входа в список) управления доступом, access control entry, шифрование управления доступом23) Иммунология: Arthritis Control Electrostimulator24) Связь: Auxiliary Control Element25) Космонавтика: Advanced Composition Explorer, автоматическое оборудование проверки26) Транспорт: Active Cornering Enhancement, Air Cleaning Engine, Airport Capacity Enhancement27) Воздухоплавание: Airspace Coordination Element, Automatic Clutter Eliminator28) Фирменный знак: Air Canada Enterprises, Alice Calhoun Enterprises, American Coal Enterprizes, American Computer Estimating, Austin Chess Enterprises, Austria Cards Emv29) Экология: Antarctic current experiment30) Энергетика: ошибка в пределах данной области регулирования31) СМИ: American Cinema Editors, American Classic Edition, Assistant Community Editor, Awards For Cablecasting Excellence32) Деловая лексика: Accepting The Challenge Of Excellence, Access Competition And Etiquette, Access To Career Enrichment, Achieving Customer Excellence33) Производство: Achieving Competitive Excellence, достижение конкурентного совершенства (система непрерывного совершенствования производства, принятая ам. компанией Pratt & Whitney)34) Менеджмент: actual control estimate35) Образование: Academically Committed Environment, Academics Citizenship And Effort, Accelerated Cooperative Education, Achievement Credentials And Evaluation, Achieving And Choosing Excellence, Adult And Community Education, Advanced Continuous Education, Affordable Community Education, Aids Counseling And Education, Aids Counseling Education, Appreciation Certification And Education, Assistance Counseling And Encouragement, Attend Class Everyday, Aviation Career Exploration, Aviation Careers Education36) Сетевые технологии: Access Collaboration Equity, Address Correction And Encoding, access control encryption, access control equipment37) Полимеры: acceptance checkout equipment, automatic checkout equipment38) Программирование: Ascii Compatible Encoding39) Контроль качества: acceptance check-out equipment40) Океанография: Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Atmospheric Collection Equipment41) Химическое оружие: acetylcholinesterase42) Авиационная медицина: accident cause elimination43) Безопасность: Advanced Combination Encoders44) Расширение файла: Access Control Encryption/Entry, Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom), Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)45) МИД: Allied Command Europe NATO46) Электротехника: automatic control engineering47) Космический летательный аппарат: advanced capability explorer( сокр.) (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками)48) Майкрософт: элемент управления доступом49) Должность: Adobe Certified Expert, Amx Certified Expert, Associate Career Enhancement, Available Consultants And Executives50) Чат: A Cool Experience51) НАСА: Apollo Checkout Equipment52) Программное обеспечение: The Adobe Color Engine -
13 ace
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Automated commercial environment2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Compound Entity, area control error, automatic crossconnection equipment3) Биология: adrenal cortical extract4) Авиация: Airborne Command Element (AWACS/ABCCC)5) Медицина: (i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitor) (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ангиотензинпревращающий фермент), External Carotid Artery6) Спорт: Adventure Camaraderie Entertainment, Annual Catch Entitlement, Athlete Career And Education7) Военный термин: ASAS( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave, Advance Communications Element, Aerobatic Competency Evaluator, Airborne Command Element, Airborne Communications Electronics, Analysis and Control Element, Armored Combat Earth-mover, Armored Combat Excavator, Army Certificate of Education, Army Combat Earth-mover, Army Corps of Engineers, Army combat engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineers, Assistant Corps of Engineers, Aviation Career Education, Aviation Combat Element, Aviation Council Emeritus, advanced compilation equipment, advanced controlled experiments, advanced cost effective, air combat engagement, aircraft capability estimator, aircraft condition evaluation, airspace control element, ambush communications equipment, armored combat earthmover, armored combat engineer, artillery control experiment, assessment of combat effectiveness, atmospheric control experimentation, automatic clutter elimination, automatic computing equipment, automatic control equipment, Airspace Coordination Element (сокр.) (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства)8) Техника: Advanced computer environment, Association of Computer Experts, accelerated, acceleration, advanced