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  • 1 robbery

    plural - robberies; noun (the act of robbing: Robbery is a serious crime; He was charged with four robberies.) røveri
    * * *
    plural - robberies; noun (the act of robbing: Robbery is a serious crime; He was charged with four robberies.) røveri

    English-Danish dictionary > robbery

  • 2 robbery

    røveri {n}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > robbery

  • 3 identical

    1) (the same in every detail: They wore identical dresses.) identisk
    2) (the very same: That is the identical car that I saw outside the bank just before the robbery.) den samme
    - identicalness
    * * *
    1) (the same in every detail: They wore identical dresses.) identisk
    2) (the very same: That is the identical car that I saw outside the bank just before the robbery.) den samme
    - identicalness

    English-Danish dictionary > identical

  • 4 master

    1. feminine - mistress; noun
    1) (a person or thing that commands or controls: I'm master in this house!) herre
    2) (an owner (of a slave, dog etc): The dog ran to its master.) herre
    3) (a male teacher: the Maths master.) lærer
    4) (the commander of a merchant ship: the ship's master.) kaptajn
    5) (a person very skilled in an art, science etc: He's a real master at painting.) mester
    6) ((with capital) a polite title for a boy, in writing or in speaking: Master John Smith.) hr
    2. adjective
    ((of a person in a job) fully qualified, skilled and experienced: a master builder/mariner/plumber.) mester-
    3. verb
    1) (to overcome (an opponent, handicap etc): She has mastered her fear of heights.) overvinde
    2) (to become skilful in: I don't think I'll ever master arithmetic.) mestre
    - masterfully
    - masterfulness
    - masterly
    - masterliness
    - mastery
    - master key
    - mastermind
    4. verb
    (to plan (such a scheme): Who masterminded the robbery?) planlægge; være hjernen bag
    - master stroke
    - master switch
    - master of ceremonies
    * * *
    1. feminine - mistress; noun
    1) (a person or thing that commands or controls: I'm master in this house!) herre
    2) (an owner (of a slave, dog etc): The dog ran to its master.) herre
    3) (a male teacher: the Maths master.) lærer
    4) (the commander of a merchant ship: the ship's master.) kaptajn
    5) (a person very skilled in an art, science etc: He's a real master at painting.) mester
    6) ((with capital) a polite title for a boy, in writing or in speaking: Master John Smith.) hr
    2. adjective
    ((of a person in a job) fully qualified, skilled and experienced: a master builder/mariner/plumber.) mester-
    3. verb
    1) (to overcome (an opponent, handicap etc): She has mastered her fear of heights.) overvinde
    2) (to become skilful in: I don't think I'll ever master arithmetic.) mestre
    - masterfully
    - masterfulness
    - masterly
    - masterliness
    - mastery
    - master key
    - mastermind
    4. verb
    (to plan (such a scheme): Who masterminded the robbery?) planlægge; være hjernen bag
    - master stroke
    - master switch
    - master of ceremonies

    English-Danish dictionary > master

  • 5 no part in

    ((not) to be one of the people who are doing (something): He played no part in the robbery.) tage del i; ikke tage del i
    * * *
    ((not) to be one of the people who are doing (something): He played no part in the robbery.) tage del i; ikke tage del i

    English-Danish dictionary > no part in

  • 6 play a

    ((not) to be one of the people who are doing (something): He played no part in the robbery.) tage del i; ikke tage del i
    * * *
    ((not) to be one of the people who are doing (something): He played no part in the robbery.) tage del i; ikke tage del i

    English-Danish dictionary > play a

  • 7 rob

    past tense, past participle - robbed; verb
    1) (to steal from (a person, place etc): He robbed a bank / an old lady; I've been robbed!) røve
    2) ((with of) to take (something) away from; to deprive of: An accident robbed him of his sight at the age of 21.) fratage; røve
    - robbery
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - robbed; verb
    1) (to steal from (a person, place etc): He robbed a bank / an old lady; I've been robbed!) røve
    2) ((with of) to take (something) away from; to deprive of: An accident robbed him of his sight at the age of 21.) fratage; røve
    - robbery

