1 the vicinity of Mars to the Earth
Макаров: близость Марса к ЗемлеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > the vicinity of Mars to the Earth
2 in the vicinity of
3 in the vicinity of
около, приблизительноA portable printing press weighed in the vicinity of eighty-five pounds, I would say. (E. S. Gardner, ‘The Case of the Deadly Toy’, ch. 14) — Думаю, что портативный печатный станок весил около 85 фунтов.
He is in the vicinity of sixty. — Ему под шестьдесят.
4 in the vicinity of
1) Общая лексика: поблизости, приблизительно, около (he is in the vicinity of fifty - ему около пятидесяти), вблизи (от чего-л.), по соседству (с чем-л.), близ (чего-л.), в районе, порядка2) Математика: приближённо -
5 in the vicinity of
6 from the vicinity of
Общая лексика: из-под -
7 in the vicinity
2) Американский английский: под -
8 in the vicinity (of)
9 in the vicinity of
идиом. фраз.околоприблизительноАнгло-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > in the vicinity of
10 in the vicinity of
поблизостиоколо, приблизительноАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > in the vicinity of
11 in the vicinity of
поблизости, около, приблизительно -
12 in the vicinity of
1) поблизости2) около, приблизительно -
13 in the vicinity of
14 in the vicinity of
около, приблизительноConversation vocabulary and slang. English-Russian dictionary > in the vicinity of
15 downfield shifts, positive in the sense of chemical shift, result from deshielding, normally seen for compounds with electron-withdrawing substituents in the vicinity of the resonating nucleus
Общая лексика: сдвиги в сторону слабого поля, положительные в смыслеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > downfield shifts, positive in the sense of chemical shift, result from deshielding, normally seen for compounds with electron-withdrawing substituents in the vicinity of the resonating nucleus
16 growing amount of snow on a glacier surrounded by mountain slopes, as compared to the average snow accumulation in the vicinity
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > growing amount of snow on a glacier surrounded by mountain slopes, as compared to the average snow accumulation in the vicinity
17 smearing of hydrodynamic quantities in the vicinity of the shock wave
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > smearing of hydrodynamic quantities in the vicinity of the shock wave
18 Elkesaite (Member of a Jewish sect that arose in the vicinity of Trans-Jordanic Palestine around 100 AD)
Религия: элкесаитУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Elkesaite (Member of a Jewish sect that arose in the vicinity of Trans-Jordanic Palestine around 100 AD)
19 be in the vicinity of aerodrome
Макаров: находиться в районе аэродромаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > be in the vicinity of aerodrome
20 he is in the vicinity of sixty
1) Общая лексика: ему скоро шестьдесят (ему около шестидесяти)2) Макаров: ему около шестидесятиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > he is in the vicinity of sixty
См. также в других словарях:
in the vicinity of — AROUND, about, nearly, circa, approaching, roughly, something like, more or less; in the region of, in the neighbourhood of, near to, close to; Brit. getting on for. → vicinity * * * in the vicinity of formal phrase … Useful english dictionary
in the vicinity of — (something) approximately a certain amount. The price for a house here is in the vicinity of $150,000. Usage notes: used with money, percentages, and numbers Etymology: based on the literal meaning of in the vicinity of (= near) … New idioms dictionary
in the vicinity of — his fortune is in the vicinity of four billion dollars Syn: around, about, nearly, circa, approaching, roughly, approximating, approximately, something like, more or less; in the region of, in the neighborhood of, near to, close to … Thesaurus of popular words
in the vicinity of — formal used before a number to show that it is not exact The present value is in the vicinity of £120,000 … English dictionary
in the vicinity — index close (near), present (attendant) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
in the vicinity of — index approximate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Observations, systematical and geographical, on the herbarium collected by Professor Christian Smith, in the vicinity of the Congo — First page of the original publication as Appendix V of James Kingston Tuckey s Narrative of an expedition to explore the River Zaire Observations, systematical and geographical, on the herbarium collected by Professor … Wikipedia
in the vicinity of something — in the vicinity of (something) approximately a certain amount. The price for a house here is in the vicinity of $150,000. Usage notes: used with money, percentages, and numbers Etymology: based on the literal meaning of in the vicinity of (=… … New idioms dictionary
be in the vicinity of — index approach, approximate, border (approach) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
in the vicinity — See vicinity … Ballentine's law dictionary
in the vicinity — near, in the area, in the neighborhood, in the environs … English contemporary dictionary