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  • 1 each

    minden egyes, mindenki, mind, minden, mindegyik
    * * *
    [i: ] 1. adjective
    (every (thing, person etc) of two or more, considered separately: each house in this street.) mindegyik
    2. pronoun
    (every single one, of two or more: They each have 50 cents.) mindgeyik, mindenki
    3. adverb
    (to or for each one; apiece; I gave them an apple each.) mindegyiknek

    English-Hungarian dictionary > each

  • 2 topsyturv(e)y

    adjective, adverb
    (upside down; in confusion: Every thing was turned topsyturvy.) összevissza

    English-Hungarian dictionary > topsyturv(e)y

  • 3 topsyturv(e)y

    adjective, adverb
    (upside down; in confusion: Every thing was turned topsyturvy.) összevissza

    English-Hungarian dictionary > topsyturv(e)y

  • 4 quarter

    9 hl, címerpajzs felosztása, táj, 12, félév, égtáj to quarter: négy részre oszt, négyfelé vág, négyfelé oszt
    * * *
    ['kwo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (one of four equal parts of something which together form the whole (amount) of the thing: There are four of us, so we'll cut the cake into quarters; It's (a) quarter past / (American) after four; In the first quarter of the year his firm made a profit; The shop is about a quarter of a mile away; an hour and a quarter; two and a quarter hours.) negyed (rész)
    2) (in the United States and Canada, (a coin worth) twenty-five cents, the fourth part of a dollar.) negyed dollár(os)
    3) (a district or part of a town especially where a particular group of people live: He lives in the Polish quarter of the town.) (város)negyed
    4) (a direction: People were coming at me from all quarters.) irány
    5) (mercy shown to an enemy.) kegyelem
    6) (the leg of a usually large animal, or a joint of meat which includes a leg: a quarter of beef; a bull's hindquarters.) (hátsó) fertály
    7) (the shape of the moon at the end of the first and third weeks of its cycle; the first or fourth week of the cycle itself.) holdnegyed
    8) (one of four equal periods of play in some games.) negyed
    9) (a period of study at a college etc usually 10 to 12 weeks in length.) negyedév
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into four equal parts: We'll quarter the cake and then we'll all have an equal share.) négy részre oszt
    2) (to divide by four: If we each do the work at the same time, we could quarter the time it would take to finish the job.) négyfelé oszt
    3) (to give (especially a soldier) somewhere to stay: The soldiers were quartered all over the town.) elszállásol
    3. adverb
    (once every three months: We pay our electricity bill quarterly.) negyedévenként
    4. noun
    (a magazine etc which is published once every three months.) negyedévenként megjelenő folyóirat
    - quarter-deck
    - quarter-final
    - quarter-finalist
    - quartermaster
    - at close quarters

    English-Hungarian dictionary > quarter

  • 5 all-round

    1) (including or applying to every part, person, thing etc: an all-round pay rise.) teljes(körű), univerzális
    2) (good at all parts of a subject etc: an all-round sportsman.) sokoldalú, univerzális

    English-Hungarian dictionary > all-round

  • 6 it

    azt, hunyó, az, olasz ürmös, annak, őt, fogó, neki
    * * *
    1) ((used as the subject of a verb or object of a verb or preposition) the thing spoken of, used especially of lifeless things and of situations, but also of animals and babies: If you find my pencil, please give it to me; The dog is in the garden, isn't it?; I picked up the baby because it was crying; He decided to run a mile every morning but he couldn't keep it up.) az(t)
    2) (used as a subject in certain kinds of sentences eg in talking about the weather, distance or time: Is it raining very hard?; It's cold; It is five o'clock; Is it the fifth of March?; It's two miles to the village; Is it your turn to make the tea?; It is impossible for him to finish the work; It was nice of you to come; Is it likely that he would go without us?)
    3) ((usually as the subject of the verb be) used to give emphasis to a certain word or phrase: It was you (that) I wanted to see, not Mary.)
    4) (used with some verbs as a direct object with little meaning: The car broke down and we had to walk it; Oh, bother it!)
    - its
    - itself

    English-Hungarian dictionary > it

  • 7 mark

    mérték, célpont, szint, márka, nyom, osztályzat to mark: jellemez, osztályoz, megjegyez, megfigyel
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) ((also Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark) the standard unit of German currency before the euro.)
    2) (a point given as a reward for good work etc: She got good marks in the exam.)
    3) (a stain: That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet.)
    4) (a sign used as a guide to position etc: There's a mark on the map showing where the church is.)
    5) (a cross or other sign used instead of a signature: He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead.)
    6) (an indication or sign of a particular thing: a mark of respect.)
    2. verb
    1) (to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained: Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily.)
    2) (to give marks to (a piece of work): I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight.)
    3) (to show; to be a sign of: X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.)
    4) (to note: Mark it down in your notebook.)
    5) ((in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball: Your job is to mark the centre-forward.)
    - markedly
    - marker
    - marksman
    - marksmanship
    - leave/make one's mark
    - mark out
    - mark time

