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  • 1 active

    1) (energetic or lively; able to work etc: At seventy, he's no longer very active.) darbīgs; aktīvs
    2) ((busily) involved: She is an active supporter of women's rights.) aktīvs
    3) (causing an effect or effects: Yeast is an active ingredient in bread-making.) iedarbīgs; efektīvs
    4) (in force: The rule is still active.) spēkā esošs
    5) ((of volcanoes) still likely to erupt.) darbojošies
    6) (of the form of a verb in which the subject performs the action of the verb: The dog bit the man.) darāmā kārta; aktīvs
    - actively
    - activity
    * * *
    darbīgs, aktīvs; efektīvs, iedarbīgs; aktīvs

    English-Latvian dictionary > active

  • 2 active army

    aktīvā armija

    English-Latvian dictionary > active army

  • 3 active service

    aktīvais karadienests

    English-Latvian dictionary > active service

  • 4 active service, colour service

    piedalīšanās karadarbībā; aktīvais karadienests

    English-Latvian dictionary > active service, colour service

  • 5 active voice

    darāmā kārta, aktīvs; darāmā kārta; aktīvs

    English-Latvian dictionary > active voice

  • 6 the active

    aktīvs; darāmā kārta

    English-Latvian dictionary > the active

  • 7 to become active


    English-Latvian dictionary > to become active

  • 8 brisk

    (active or fast moving: a brisk walk; Business was brisk today.) dzīvs; mundrs; rosīgs
    * * *
    uzmundrināt; kļūt mundram; mundrs, rosīgs, dzīvs; spirdzinošs; dzirkstošs

    English-Latvian dictionary > brisk

  • 9 depress

    1) (to make sad or gloomy: I am always depressed by wet weather.) nomākt; nospiest
    2) (to make less active: This drug depresses the action of the heart.) vājināt; mazināt
    - depressing
    - depression
    * * *
    nospiest, piespiest; vājināt, mazināt; nospiest, nomākt; pazemināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > depress

  • 10 depressed

    1) (sad or unhappy: The news made me very depressed.) nomākts; nospiests
    2) (made less active: the depressed state of the stock market.) novājināts
    * * *
    zemāks; nospiests, nomākts

    English-Latvian dictionary > depressed

  • 11 develop

    past tense, past participle - developed; verb
    1) (to (cause to) grow bigger or to a more advanced state: The plan developed slowly in his mind; It has developed into a very large city.) attīstīt; attīstīties
    2) (to acquire gradually: He developed the habit of getting up early.) izstrādāt; izkopt
    3) (to become active, visible etc: Spots developed on her face.) atklāties; parādīties
    4) (to use chemicals to make (a photograph) visible: My brother develops all his own films.) attīstīt (fotofilmu)
    * * *
    attīstīties; izplatīties; izstrādāt; atklāties, parādīties; attīstīt; izvērst

    English-Latvian dictionary > develop

  • 12 dormant

    (not dead but not active: a dormant volcano.) snaudošs
    * * *
    aizmidzis ziemas guļā; dusošs; potenciāls, apslēpts; kas nenes ienākumus

    English-Latvian dictionary > dormant

  • 13 effective

    1) (having power to produce, or producing, a desired result: These new teaching methods have proved very effective.) efektīvs, iedarbīgs
    2) (striking or pleasing: an effective display of flowers.) efektīgs, iespaidīgs
    3) (in operation; working; active: The new law becomes effective next week.) stāties spēkā
    * * *
    kareivis; metāla nauda; efektīvs, iedarbīgs; efektīgs; spēkā esošs; derīgs karadienestam

    English-Latvian dictionary > effective

  • 14 energetic

    1) (vigorous; very active: an energetic child.) enerģisks
    2) (requiring energy: an energetic walk.) enerģisks
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > energetic

  • 15 extinct

    1) ((of a type of animal etc) no longer in existence: Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times.) izzudis; izmiris
    2) ((of a volcano) no longer active: That volcano was thought to be extinct until it suddenly erupted ten years ago.) (par vulkānu) izdzisis
    * * *
    izdzisis; izzudis; izmiris

