1 short supply
эк. нехватка, дефицит, недостаток, ограниченный [недостаточный\] запас (ситуация, когда не имеется требуемого количества какого-л. товара; товары, имеющиеся внутри страны в ограниченном количестве, могут подлежать экспортным ограничениям, несмотря на то, что использование экспортных и импортных квот запрещено статьей XI ГАТТ)short-supply goods — товары, имеющиеся в недостаточном количестве; дефицитные товары
See:* * * -
2 short supply
ограниченный запас (товары, имеющиеся внутри страны в ограниченном количестве, могут подлежать экспортным ограничениям)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > short supply
3 short supply
1) Техника: дефицит, дефицитность2) Деловая лексика: быстрая поставка, недопоставка, недостаточное снабжение, недостаточный запас, некомплектная поставка, неполная поставка3) ЕБРР: нехватка4) Логистика: недостаточный подвоз -
4 short-supply item
Контроль качества: дефицитное изделие -
5 short supply
сущ.дефицитнедостаточный запасАнгло-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > short supply
6 short supply
7 short supply
8 short supply item
9 short supply
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > short supply
10 short supply
11 short supply
12 short-supply item
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > short-supply item
13 short-supply part
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > short-supply part
14 short supply
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > short supply
15 in short supply
16 in short supply
дефицитный имя прилагательное: -
17 in short supply
18 in short supply
1) Общая лексика: дефицитный (of cosumer goods / о потребительских товарах)2) Техника: в дефиците -
19 in short supply
дефицитныйАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > in short supply
20 in short supply
См. также в других словарях:
short supply — index dearth, deficiency, delinquency (shortage), insufficiency Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
short supply — An item is in short supply when the total of stock on hand and anticipated receipts during a given period are less than the total estimated demand during that period … Military dictionary
short supply — Small people are in short supply … English expressions
in short supply — Not available in desired quantity, scarce • • • Main Entry: ↑short in short supply see under ↑short • • • Main Entry: ↑supply * * * in short/limited … Useful english dictionary
in short supply — {adj. phr.} Not enough; in too small a quantity or amount; in less than the amount or number needed. * /The cookies are in short supply, so don t eat them all up./ * /We have five people and only four beds, so the beds are in short supply./ … Dictionary of American idioms
in short supply — {adj. phr.} Not enough; in too small a quantity or amount; in less than the amount or number needed. * /The cookies are in short supply, so don t eat them all up./ * /We have five people and only four beds, so the beds are in short supply./ … Dictionary of American idioms
in short supply — ► not available in large amounts or numbers: »Temporary workers are in short supply. »If you can offer talents that are in short supply, you are in a strong position. Main Entry: ↑short … Financial and business terms
in\ short\ supply — adj. phr. Not enough; in too small a quantity or amount; in less than the amount or number needed. The cookies are in short supply, so don t eat them all up. We have five people and only four beds, so the beds are in short supply … Словарь американских идиом
in short supply — ► in short supply (of a commodity) scarce. Main Entry: ↑short … English terms dictionary
in short supply — not enough, in less than the amount or number needed Chairs were in short supply so some of the guests had to sit on the floor … Idioms and examples
in short supply — not readily available. Money is in short supply until I get paid … New idioms dictionary