Перевод: с английского на хорватский

с хорватского на английский


  • 1 correspondence

    [com] dopisivanje
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    English-Croatian dictionary > correspondence

  • 2 correspondence analysis

    analiza korespondencije

    English-Croatian dictionary > correspondence analysis

  • 3 principle of correspondence

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    princip korespondencije

    English-Croatian dictionary > principle of correspondence

  • 4 recent actuarial correspondence

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    skorašnja aktuarska korespodencija

    English-Croatian dictionary > recent actuarial correspondence

  • 5 clerk

    s 1. [arch][jur] svećenik, duhovnik 2. crkvenjak 3. [arch] učen čovjek, učenjak 4. tajnik (obično pravnik);[com] pisar, činovnik, knjigovođa 5. [US] prodavač, prodavačica, trgovački pomoćnik 6. vođa, nadstojnik;[eccl] crkvenjak / Town # = gradski tajnik; bank # = bankovni činovnik; correspondence # = korespondent; # of the works = upravitelj javnih radova; signing # = prokurist; chief #, head # = prvi knjigovođa; šef ureda; # in holy orders = svećenik
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    stručni referent

    English-Croatian dictionary > clerk

  • 6 enter into

    vi ući u, prodrijeti; sudjelovati, pristupiti; upustiti se, obvezati se; biti sastavni dio čega / to # an arrangement = sporazumjeti se, nagoditi se; to # a contract = zaključiti ugovor; to # business relation = stupiti u poslovne veze; to # one's mind = pasti na um, udubiti se; to #a p's feelings = shvatiti, razumjeti, cjeniti čije osjećaje, suosjećati s kim; to # details = ulaziti u pojedinosti; to # correspondence with = stupiti u dopisivanje sa; to # partnership with = udružiti se sa, stupiti u poslovno drugarstvo, uortačiti se; to # a treaty = sklopiti ugovor; to # obligations = preuzeti obaveze
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    English-Croatian dictionary > enter into

См. также в других словарях:

  • correspondence — cor‧re‧spon‧dence [ˌkɒrˈspɒndəns ǁ ˌkɔːrˈspɑːn , ˌkɑː ] noun [uncountable] 1. letters exchanged between people, especially business or official letters: • Any correspondence concerning the inquiry should be sent to Mr Alan Wood. comˌmercial… …   Financial and business terms

  • Correspondence analysis — (CA) is a multivariate statistical technique proposed[1] by Hirschfeld[2] and later developed by Jean Paul Benzécri.[3] It is conceptually similar to principal component analysis, but applies to categorical rather than continuous data. In a… …   Wikipedia

  • Correspondence — may refer to: In general usage, non concurrent, remote communication between people, including letters, email, newsgroups, Internet forums, blogs Correspondence theory of truth (philosophy), a theory in epistemology Correspondence principle… …   Wikipedia

  • Correspondence Publishing Committee — was a radical left organization led by C.L.R. James and Martin Glaberman that existed in the United States from approximately 1951 until it split in 1962. Contents 1 History 2 Facing Reality 3 Sources …   Wikipedia

  • Correspondence school — Cor res*pond ence school A school that teaches by correspondence, the instruction being based on printed instruction sheets and the recitation papers written by the student in answer to the questions or requirements of these sheets. In the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Correspondence (album) — Correspondence Studio album LP by Peter Godwin Released 1983 …   Wikipedia

  • correspondence clerk — ➔ clerk * * * correspondence clerk UK US noun [C] ► a person who works in an office and deals with the letters that are received, sent out, and stored there: »To find this kind of work, contact recruitment agencies that recruit for correspondence …   Financial and business terms

  • correspondence course — ➔ course * * * correspondence course UK US noun [C] ► a course of study that you do from your home with books and other information that are sent to you by post or email: »He took a correspondence course in accountancy. → See also DISTANCE… …   Financial and business terms

  • Correspondence — Cor re*spond ence ( sp?nd ens), n. [Cf. F. correspondance.] 1. Friendly intercourse; reciprocal exchange of civilities; especially, intercourse between persons by means of letters. [1913 Webster] Holding also good correspondence with the other… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • correspondence course — correspondence courses N COUNT A correspondence course is a course in which you study at home, receiving your work by post and sending it back by post. I took a correspondence course in computing …   English dictionary

  • correspondence audit — An examination of the accuracy of a taxpayer s income tax return conducted through the mail by the Internal Revenue Service, which sends the taxpayer a request for proof of a particular deduction or exemption taken by either completing a special… …   Law dictionary

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