    English-Latvian dictionary > extinct

  • 16 flourish

    1. verb
    1) (to be healthy; to grow well; to thrive: My plants are flourishing.) labi augt
    2) (to be successful or active: His business is flourishing.) zelt; plaukt
    3) (to hold or wave something as a show, threat etc: He flourished his sword.) vicināt
    2. noun
    1) (an ornamental stroke of the pen in writing: His writing was full of flourishes.) izpušķojums; izgreznojums (rakstā)
    2) (an impressive, sweeping movement (with the hand or something held in it): He bowed and made a flourish with his hat.) vēziens; žests; žestikulēšana
    3) (an ornamental passage of music: There was a flourish on the trumpets.) tušs; fanfaras
    * * *
    plašs žests; vēziens; izlocījums; fanfaras; krāšņi augt; zelt, plaukt; vēzēt; izlocīt burtus; dzīvot, darboties

    English-Latvian dictionary > flourish

  • 17 godfather

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) krusttēvs; krustmāte; krustvecāki
    * * *
    krusttēvs; patrons, aizbildnis; krustēvs, mafijas vadonis

    English-Latvian dictionary > godfather

  • 18 godmother

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) krusttēvs; krustmāte; krustvecāki
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > godmother

  • 19 godparent

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) krusttēvs; krustmāte; krustvecāki
    * * *
    krusttēvs, krustmāte

    English-Latvian dictionary > godparent

  • 20 hands-on

    adjective (practical; involving active participation: hands-on experience with computers.) praktiskas ievirzes-
    * * *
    ar dzīvi saistīts, praktisks

    English-Latvian dictionary > hands-on

См. также в других словарях:

  • Active Directory — (AD) is a directory service created by Microsoft for Windows domain networks. It is included in most Windows Server operating systems. Server computers on which Active Directory is running are called domain controllers. Active Directory serves as …   Wikipedia

  • Active Directory — (AD) est la mise en œuvre par Microsoft des services d annuaire LDAP pour les systèmes d exploitation Windows. L objectif principal d Active Directory est de fournir des services centralisés d identification et d authentification à un réseau d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Active Directory Application Mode — Active Directory Active Directory (AD) est la mise en œuvre par Microsoft des services d annuaire pour une utilisation principalement destinée aux environnements Windows. L objectif principal d Active Directory est de fournir des services… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Active Directory Service — Active Directory Active Directory (AD) est la mise en œuvre par Microsoft des services d annuaire pour une utilisation principalement destinée aux environnements Windows. L objectif principal d Active Directory est de fournir des services… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Active directory — (AD) est la mise en œuvre par Microsoft des services d annuaire pour une utilisation principalement destinée aux environnements Windows. L objectif principal d Active Directory est de fournir des services centralisés d identification et d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Active suspension — Active or adaptive suspension is an automotive technology that controls the vertical movement of the wheels with an onboard system rather than the movement being determined entirely by the road surface. The system virtually eliminates body roll… …   Wikipedia

  • Active Directory — («Активные директории», AD)  LDAP совместимая реализация службы каталогов корпорации Microsoft для операционных систем семейства Windows NT. Active Directory позволяет администраторам использовать групповые политики для обеспечения… …   Википедия

  • Active Worlds — Developer(s) Active Worlds, Inc. Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Active management — (also called active investing) refers to a portfolio management strategy where the manager makes specific investments with the goal of outperforming an investment benchmark index. Investors or mutual funds that do not aspire to create a return in …   Wikipedia

  • Active Directory — (AD) es el término que usa Microsoft para referirse a su implementación de servicio de directorio en una red distribuida de computadores. Utiliza distintos protocolos (principalmente LDAP, DNS, DHCP, Kerberos...). Su estructura jerárquica permite …   Wikipedia Español

  • Active learning — is an umbrella term that refers to several models of instruction that focus the responsibility of learning on learners. Bonwell and Eison (1991) popularized this approach to instruction. This buzz word of the 1980s became their 1990s report to… …   Wikipedia

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