capability explorer, advanced computing element, altitude control electronics, analytic computer equipment, anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether, attitude control electronics, automatic circuit exchange9) Сельское хозяйство: anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether10) Химия: Acetate11) Строительство: Approved Capital Expenditure12) Религия: Alliance For Catholic Education13) Юридический термин: Action Community Empowerment, Advanced Court Engineering14) Бухгалтерия: A Checking Experience, Accumulated Cash Equivalence, Adjusted Current Earnings15) Архитектура: (Association of Consulting Engineers) ассоциация инженеров-консультантов (Великобритании)16) Испанский язык: Аргентинская академия экономических наук (сокр. от Academia de Ciencias Económicas = Argentine Academy of Economics)17) Политика: Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации)18) Сокращение: Achinese, Actuator Control Electronics, Advanced Computing Environment (2003 IT upgrade including Microsoft Outlook email), Advanced Computing Environments, After Christian Era, Agile Control Experiment, Air Combat Element (USAF), Air Combat Element, Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation, All Composite Evaluator, Allied Command Europe (NATO), Allied Command, Europe, Altimeter Control Equipment, American Council on Education, Analogue Code Encryption unit, Analysis & Control Element, Armored Combat Earthmover (USA), Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel), Assistant Chief Engineer, Automatic Calibration and Equalization, Automatic Compilation Equipment, Automatic Computing Engine, Avion de Combat Europeen, Adaptive Communication Environment, angiotension-converting enzyme, American Cinema Editors («Американские редакторы — монтажёры кинофильмов » (почётное общество)), Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания)), automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина), automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий), Advanced Compatibility Engineering (автомоб.), Adverse Channel Enhancements, Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement19) Университет: Academic And Career Excellence, Academic Center For Excellence, Academic Character Excellence, Academic Community For Enrichment, Academic Competition Of Excellence, Academic Core Enrichment, Accelerated College Enrollment, Achievement Centred Environment, Achieving A College Education, Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs20) Физиология: Antegrade Continence Enema21) Электроника: Advanced Combination Encoder, Automatic Control Environment, aging compensating effect ( сокр.) (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения), advanced customized ECL (сокр.) (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями)22) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Collaborative Filtering, Advanced Computing Environment, Associated Computer Experts, Asynchronous Communication Element, advanced computational element, asynchronous communications element, аппаратура управления доступом, записи контроля доступа (Access Control Entries), Access Control Entry (AD), ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN), Advanced Computing Environments (Corporate name), Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller), Advanced Composition Explorer (Space), Autonomous Computer Engine (WD), запись (точка входа в список) управления доступом, access control entry, шифрование управления доступом23) Иммунология: Arthritis Control Electrostimulator24) Связь: Auxiliary Control Element25) Космонавтика: Advanced Composition Explorer, автоматическое оборудование проверки26) Транспорт: Active Cornering Enhancement, Air Cleaning Engine, Airport Capacity Enhancement27) Воздухоплавание: Airspace Coordination Element, Automatic Clutter Eliminator28) Фирменный знак: Air Canada Enterprises, Alice Calhoun Enterprises, American Coal Enterprizes, American Computer Estimating, Austin Chess Enterprises, Austria Cards Emv29) Экология: Antarctic current experiment30) Энергетика: ошибка в пределах данной области регулирования31) СМИ: American Cinema Editors, American Classic Edition, Assistant Community Editor, Awards For Cablecasting Excellence32) Деловая лексика: Accepting The Challenge Of Excellence, Access Competition And Etiquette, Access To Career Enrichment, Achieving Customer Excellence33) Производство: Achieving Competitive Excellence, достижение конкурентного совершенства (система непрерывного совершенствования производства, принятая ам. компанией Pratt & Whitney)34) Менеджмент: actual control estimate35) Образование: Academically Committed Environment, Academics Citizenship And Effort, Accelerated Cooperative Education, Achievement