    English-Hungarian dictionary > mark

  • 8 proportion

    hányad, arány, viszony to proportion: arányba állít, arányosít, méretez, kioszt
    * * *
    1) (a part (of a total amount): Only a small proportion of the class passed the exam.) rész
    2) (the (correct) quantity, size, number etc (of one thing compared with that of another): For this dish, the butter and flour should be in the proportion of three to four (=eg 300 grammes of butter with every 400 grammes of flour).) arány
    - proportionally
    - proportionate
    - proportionately
    - be
    - get in proportion to
    - get in proportion
    - be
    - get out of all proportion to
    - get out of proportion to
    - get out of all proportion
    - get out of proportion
    - in proportion to

    English-Hungarian dictionary > proportion

  • 9 second

    párbajsegéd, segítő, másodperc, másodrendű to second: támogat, mellette szólal fel, párbajban segédkezik
    * * *
    I 1. ['sekənd] adjective
    1) (next after, or following, the first in time, place etc: February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.) második
    2) (additional or extra: a second house in the country.) másik
    3) (lesser in importance, quality etc: She's a member of the school's second swimming team.) másodrendű
    2. adverb
    (next after the first: He came second in the race.) második
    3. noun
    1) (a second person, thing etc: You're the second to arrive.) második
    2) (a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.) segítő
    4. verb
    (to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally: He proposed the motion and I seconded it.) támogat
    5. noun
    (a secondary school.)
    - secondly
    - secondary colours
    - secondary school
    - second-best
    - second-class
    - second-hand
    - second lieutenant
    - second-rate
    - second sight
    - second thoughts
    - at second hand
    - come off second best
    - every second week
    - month
    - second to none
    II ['sekənd] noun
    1) (the sixtieth part of a minute: He ran the race in three minutes and forty-two seconds.) másodperc
    2) (a short time: I'll be there in a second.) pillanat

    English-Hungarian dictionary > second

  • 10 target

    célpont, céltábla
    * * *
    1) (a marked board or other object aimed at in shooting practice, competitions etc with a rifle, bow and arrow etc: His shots hit the target every time.) céltábla
    2) (any object at which shots, bombs etc are directed: Their target was the royal palace.) célpont
    3) (a person, thing etc against which unfriendly comment or behaviour is directed: the target of criticism.) célpont

    English-Hungarian dictionary > target

См. также в других словарях:

  • Thing — (th[i^]ng), n. [AS. [thorn]ing a thing, cause, assembly, judicial assembly; akin to [thorn]ingan to negotiate, [thorn]ingian to reconcile, conciliate, D. ding a thing, OS. thing thing, assembly, judicial assembly, G. ding a thing, formerly also,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • every */*/*/ — UK [ˈevrɪ] / US determiner Summary: Every is generally used before a singular countable noun. The only exceptions are at Sense 2, where every can be used in phrases like every three hours , and at Sense 3. A noun subject that follows every is… …   English dictionary

  • Every Little Thing — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Banda de J Pop; también una de las canciones de Los Beatles. Every Little Thing Información personal Origen Japón …   Wikipedia Español

  • Every Little Thing (band) — Every Little Thing Kaori Mochida and Ichiro Ito of Every Little Thing pose in an Aoyama cafe, Tokyo, 2008. Background information Origin Tokyo, Japan …   Wikipedia

  • Every Little Thing — may refer to the following:*Every Little Thing (song), a song by The Beatles *Every Little Thing (band), a J pop duo *Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, a song by The Police *Every Little Thing (Jeff Lynne song), a song by Jeff Lynne *Every… …   Wikipedia

  • Thing-Thing — is a series of two dimensional action games in the vein of Vectorman and Abuse [ [http://diseasedboard.proboards75.com/index.cgi?board=thingthingdiscussion action=display thread=1026 page=2#71572 Diseased Productions Board Wikipedia Article ] ] …   Wikipedia

  • Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic — Single par The Police extrait de l’album Ghost in the Machine Face A Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Face B Flexible Strategies Sortie 1981 Enregistrement …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Every Best Single +3 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Every Best Single +3 Álbum recopilatorio de Every Little Thing Publicación 31 de marzo, 1999 Grabación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Every Little Thing (canción) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Every Little Thing» Canción de The Beatles Álbum Beatles for Sale Publicación 4 de diciembr …   Wikipedia Español

  • Every Ballad Songs — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Every Ballad Songs Compilación de Every Little Thing Publicación 5 de diciembre, 2000 Género(s) J …   Wikipedia Español

  • Every Best Single 2 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Every Best Single 2 Álbum recopilatorio de Every Little Thing Publicación 10 de septiembre, 2003 Grabación …   Wikipedia Español

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