1 pencil
2 pencil sharpener
pencil sharpener [ˊpenslˏʃɑ:pnə] nточи́лка для карандаше́й -
3 pencil-case
pencil-case noun пенал -
4 pencil rod
- pencil rod
- nметаллический стержень [пруток]
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 pencil grinding wheel
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > pencil grinding wheel
6 pencil wheel
= pencil grinding wheel пальцевый шлифовальный круг; шлифовальная головкаEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > pencil wheel
7 pencil
pencil of light пучок света, световой пучок -
8 pencil
9 pencil case
10 pencil drawing
11 pencil drawings
12 pencil sharpener
13 pencil
14 pencil.
English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations > pencil.
15 pencil beam antenna
pencil beam antenna, narrow beam antennaОНА, остронаправленная антеннаEnglish-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > pencil beam antenna
16 pencil
1) карандаш || карандашный2) пучок•- locally orientable pencil - pencil of parallel planes - pencil of parallels - pencil of relative differentials -
17 pencil
1. карандаш; рисовать2. пучок лучей3. абразивный карандашpencil sharpener — машинка для заточки карандашей, точилка
4. негативный карандаш5. графитовый карандашin pencil — нарисованный карандашом; в карандаше
copying pencil — химический, чернильный карандаш
6. свинцовый карандашnonreproducing pencil — невоспроизводимый карандаш, корректорский карандаш
18 pencil
1. n карандашin pencil — нарисованный карандашом; в карандаше
2. n кисть3. n манера, стиль4. n опт. узкий пучок лучей5. n стеклорез6. n пишущий штифт или перо прибора7. v рисовать; раскрашиватьthe pyramids pencil led their fantastic outlines against the sky — фантастические очертания пирамид вырисовывались на фоне неба
8. v писать, записывать9. v сл. заносить имя лошади в списки тотализатора10. v образовывать узкий пучок11. v мед. обрабатывать рану кисточкойСинонимический ряд:1. graphic instrument (noun) automatic pencil; chalk; crayon; graphic instrument; lead; lead pencil; mechanical pencil; pastel; stylus2. ray (noun) beam; indicator; pointer; ray; rod; shaft; stick; streak; stream -
19 pencil
1) матем. пучок2) карандаш || вычерчивать в карандаше•-
aquarelle pencil
carpenter's pencil
clutched pencil
clutch pencil
color pencil
drawing pencil
felt-tipped pencil
fiber-tipped pencil
glass-metal pencil
graphite pencil
harmonic pencil
lead pencil
mechanical pencil
projective pencil
propelling mechanical pencil
refillable pencil
retouching pencil
shorthand pencil
slate pencil
soldering pencil
vacuum pencil
wax pencil
wood-cased pencil -
20 pencil
1) карандаш
2) карандашный
3) пучок
– abrasive pencil
– drawing pencil
– generic pencil
– hectographic pencil
– in pencil
– indelible pencil
– lead pencil
– pencil beam
– pencil gate
– pencil lead
– pencil of lines
– pencil of rays
– vertex of pencil
pencil beam antenna — антенна с игольчатой диаграммой направленности
См. также в других словарях:
Pencil-tailed tree mouse — Pencil tailed tree mice Temporal range: Late Pliocene to Recent Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class … Wikipedia
Pencil test — has multiple meanings. *In traditional animation, a preliminary version of the final animated scene. The pencil drawings are quickly photographed or scanned and synced with the necessary soundtracks. This allows the animation to be reviewed and… … Wikipedia
Pencil milling — is a cleanup toolpath generated by computer aided manufacturing (CAM) programs to machine internal corners and fillets with smaller radius tools to remove the remaining material that are inaccessible with larger tools used for previous roughing,… … Wikipedia
pencil in — ˌpencil ˈin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they pencil in he/she/it pencils in present participle pencilling in past tense … Useful english dictionary
Pencil — Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pencil case — Pencil Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pencil flower — Pencil Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pencil lead — Pencil Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pencil skirt — noun A straight, close fitting skirt • • • Main Entry: ↑pencil * * * pencil skirt UK US noun [countable] [singular pencil skirt plural pencil skirts … Useful english dictionary
Pencil — это программа для создания 2D анимации, которая запускается на Mac, Windows, Linux и BSD. Pencil использует единый растрово векторный интерфейс для создания простой 2D графики и анимации. Pencil написан на C++ и основан на Qt. Приложение… … Википедия
Pencil flick — is a move used in some games that involves pressing a pencil or pen onto a sheet of paper until it gives way and flicks across the surface. The resulting line then affects the gameplay in some way. Race Game is an example of a game using the… … Wikipedia