    English-Danish dictionary > rob

  • 8 robberies

    plural; see robbery
    * * *
    plural; see robbery

    English-Danish dictionary > robberies

  • 9 serve

    [sə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to work for a person etc eg as a servant: He served his master for forty years.) tjene
    2) (to distribute food etc or supply goods: She served the soup to the guests; Which shop assistant served you (with these goods)?) servere; betjene
    3) (to be suitable for a purpose: This upturned bucket will serve as a seat.) tjene
    4) (to perform duties, eg as a member of the armed forces: He served (his country) as a soldier for twenty years; I served on the committee for five years.) tjene; gøre tjeneste
    5) (to undergo (a prison sentence): He served (a sentence of) six years for armed robbery.) afsone
    6) (in tennis and similar games, to start the play by throwing up the ball etc and hitting it: He served the ball into the net; Is it your turn to serve?) serve
    2. noun
    (act of serving (a ball).) serv
    - serving
    - it serves you right
    - serve an apprenticeship
    - serve out
    - serve up
    * * *
    [sə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to work for a person etc eg as a servant: He served his master for forty years.) tjene
    2) (to distribute food etc or supply goods: She served the soup to the guests; Which shop assistant served you (with these goods)?) servere; betjene
    3) (to be suitable for a purpose: This upturned bucket will serve as a seat.) tjene
    4) (to perform duties, eg as a member of the armed forces: He served (his country) as a soldier for twenty years; I served on the committee for five years.) tjene; gøre tjeneste
    5) (to undergo (a prison sentence): He served (a sentence of) six years for armed robbery.) afsone
    6) (in tennis and similar games, to start the play by throwing up the ball etc and hitting it: He served the ball into the net; Is it your turn to serve?) serve
    2. noun
    (act of serving (a ball).) serv
    - serving
    - it serves you right
    - serve an apprenticeship
    - serve out
    - serve up

    English-Danish dictionary > serve

См. также в других словарях:

  • robbery — rob·bery n pl ber·ies [Anglo French robberie roberie, from Old French, from rober to take something away from a person by force]: the unlawful taking away of personal property from a person by violence or by threat of violence that causes fear:… …   Law dictionary

  • Robbery-Homicide Division — (RHD) is a specialized investigative division of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). RHD investigates homicides, bank robberies, and other selected robberies, extortions, sex crimes and kidnappings on a Citywide basis. RHD is also… …   Wikipedia

  • Robbery — Robbery, Assault Battery Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Robbery, Assault Battery» Canción de Genesis álbum A Trick of the Tail Publicación 20 febrero 1976 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Robbery — Rob ber*y, n.; pl. {Robberies}. [OF. roberie.] 1. The act or practice of robbing; theft. [1913 Webster] Thieves for their robbery have authority When judges steal themselves. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The crime of robbing. See {Rob}, v. t., 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Robbery Beaches — (coord|62|37|S|61|05|W|) are beaches extending along the north side of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands. The name ‘Robbery Beach’ was used by James Weddell in 1820 23. It arose from the English robbery of sealskins …   Wikipedia

  • robbery, armed — n. Robbery committed by a defendant armed with a dangerous weapon; sometimes called aggravated robbery. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • robbery — UK US /ˈrɒbəri/ noun [C or U] (plural robberies) LAW ► the crime of stealing from somewhere or someone: »He committed several robberies. »a bank robbery …   Financial and business terms

  • robbery — (n.) c.1200, from O.Fr. roberie, from rober (see ROB (Cf. rob)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • robbery — *larceny, *theft, burglary …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • robbery — [n] stealing break in, burglary, caper, embezzlement, felony, heist*, hit, holdup*, job, larceny, looting, mortal sin, mugging, purse snatching, stickup*, theft, thievery, unlawful act, wrongdoing; concept 192 …   New thesaurus

  • robbery — ► NOUN (pl. robberies) 1) the action of robbing a person or place. 2) informal unashamed swindling or overcharging …   English terms dictionary

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