Перевод: со всех языков на венгерский

с венгерского на все языки


  • 61 quarter-final

    noun ((often in plural) the third-last round in a competition.) negyeddöntő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > quarter-final

  • 62 quiz

    játék, vetélkedő, furcsa figura, szóbeli vizsga to quiz: kérdéseket tesz fel, vizsgáztat, kérdez, megtréfál
    * * *
    plural - quizzes; noun
    1) (a game or competition in which knowledge is tested by asking questions: a television quiz; a general-knowledge quiz.) vetélkedő, kvíz
    2) (a short test given to students.) (gyors)teszt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > quiz

  • 63 rally

    erőre kapás, túraverseny, gyülekezés, labdamenet to rally: magához térít, gyülekezik, heccel, ugrat, összevon
    * * *
    ['ræli] 1. verb
    1) (to come or bring together again: The general tried to rally his troops after the defeat; The troops rallied round the general.) összeszed (embereket)
    2) (to come or bring together for a joint action or effort: The supporters rallied to save the club from collapse; The politician asked his supporters to rally to the cause.) összegyűlik, tömörül (vki körül)
    3) (to (cause to) recover health or strength: She rallied from her illness.) magához tér(ít)
    2. noun
    1) (a usually large gathering of people for some purpose: a Scouts' rally.) nagygyűlés
    2) (a meeting (usually of cars or motorcycles) for a competition, race etc.) rali
    3) (an improvement in health after an illness.) erőre kapás
    4) ((in tennis etc) a (usually long) series of shots before the point is won or lost.) labdamenet

    English-Hungarian dictionary > rally

  • 64 rat race

    (the fierce, unending competition for success etc.) "patkányok versenyfutása"

    English-Hungarian dictionary > rat race

  • 65 result

    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (anything which is due to something already done: His deafness is the result of a car accident; He went deaf as a result of an accident; He tried a new method, with excellent results; He tried again, but without result.) következmény, eredmény
    2) (the answer to a sum etc: Add all these figures and tell me the result.) eredmény
    3) (the final score: What was the result of Saturday's match?) (vég)eredmény
    4) ((often in plural) the list of people who have been successful in a competition, of subjects a person has passed or failed in an examination etc: He had very good exam results; The results will be published next week.) eredményhirdetés; (vég)eredmények
    2. verb
    1) ((often with from) to be caused (by something): We will pay for any damage which results (from our experiments).) következik (vmiből)
    2) ((with in) to cause or have as a result: The match resulted in a draw.) eredményez vmit; végződik vmiben, vezet vmire

    English-Hungarian dictionary > result

  • 66 round

    forduló, karika, változás, körút, létrafok, forgás to round: kikerekedik, kikerekít, körüljár, kerekít
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) kerek
    2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) kövér(kés)
    2. adverb
    1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) hátra
    2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) körbe(n)
    3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) körbe
    4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) körül
    5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) körbe(n)
    6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) eljössz...?
    3. preposition
    1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) (körös-)körül
    2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) körbe(n), körül
    3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) befordul
    4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) városszerte
    4. noun
    1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) forduló, rund; játszma
    2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) körút
    3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) sorozat
    4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) lövés
    5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) futam, forduló
    6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) kánon
    5. verb
    (to go round: The car rounded the corner.) körüljár, befordul
    - roundly
    - roundness
    - rounds
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - roundabout
    6. adjective
    (not direct: a roundabout route.) kerülő
    - round-shouldered
    - round trip
    - all round
    - round about
    - round off
    - round on
    - round up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > round

  • 67 runner-up

    második helyezett
    * * *
    noun (a person, thing etc that is second in a race or competition: My friend won the prize and I was the runner-up.) második helyezett

    English-Hungarian dictionary > runner-up

  • 68 score

    partitúra, szóbanforgó tárgy, huzagolás, gólszám to score: leszid, számol, hangszerel, megjegyez, jegyez
    * * *
    [sko:] 1. plurals - scores; noun
    1) (the number of points, goals etc gained in a game, competition etc: The cricket score is 59 for 3.) pont(szám); gól(arány); (játék)állás
    2) (a written piece of music showing all the parts for instruments and voices: the score of an opera.) partitúra
    3) (a set or group of twenty: There was barely a score of people there.) húsz (20)
    2. verb
    1) (to gain (goals etc) in a game etc: He scored two goals before half-time.) lő (gólt); elér (pontot)
    2) ((sometimes with off or out) to remove (eg a name) from eg a list by putting a line through it: Please could you score my name off (the list)?; Is that word meant to be scored out?) elér, szerez (pontot)
    3) (to keep score: Will you score for us, please?) (ki)töröl
    - score-board
    - on that score
    - scores of
    - scores
    - settle old scores

    English-Hungarian dictionary > score

  • 69 semi-final

    (a match, round etc immediately before the final: She reached the semi-finals of the competition.) középdöntő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > semi-final

  • 70 shield

    pártfogó, védőburok, védelem, védelmező, védőlap to shield: védelmez, eltakar, véd, árnyékol
    * * *
    [ʃi:ld] 1. noun
    1) (a broad piece of metal, wood etc carried as a protection against weapons.) pajzs
    2) (something or someone that protects: A thick steel plate acted as a heat shield.) védelem
    3) (a trophy shaped like a shield won in a sporting competition etc: My son has won the archery shield.) jelvény
    2. verb
    1) (to protect: The goggles shielded the motorcyclist's eyes from dust.) (meg)véd
    2) (to prevent from being seen clearly: That group of trees shields the house from the road.) árnyékol

