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См. также в других словарях:

  • poor condition — bad condition, terrible state, awful position …   English contemporary dictionary

  • poor — I (inferior in quality) adjective bad, badly made, barely passable, base, beggarly, below par, below standard, cheap, coarse, common, contemptible, crude, defective, deficient, dubious, faulty, flimsy, gimcrack, imperfect, inadequate, inartistic …   Law dictionary

  • condition — 01. Your grandfather s [condition] has certainly improved as a result of the operation. 02. I bought a used car in excellent [condition] for only $2500. 03. A young man is in serious [condition] after being hit by a speeding car while crossing… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • poor — adj. 1 lacking adequate money or means to live comfortably. 2 (foll. by in) deficient in (a possession or quality) (the poor in spirit). 3 a scanty, inadequate (a poor crop). b less good than is usual or expected (poor visibility; is a poor… …   Useful english dictionary

  • poor*/*/*/ — [pɔː] adj 1) having little money and few possessions Ant: rich a poor family/area/country[/ex] We were very poor and could barely afford the necessities of life.[/ex] 2) the poor people who have little money and few possessions 3) not as good as… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • condition coefficient — a figure calculated from length and weight which expresses the plumpness or fatness of a fish or the changes in the food reserves stored in muscle. The condition factor (K) is the ratio of the weight of the fish (without the gonads) to the cube… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Poor Clares — • The second order of St. Francis Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Poor Clares     Poor Clares     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • poor — adj 1 Poor, indigent, needy, destitute, penniless, impecunious, poverty stricken, necessitous are comparable when they mean having less money or fewer possessions than are required to support a full life. Poor describes a person, a people, or an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • poor|tith — «PR tihth, POHR », noun. Scottish. condition of being poor; poverty. ╂[< Old French povretet < Latin paupertās; see etym. under poverty (Cf. ↑poverty)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • condition — I n. requirement 1) to impose, set; state, stipulate a condition 2) to accept a condition 3) to fulfill, meet, satisfy a condition 4) an essential condition 5) on condition that + clause; subj. (she will join us on condition that you also be… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • condition — noun 1 state of sth ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, good, immaculate, mint, perfect, pristine ▪ reasonable ▪ bad …   Collocations dictionary

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