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См. также в других словарях:

  • accordance with law — index legality Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • in accordance with — phrase in a way that follows a rule, system, or someone’s wishes in accordance with the terms of the contract Thesaurus: according to somethingsynonym Main entry: accordance * * * in accordance with : in a way that agrees with or follows ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • in\ accordance\ with — adv. phr. In consonance with something; conforming to something. Employees at this firm are expected to always behave in accordance with the rules. •• following the terms or requirements of; (acting) in conformity with; as stated by; in line with …   Словарь американских идиом

  • in accordance with — I adjective accordant, affili ated, affinitive, allied, applicable, apposite, appropriate, appurtenant, apropos, apt associated concepts: bearing upon, befitting, belonging to, cognate, comparable …   Law dictionary

  • in accordance with — {adv. phr.} In consonance with something; conforming to something. * /Employees at this firm are expected to always behave in accordance with the rules./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • in accordance with — {adv. phr.} In consonance with something; conforming to something. * /Employees at this firm are expected to always behave in accordance with the rules./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • in accordance with — in a way that follows a rule, system, or someone s wishes in accordance with the terms of the contract …   English dictionary

  • in accordance with something — in accordance with sth idiom (formal) according to a rule or the way that sb says that sth should be done • in accordance with legal requirements • We acted in accordance with my parents wishes. Main entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • in accordance with a law — in accordance with a rule/law/standard, etc. ► obeying a rule, law, standard, etc.: »A spokesman insisted the money had been spent in accordance with strict guidelines. Main Entry: ↑accordance …   Financial and business terms

  • in accordance with a law/standard — in accordance with a rule/law/standard, etc. ► obeying a rule, law, standard, etc.: »A spokesman insisted the money had been spent in accordance with strict guidelines. Main Entry: ↑accordance …   Financial and business terms

  • in accordance with a rule — in accordance with a rule/law/standard, etc. ► obeying a rule, law, standard, etc.: »A spokesman insisted the money had been spent in accordance with strict guidelines. Main Entry: ↑accordance …   Financial and business terms

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