    English-Hungarian dictionary > shield

  • 71 show

    látványosság, siker, felmutatás, előadás, vállalat to show: megmutat, látszik, felfed, látszik vminek
    * * *
    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) (meg)mutat
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) látszik
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) bemutat
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) megmutat
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) kísér, (körül)vezet
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) bemutat
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) igazol, mutat
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) tanúsít
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) bemutató; műsor
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) bemutatás
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) látszat
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) látszat
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) (kimagasló) teljesítmény
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > show

  • 72 ski jump

    1) (a competition between skiers to see who will jump furthest off a steep slope.) síugrás
    2) (a steep snow-covered slope before a sharp drop, to help skiers leap into the air.) síugró sánc

    English-Hungarian dictionary > ski jump

  • 73 stimulus

    élénkítőszer, ösztönző, inger, izgatószer
    * * *
    plural - stimuli; noun
    1) (something that causes a reaction in a living thing: Light is the stimulus that causes a flower to open.) inger
    2) (something that rouses or encourages a person etc to action or greater effort: Many people think that children need the stimulus of competition to make them work better in school.) ösztönzés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > stimulus

  • 74 submit

    meghódol, enged, alávet
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - submitted; verb
    1) (to yield to control or to a particular kind of treatment by another person etc: I refuse to submit to his control; The rebels were ordered to submit.) enged; meghódol
    2) (to offer (a plan, suggestion, proposal, entry etc): Competitors for the painting competition must submit their entries by Friday.) előterjeszt
    - submissive
    - submissively
    - submissiveness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > submit

  • 75 suspense

    félbeszakítás, bizonytalanság, visszatartás
    * * *
    noun (a state of uncertainty and anxiety: We waited in suspense for the result of the competition.) bizonytalanság

    English-Hungarian dictionary > suspense

  • 76 tough

    huligán, kitartó, edzett, szívós, fáradságos
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (strong; not easily broken, worn out etc: Plastic is a tough material.) kemény
    2) ((of food etc) difficult to chew.) rágós
    3) ((of people) strong; able to bear hardship, illness etc: She must be tough to have survived such a serious illness.) szívós, stramm, edzett
    4) (rough and violent: It's a tough neighbourhood.) brutális
    5) (difficult to deal with or overcome: a tough problem; The competition was really tough.) nehéz
    2. noun
    (a rough, violent person; a bully.) huligán
    - toughen
    - tough luck
    - get tough with someone
    - get tough with

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tough

  • 77 tournament

    (a competition in which many players compete in many separate games: I'm playing in the next tennis tournament.) torna

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tournament

  • 78 tug-of-war

    noun (a competition in which two people or teams pull at opposite ends of a rope, trying to pull their opponents over a centre line.) kötélhúzás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tug-of-war

  • 79 well done!

    (used in congratulating a person: I hear you won the competition. Well done!) Jól van!

    English-Hungarian dictionary > well done!

  • 80 what's the odds?

    (it's not important; it doesn't matter: We didn't win the competition but what's the odds?) nem mindegy?

    English-Hungarian dictionary > what's the odds?

См. также в других словарях:

  • compétition — [ kɔ̃petisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1759; angl. competition; bas lat. competitio 1 ♦ Recherche simultanée par deux ou plusieurs personnes d un même avantage, d un même résultat. ⇒ concours, concurrence, conflit, rivalité. « Les intérêts diffèrent, les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Competition (economics) — Competition in economics is a term that encompasses the notion of individuals and firms striving for a greater share of a market to sell or buy goods and services. Merriam Webster defines competition in business as the effort of two or more… …   Wikipedia

  • Competition Commission of India — is a body of the Government of India responsible for enforcing The Competition Act, 2002 throughout India and to prevent activities that have an adverse effect on competition in India. It was established on 14 October, 2003. Contents 1 The… …   Wikipedia

  • Competition law theory — covers the strands of thought relating to competition law or antitrust policy. Contents 1 Classical perspective 2 Neo classical synthesis 3 Chicago School 4 Othe …   Wikipedia

  • Competition between Airbus and Boeing — is a result of both companies domination of the large jet airliner market since the 1990s, a consequence of mergers within the global aerospace industry over the years. Airbus began as a consortium from Europe, whereas the American Boeing took… …   Wikipedia

  • Competition spermatique — Compétition spermatique Introduite pour la première fois par Geoff Parker en 1970[1], la compétition spermatique (ou concurrence spermatique) correspond à la compétition entre les éjaculats de différents mâles pour la fertilisation d’un set donné …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Compétition Spermatique — Introduite pour la première fois par Geoff Parker en 1970[1], la compétition spermatique (ou concurrence spermatique) correspond à la compétition entre les éjaculats de différents mâles pour la fertilisation d’un set donné d’ovocytes. Pour se… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Competition aerobatics — is an air sport in which judges rate the skill of pilots performing aerobatic flying. It is practiced in both piston powered single engine airplanes and gliders. An aerobatic competition is sanctioned by a national aero club, its designee, or in… …   Wikipedia

  • Competition — Compétition Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Competition de Golf — Compétition de Golf Sommaire 1 Formules de jeu 2 Scores 3 Handicap et Playing handicap 4 Résultats 5 Voir au …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Compétition De Golf — Sommaire 1 Formules de jeu 2 Scores 3 Handicap et Playing handicap 4 Résultats 5 Voir au …   Wikipédia en Français

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