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  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 — Infobox UK Legislation short title=Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 parliament=Parliament of the United Kingdom long title=An Act to make further provision for securing the health, safety and welfare of persons at work, for protecting… …   Wikipedia

  • etc — [[t]et se̱trə[/t]] ♦♦♦ (The spelling etc. is also used, especially in American English.) etc is used at the end of a list to indicate that you have mentioned only some of the items involved and have not given a full list. etc is a written… …   English dictionary

  • work·a·hol·ic — /ˌwɚkəˈhɑːlık/ noun, pl ics [count] : a person who chooses to work a lot : a person who is always working, thinking about work, etc. My brother is a real workaholic who almost never takes time off …   Useful english dictionary

  • work — [wʉrk] n. [ME werk < OE weorc, akin to Ger werk < IE base * werĝ , to do, act > Gr ergon (for * wergon), action, work, organon, tool, instrument] 1. physical or mental effort exerted to do or make something; purposeful activity; labor;… …   English World dictionary

  • work sheet — n. 1. a sheet of paper on which a record of work, working time, etc. is kept 2. a sheet of paper printed with practice exercises, problems, etc., to be worked on directly by students 3. a sheet of paper containing working notes, preliminary… …   English World dictionary

  • work around — ˌwork a ˈround ˌwork ˈround british [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they work around he/she/it works around present participle …   Useful english dictionary

  • work-to-rule — ˌwork to ˈrule , ˌwork to ˈcontract noun [singular] HUMAN RESOURCES an occasion when people protest about a situation at work by doing their job less quickly or effectively, but without breaking their employer s rules or the terms of their… …   Financial and business terms

  • etc — 1. This is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase et cetera meaning ‘and other things of the same kind’, and is pronounced et set ǝr ǝ or et set rǝ, despite the temptation to articulate the first syllable ek on the analogy of words such as ecstasy… …   Modern English usage

  • work your way through college the world — ˌwork your ˈway through college, round the world, etc. idiom to have a job or series of jobs while studying, travelling, etc. in order to pay for your education, etc. Main entry: ↑wayidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • work your way through round the world — ˌwork your ˈway through college, round the world, etc. idiom to have a job or series of jobs while studying, travelling, etc. in order to pay for your education, etc. Main entry: ↑wayidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • work experience — work ex.perience n [U] 1.) the experience you have had of working in a particular type of job ▪ She s well qualified but has no relevant work experience. 2.) BrE a period of time that a young person spends working in a particular place, as a form …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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