Credentials And Evaluation, Achieving And Choosing Excellence, Adult And Community Education, Advanced Continuous Education, Affordable Community Education, Aids Counseling And Education, Aids Counseling Education, Appreciation Certification And Education, Assistance Counseling And Encouragement, Attend Class Everyday, Aviation Career Exploration, Aviation Careers Education36) Сетевые технологии: Access Collaboration Equity, Address Correction And Encoding, access control encryption, access control equipment37) Полимеры: acceptance checkout equipment, automatic checkout equipment38) Программирование: Ascii Compatible Encoding39) Контроль качества: acceptance check-out equipment40) Океанография: Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Atmospheric Collection Equipment41) Химическое оружие: acetylcholinesterase42) Авиационная медицина: accident cause elimination43) Безопасность: Advanced Combination Encoders44) Расширение файла: Access Control Encryption/Entry, Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom), Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)45) МИД: Allied Command Europe NATO46) Электротехника: automatic control engineering47) Космический летательный аппарат: advanced capability explorer( сокр.) (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками)48) Майкрософт: элемент управления доступом49) Должность: Adobe Certified Expert, Amx Certified Expert, Associate Career Enhancement, Available Consultants And Executives50) Чат: A Cool Experience51) НАСА: Apollo Checkout Equipment52) Программное обеспечение: The Adobe Color Engine -
1) Компьютерная техника: Intelligent Net Centric Architecture2) Военный термин: Integrated Communications Agency, integrated navigation and communications automatic, integrated nuclear communications assessment, intelligence communications architecture3) Техника: in-core analysis, inner neutron control assembly, integrated component architecture, integrated navigation and communications, automatic system4) Сокращение: INterference CAncellation, Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment (USA)5) Университет: Iloilo National College Of Agriculture7) Образование: Iterative Neighborhood Cluster Analysis -
15 Inca
1) Компьютерная техника: Intelligent Net Centric Architecture2) Военный термин: Integrated Communications Agency, integrated navigation and communications automatic, integrated nuclear communications assessment, intelligence communications architecture3) Техника: in-core analysis, inner neutron control assembly, integrated component architecture, integrated navigation and communications, automatic system4) Сокращение: INterference CAncellation, Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment (USA)5) Университет: Iloilo National College Of Agriculture7) Образование: Iterative Neighborhood Cluster Analysis -
16 inca
1) Компьютерная техника: Intelligent Net Centric Architecture2) Военный термин: Integrated Communications Agency, integrated navigation and communications automatic, integrated nuclear communications assessment, intelligence communications architecture3) Техника: in-core analysis, inner neutron control assembly, integrated component architecture, integrated navigation and communications, automatic system4) Сокращение: INterference CAncellation, Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment (USA)5) Университет: Iloilo National College Of Agriculture7) Образование: Iterative Neighborhood Cluster Analysis -
1. in-core analysis - внутриреакторный анализ;2. inner neutron control assembly - внутренняя сборка нейтронного контроля;3. integrated communications agency - объединённое управление средств связи;4. integrated component architecture - интегрированная компонентная архитектура;5. integrated navigation and communications, automatic system - комплексная автоматическая система навигации и связи;6. integrated nuclear communications assessment - оценка комплексной системы связи в условиях ядерного нападения -
18 SAM
- управление тяжёлыми авариями
- управление программными активами
- управление защищенным доступом
- систма анализа при отборе проб
- последующее адресное сообщение
- последовательный метод доступа
- память с последовательной выборкой
- модуль безопасности
- Методология оценки мер безопасности АЭС (МАГАТЭ)
- метод последовательного доступа
- выборочный автоматический контроль
выборочный автоматический контроль
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Методология оценки мер безопасности АЭС (МАГАТЭ)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
метод последовательного доступа
[Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]Тематики
модуль безопасности
Устойчивый к вмешательству компьютерный компонент, как правило, интегрированный в терминал.
