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  • 121 stunt

    I verb
    (to prevent or check the full growth or development of: It is thought that smoking by a pregnant mother may stunt the baby's growth.) suster
    (something (daring or spectacular) done to attract attention etc: One of his stunts was to cross the Niagara Falls blindfolded on a tight rope.) proeza
    * * *
    [st∧nt] n 1 impedimento ou retardamento do desenvolvimento. 2 ser vivo impedido em sua evolução natural. • vt retardar, impedir o crescimento.
    [st∧nt] n 1 sensação, atração, proeza, façanha, acrobacia. 2 golpe, truque. • vt fazer acrobacias.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stunt

  • 122 a shot in the dark

    (a guess based on little or no information: The detective admitted that his decision to check the factory had just been a shot in the dark.) uma intuição

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a shot in the dark

  • 123 all/just the same

    (nevertheless: I'm sure I locked the door, but, all the same, I think I'll go and check.) pelo sim pelo não

    English-Portuguese dictionary > all/just the same

  • 124 clamp down

    ( with on) (to check or control strictly.) dominar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clamp down

  • 125 go along

    1) (to go: I think I'll go along to that meeting.) ir
    2) (to proceed or progress: Check your work as you go along.) ir fazendo

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go along

  • 126 make certain

    (to act so that, or check that, something is sure: Make certain you arrive early; I think he's dead but you'd better make certain.) ter a certeza

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make certain

  • 127 make sure

    (to act so that, or check that, something is certain or sure: Arrive early at the cinema to make sure of (getting) a seat!; I think he's coming today but I'll telephone to make sure (of that / that he is).) ter a certeza

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make sure

  • 128 stock-taking

    noun (a regular check of the goods in a shop, warehouse etc.) balanço

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stock-taking

См. также в других словарях:

  • check — n 1: something that limits or restrains see also checks and balances 2: a written order signed by its maker directing a bank to pay a specified sum to a named person or to that person s order on demand see also negotiable instrument compa …   Law dictionary

  • Check kiting — is the illegal act of taking advantage of the float to make use of non existent funds in a checking or other bank account; it is a form of check fraud. It is commonly defined as intentionally writing a check for a value greater than the account… …   Wikipedia

  • Check Point — Software Technologies Ltd. Lema Aseguramos Internet Tipo Pública (NASDAQ: CHKP) NASDAQ 100 Fundación 1993 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Check-In — am Flughafen Vancouver Der Check in ist der Abfertigungsvorgang für Reisende zur Feststellung der Anwesenheit und zur Feststellung der mitgeführten Gepäckmenge. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Flugreisen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Check in — am Flughafen Vancouver Der Check in ist der Abfertigungsvorgang für Reisende zur Feststellung der Anwesenheit und zur Feststellung der mitgeführten Gepäckmenge. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Flugreisen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Check Point Abra — Check Point GO is a USB drive that combines an encrypted USB flash drive with virtualization, VPN and computer security technologies to turn a PC into a secure corporate desktop. By plugging Check Point GO into the USB port of a Microsoft… …   Wikipedia

  • Check Point — Rechtsform Limited ISIN IL0010824113 Gründung 1993 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Check on It — «Check On It» Сингл Бейонсе при участии Slim Thug из альбома #1 s …   Википедия

  • Check Your Head — Studio album by The Beastie Boys Released April 21, 1992 …   Wikipedia

  • Check on It — Single por Beyoncé con Slim Thug del álbum #1 s, algunas ediciones de B Day Lanzado Diciembre, 2005 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Check — (ch[e^]k), n. [OE. chek, OF. eschec, F. [ e]chec, a stop, hindrance, orig. check in the game of chess, pl. [ e]checs chess, through Ar., fr. Pers. sh[=a]h king. See {Shah}, and cf. {Checkmate}, {Chess}, {Checker}.] 1. (Chess) A word of warning… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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