Перевод: с арабского на английский

с английского на арабский


  • 1 aggregate

    [ˈægrɪgət] noun
    a total:

    What is the aggregate of goals from the two football matches?


    Arabic-English dictionary > aggregate

  • 2 ككل

    كَكُلّ، بِالكُلّ
    as a whole, en bloc, en masse, in bulk, in one lump, in the aggregate, (taken) altogether, on the whole, in general, at large, overall

    Arabic-English new dictionary > ككل

  • 3 بالكل

    كَكُلّ، بِالكُلّ
    as a whole, en bloc, en masse, in bulk, in one lump, in the aggregate, (taken) altogether, on the whole, in general, at large, overall

    Arabic-English new dictionary > بالكل

  • 4 جملة

    جُمْلَة \ bulk, aggregate, total, lump. \ بِالجُمْلَة \ in bulk: in large amounts; not in separate containers: Ships carry oil in bulk. wholesale: in large numbers: His enemies were murdered wholesale. He sells his goods wholesale. \ جُمْلَة (تامّة)‏ \ sentence: a group of words that expresses a complete idea (compared with a phrase, etc.). \ جُمْلَة تابعة (لِجُمْلة أخرى رئيسيّة)‏ \ clause: part of a sentence, with its own subject and verb: The sentence "He ran away when he saw me" is made up of two clauses.

    Arabic-English dictionary > جملة

См. также в других словарях:

  • In the aggregate — Aggregate Ag gre*gate, n. 1. A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars; as, a house is an aggregate of stone, brick, timber, etc. [1913 Webster] Note: In an aggregate the particulars are less intimately mixed than in a compound. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • in the aggregate — phrasal : considered as a whole : collectively dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to $60,000 * * * in the aggregate Taken as a whole • • • Main Entry: ↑aggregate * * * in the aggregate (also in aggregate) …   Useful english dictionary

  • in the aggregate — in (the) aggregate ► in total, after different prices, amounts, etc. have been added together: »In aggregate, the top 30 listed companies tend to get more money back from the government than they pay in tax. Main Entry: ↑aggregate …   Financial and business terms

  • in (the) aggregate — in (the) ˈaggregate idiom (formal) added together as a total or single amount • Businesses are, in the aggregate, deeper in debt than ever before. Main entry: ↑aggregateidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • in the aggregate — phrasal considered as a whole ; collectively < dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to 25 million dollars > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • in the aggregate — index en masse, in toto, wholly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • in the aggregate — all together, in the whole …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Aggregate (composite) — Aggregate is the component of a composite material used to resist compressive stress. For efficient filling, aggregate should be much smaller than the finished item, but have a wide variety of sizes. For example, the particles of stone used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol — The Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol (ALSP) is a protocol and supporting software that enables simulations to interoperate with one another. Replaced by the High Level Architecture (simulation) (HLA), it was used by the US military to link… …   Wikipedia

  • aggregate — ag·gre·gate 1 / a grə gət/ adj: taken as a total aggregate liability ag·gre·gate 2 / a grə ˌgāt/ vb gat·ed, gat·ing vt 1: to combine or gather into a whole class members may aggregate their indiv …   Law dictionary

  • Aggregate Supply — The total supply of goods and services produced within an economy at a given overall price level in a given time period. It is represented by the aggregate supply curve, which describes the relationship between price levels and the quantity of… …   Investment dictionary

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