[Глоссарий терминов, используемых в платежных и расчетных системах. Комитет по платежным и расчетным системам Банка международных расчетов. Базель, Швейцария, март 2003 г.]Тематики
память с последовательной выборкой
запоминающее устройство с последовательной выборкой
[Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]Тематики
последовательный метод доступа
метод последовательного доступа
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
последующее адресное сообщение
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
систма анализа при отборе проб
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
управление защищенным доступом
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
управление программными активами
(ITIL Service Transition)
Процесс, отвечающий за отслеживание и предоставление отчётности по использованию и владению программными активами в течение их жизненного цикла. Управление программными активами – часть процесса управления активами и конфигурациями. Процесс не описывается детально в основных публикациях ITIL.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]EN
software asset management
(ITIL Service Transition)
The process responsible for tracking and reporting the use and ownership of software assets throughout their lifecycle. Software asset management is part of an overall service asset and configuration management process. This process is not described in detail within the core ITIL publications.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]Тематики
управление тяжёлыми авариями
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > SAM
19 SCA
1) Компьютерная техника: Shared Control Array, Single Connector Assembly, satellite channel assignment3) Медицина: Sudden Cardiac Arrest4) Американизм: Senate Constitutional Amendment, Subsidiary Carrier Authorization5) Военный термин: Satellite Communications Agency, Service Contract Act, Service Cryptologic Agency, Southern communications area, Strategic Competitiveness Agency, seacoast artillery, senior class adviser, service cryptologic agencies, ship cost adjustment, small caliber ammunitions, stabilization control amplifier, storage, checkout and assembly, supersonic cruising aircraft6) Техника: Subsidiary Communication Authorization, secondary control assembly, simulated core assembly, single-channel analyzer, site characterization analysis, small component autoclave, sneak circuit analysis, subchannel adapter, superconducting accelerator7) Шутливое выражение: Skinned Character Animation, Society For Creative Anarchy8) Религия: Satanic Church Of America9) Юридический термин: Sexual Child Abuse, Steel Cage Asylum10) Автомобильный термин: Supplemental Coolant Additive (охлаждающие средства дизельных двигателей)11) Телекоммуникации: Software Communications Architecture12) Сокращение: Scientific Content Analysis (linguistic lie detector technique), Section Chief Assembly (Part of gun display unit), Senior Citizens of America, Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, Signal Communication in the Army (UK), Simulation Control Area, Special Committee on Agriculture, subcarrier authorization13) Университет: Student Career Assistant, Student Christian Association, Student Conservation Association, Student Cooperative Association14) Электроника: Single Channel Analyzer, Stereo Control Amplifier, Surface Charge Analysis15) Вычислительная техника: Scalable Cooperative Architecture, Synchronous Clock Adjustment, single connector attachment, Software Corporation of America (Hersteller, USA), Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (Space)16) Нефть: Safety and Control Area17) Иммунология: Serum Complement Antibody18) Биотехнология: СКВ, стволовые клетки взрослых19) Транспорт: Supplemental Coolant Additive20) Фирменный знак: Smith Clark Associates, Southwest Counseling Associates21) Образование: Student Community Action, Student Council Association22) Сетевые технологии: Send Configure Ack, System Communication Architecture, Systems Communication Architecture, архитектура системной связи23) Программирование: Сервис-компонентная архитектура (сокр. от Service Component Architecture)24) Сахалин Р: Structural Consequence Assessment25) Химическое оружие: Subcontract administrator26) Расширение файла: SCA Datafile, Scalable Computing Architecture (HP)27) Электротехника: short-circuit ampere, silicon-controlled assembly, solar cell array28) Снабжение: supplier corrective action29) Должность: Sensitive Civil Activist30) НАСА: Special Camera Adapter31) Международная торговля: Sustainable Competitive Advantage -
20 sca
