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  • 1 regard

    1. verb
    1) ((with as) to consider to be: I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable.) považovat
    2) (to think of as being very good, important etc; to respect: He is very highly regarded by his friends.) vážit si, ctít
    3) (to think of (with a particular emotion or feeling): I regard him with horror; He regards his wife's behaviour with amusement.) uvažovat (o), pohlížet (na)
    4) (to look at: He regarded me over the top of his glasses.) dívat se na, pozorovat
    5) (to pay attention to (advice etc).) dbát
    2. noun
    1) (thought; attention: He ran into the burning house without regard for his safety.) ohled
    2) (sympathy; care; consideration: He shows no regard for other people.) ohled, zájem, pochopení
    3) (good opinion; respect: I hold him in high regard.) úcta
    - regardless
    - regards
    - as regards
    - with regard to
    * * *
    • týkat se
    • považovat
    • pokládat
    • ohled

    English-Czech dictionary > regard

  • 2 class

    1. plural - classes; noun
    1) (a group of people or things that are alike in some way: The dog won first prize in its class in the dog show.) třída
    2) ((the system according to which people belong to) one of a number of economic/social groups: the upper class; the middle class; the working class; ( also adjective) the class system.) třída; třídní
    3) (a grade or rank (of merit): musicians of a high class.) třída, kategorie
    4) (a number of students or scholars taught together: John and I are in the same class.) třída
    5) (a school lesson or college lecture etc: a French class.) hodina, přednáška, kurz
    6) ((American) a course or series of lectures, often leading to an examination.) kurz
    2. verb
    (to regard as being of a certain type: He classes all women as stupid.) (za)řadit
    - class-room
    * * *
    • třída
    • třídit
    • přednáška
    • ročník
    • jakost
    • klasifikovat
    • kvalita

    English-Czech dictionary > class

  • 3 rate

    [reit] 1. noun
    1) (the number of occasions within a given period of time when something happens or is done: a high (monthly) accident rate in a factory.) počet
    2) (the number or amount of something (in relation to something else); a ratio: There was a failure rate of one pupil in ten in the exam.) poměr, kvóta
    3) (the speed with which something happens or is done: He works at a tremendous rate; the rate of increase/expansion.) rychlost
    4) (the level (of pay), cost etc (of or for something): What is the rate of pay for this job?) tarif, sazba
    5) ((usually in plural) a tax, especially, in United Kingdom, paid by house-owners etc to help with the running of their town etc.) poplatek
    2. verb
    (to estimate or be estimated, with regard to worth, merit, value etc: I don't rate this book very highly; He doesn't rate very highly as a dramatist in my estimation.) hodnotit, být ceněn
    - at this
    - at that rate
    - rate of exchange
    * * *
    • úměra
    • poměr
    • podíl
    • rychlost
    • odhadnout
    • klasifikovat
    • cenit

    English-Czech dictionary > rate

См. также в других словарях:

  • high regard — index credit (recognition), estimation (esteem), homage, honor (good reputation), honor (outward respect) …   Law dictionary

  • regard — [ri gärd′] n. [ME < OFr < regarder: see RE & GUARD] 1. a firm, fixed look; gaze 2. consideration; attention; concern [to have some regard for one s safety] 3. respect and affection; esteem [to have high regard for one s teachers] …   English World dictionary

  • Regard — Re*gard , n. [F. regard See {Regard}, v. t.] 1. A look; aspect directed to another; view; gaze. [1913 Webster] But her, with stern regard, he thus repelled. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Attention of the mind with a feeling of interest; observation;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hold someone in high regard — hold someone in high esteem/regard/ phrase to admire or respect someone very much Thesaurus: to respect someone or something, and to show respectsynonym Main entry: hold …   Useful english dictionary

  • regard — I n. consideration 1) to show regard 2) regard for (he shows no regard for the feelings of others; you must have regard for our safety) esteem 3) high; low regard (to hold smb. in high regard) aspect, relation 4) in a regard (in this regard) 5)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • regard */*/*/ — I UK [rɪˈɡɑː(r)d] / US [rɪˈɡɑrd] verb [transitive] Word forms regard : present tense I/you/we/they regard he/she/it regards present participle regarding past tense regarded past participle regarded 1) [not usually progressive] to think of someone …   English dictionary

  • regard — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 attention to/thought for sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ particular, special, specific ▪ scant ▪ They paid scant regard to my views. ▪ due …   Collocations dictionary

  • regard — re|gard1 S3 [rıˈga:d US a:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(admiration/respect)¦ 2¦(attention/consideration)¦ 3 with/in regard to something 4 in this/that regard 5 regards 6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: regarder; REGARD2] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • regard — [[t]rɪgɑ͟ː(r)d[/t]] ♦♦ regards, regarding, regarded 1) VERB If you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality. [be V ed as n] He was… …   English dictionary

  • regard — re|gard1 [ rı gard ] verb transitive *** 1. ) not usually progressive to think of something or someone in a particular way: regard someone/something as something: The nuclear reactors, which were regarded as dangerously out of date, were replaced …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • regard — 1 noun formal 1 RESPECT (U) respect for someone or something (+ for): She has so little regard for him, she is unlikely to follow his advice. | hold sb/sth in high regard (=admire and respect them very much): a teacher who is held in high regard… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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