1) Компьютерная техника: Shared Control Array, Single Connector Assembly, satellite channel assignment3) Медицина: Sudden Cardiac Arrest4) Американизм: Senate Constitutional Amendment, Subsidiary Carrier Authorization5) Военный термин: Satellite Communications Agency, Service Contract Act, Service Cryptologic Agency, Southern communications area, Strategic Competitiveness Agency, seacoast artillery, senior class adviser, service cryptologic agencies, ship cost adjustment, small caliber ammunitions, stabilization control amplifier, storage, checkout and assembly, supersonic cruising aircraft6) Техника: Subsidiary Communication Authorization, secondary control assembly, simulated core assembly, single-channel analyzer, site characterization analysis, small component autoclave, sneak circuit analysis, subchannel adapter, superconducting accelerator7) Шутливое выражение: Skinned Character Animation, Society For Creative Anarchy8) Религия: Satanic Church Of America9) Юридический термин: Sexual Child Abuse, Steel Cage Asylum10) Автомобильный термин: Supplemental Coolant Additive (охлаждающие средства дизельных двигателей)11) Телекоммуникации: Software Communications Architecture12) Сокращение: Scientific Content Analysis (linguistic lie detector technique), Section Chief Assembly (Part of gun display unit), Senior Citizens of America, Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, Signal Communication in the Army (UK), Simulation Control Area, Special Committee on Agriculture, subcarrier authorization13) Университет: Student Career Assistant, Student Christian Association, Student Conservation Association, Student Cooperative Association14) Электроника: Single Channel Analyzer, Stereo Control Amplifier, Surface Charge Analysis15) Вычислительная техника: Scalable Cooperative Architecture, Synchronous Clock Adjustment, single connector attachment, Software Corporation of America (Hersteller, USA), Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (Space)16) Нефть: Safety and Control Area17) Иммунология: Serum Complement Antibody18) Биотехнология: СКВ, стволовые клетки взрослых19) Транспорт: Supplemental Coolant Additive20) Фирменный знак: Smith Clark Associates, Southwest Counseling Associates21) Образование: Student Community Action, Student Council Association22) Сетевые технологии: Send Configure Ack, System Communication Architecture, Systems Communication Architecture, архитектура системной связи23) Программирование: Сервис-компонентная архитектура (сокр. от Service Component Architecture)24) Сахалин Р: Structural Consequence Assessment25) Химическое оружие: Subcontract administrator26) Расширение файла: SCA Datafile, Scalable Computing Architecture (HP)27) Электротехника: short-circuit ampere, silicon-controlled assembly, solar cell array28) Снабжение: supplier corrective action29) Должность: Sensitive Civil Activist30) НАСА: Special Camera Adapter31) Международная торговля: Sustainable Competitive Advantage
См. также в других словарях:
Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy — The Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) is a talking therapy, a synthesis model of interpersonal and cognitive and behavioral therapies developed (and patented) by James P. McCullough Jr [2000, 2006] of Virginia… … Wikipedia
Core self-evaluations — (CSE) represent a stable personality trait which encompasses an individual’s subconscious, fundamental evaluations about themselves, their own abilities and their own control. People who have high core self evaluations will think positively of… … Wikipedia
Core damage frequency — (CDF) is a term used in probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) that indicates the likelihood of an accident that would cause damage to a nuclear reactor core.[1][2][3] Core damage accidents are considered serious because damage to the core may… … Wikipedia
Core Security Technologies — Core Security Type Private Industry Computer Security Vulnerability Management Security Consulting Services Founded 1996 Headquarters … Wikipedia
System 80 — is a pressurized water reactor design by the Westinghouse Electric Company.ystem 80+An updated version of the plant has been designed which was given a + at the end of the name. This indicates an evolutionary plant design changes were made to… … Wikipedia
Core dump — A core dump gets its name from an old memory technology using tiny magnetic cores, shown here at 50x magnification. In computing, a core dump (more properly a memory dump or storage dump) consists of the recorded state of the working memory of a… … Wikipedia
Core sample — Rock core samples. The product of a Diamond rig. (The bird is a Pied Butcherbird.) A core sample is a cylindrical section of (usually) a naturally occurring substance. Most core samples are obtained by drilling with special drills into the… … Wikipedia
Core Architecture Data Model — Example of a CADM Diagram for Overview and Summary Information (AV 1) of the DoDAF.[1] Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) in Enterprise Architecture is a logical data model of information used to describe and build architectures … Wikipedia
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
System Shock — Infobox VG title = System Shock developer = Looking Glass Studios publisher = Origin Systems/Electronic Arts designer = Doug Church engine = Enhanced Underworld engine released = March 26, 1994cite web |… … Wikipedia
System of concepts to support continuity of care — Introduction ContSys ( CEN standard EN13940[1] ) defines a system of concepts to support continuity of care. Continuity of care is an organisational principle that represents an important aspect of quality and safety in health care. Semantic… … Wikipedia