1 exchange
- exchange
- n1. обмен
2. биржа
3. телефонная станция
- air exchange
- anion exchange
- base exchange
- cation exchange
- central exchange
- commodity exchange
- convective heat exchange
- employment exchange
- goods exchange
- heat exchange
- ion exchange
- labor exchange
- moisture exchange
- radiant heat exchange
- recuperative heat exchange
- stock exchange
- telephone exchange
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 exchange
exchange обмен; обмениватьcapillary exchange обмен в кааиллярахcation exchange катионный обмен, катионообменcountercurrent heat exchange поворотно-противоточная система теплообменаenergy exchange обмен энергиейgas(eous) exchange газообменhalf-time exchange период полуобменаheat exchange теплообменintermolecular exchange межмолекулярный обменion exchange ионный обменisotopic exchange изотопный обменoxygen exchange кислородный обменrespiratory exchange дыхательный газообменtranscapillary exchange обмен в кааиллярахwater exchange водный обменEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > exchange
3 exchange
exchange [ɪksˊtʃeɪndʒ]1. n1) обме́н; ме́на;in exchange for в обме́н на
;cultural exchange культу́рный обме́н
;exchange of prisoners обме́н военнопле́нными
2) фин. разме́н де́нег;rate of exchange валю́тный курс
;а) иностра́нная валю́та;б) курс иностра́нной валю́ты;bill of exchange ве́ксель, тра́тта
3) центра́льная телефо́нная ста́нция; коммута́тор4) би́ржа;commodity exchange това́рная би́ржа
;grain ( или corn) exchange хле́бная би́ржа
;labour exchange би́ржа труда́
5) ком. расчёты посре́дством деви́з6) перебра́нка7) attr. меново́й2. v1) обме́нивать2) разме́нивать ( деньги)3) меня́ться;to exchange seats поменя́ться места́ми
;to exchange words with smb. обменя́ться с кем-л. не́сколькими слова́ми
;to exchange ratifications обменя́ться ратификацио́нными гра́мотами
;to exchange into another regiment перевести́сь в друго́й полк путём встре́чного обме́на
4 exchange
EXCHANGE, INTERCHANGEГлагол exchange имеет в виду обмен одного предмета на другой, замену купленного ранее другим либо взаимный обмен между двумя (или более) сторонами и соответствует русским глаголам 'обменивать' и 'обмениваться': to exchange farm products for manufactured goods, to exchange a text-book for a dictionary и to exchange ambassadors, to exchange experience. Interchange употребляется только в значении 'обмениваться' и может взаимозаменяться с exchange: to exchange letters и to interchange letters, to exchange opinions и to interchange opinions. Interchange часто предполагает многократный взаимный обмен: to interchange repeated cheerings, to interchange repeated remarks.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > exchange
5 exchange
6 exchange of prisoners
exchange of prisoners обмен военнопленными -
7 exchange resin
- exchange resin
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > exchange resin
8 exchange capacity of ion exchanger
- exchange capacity of ion exchanger
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > exchange capacity of ion exchanger
9 exchange capacity
- exchange capacity
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > exchange capacity
10 exchange performance factor
- exchange performance factor
- nкоэффициент эффективности процессов обмена (напр. тепло-, массо-, влагообмена)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > exchange performance factor
11 exchange flux
12 exchange of civilities
= exchange of courtesies обмен любезностями, светская беседаPolitics english-russian dictionary > exchange of civilities
13 exchange of courtesies
Politics english-russian dictionary > exchange of courtesies
14 exchange of fire
= exchange of gun fire перестрелка -
15 exchange of gun fire
16 exchange energy
= exchange interaction energy энергия обменного взаимодействия, обменная энергия -
17 exchange interaction energy
English-Russian electronics dictionary > exchange interaction energy
18 exchange stiffness
= exchange-coupling stiffness фтт константа неоднородного обменного взаимодействия, проф. коэффициент обменной жёсткости -
19 exchange-coupling stiffness
English-Russian electronics dictionary > exchange-coupling stiffness
20 exchange energy
= exchange interaction energy энергия обменного взаимодействия, обменная энергияThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > exchange energy
См. также в других словарях:
Exchange — may mean: * Trade or barter, the voluntary exchange of goods and/or services * Social exchange * Student exchange program or high school exchange * Exchange rule, from Mathematical Logic * The exchange (chess), the value difference between rook… … Wikipedia
exchange theory — Exchange theories view social order as the unplanned outcome of acts of exchange between members of society. There are two major variants. Rational choice (or, as it is sometimes known, rational action) theory locates the source of order in the… … Dictionary of sociology
exchange — ex·change n 1 a: a giving of something of value (as real property) in return for something of equal value (as money or property of a like kind) b in the civil law of Louisiana: a giving of something of value in return for something of equal value … Law dictionary
Exchange bias — or exchange anisotropy occurs in bilayers (or multilayers) of magnetic materials where the hard magnetization behavior of an antiferromagnetic thin film causes a shift in the soft magnetization curve of a ferromagnetic film. The exchange bias… … Wikipedia
exchange — ex*change ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj ), n. [OE. eschange, eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. [ e]changer, to exchange; pref. ex out + F. changer. See {Change}, and cf. {Excamb}.] 1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for another which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exchange broker — exchange ex*change ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj ), n. [OE. eschange, eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. [ e]changer, to exchange; pref. ex out + F. changer. See {Change}, and cf. {Excamb}.] 1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exchange — [eks chānj′, ikschānj′] vt. exchanged, exchanging [ME eschaungen < OFr eschangier < VL * excambiare: see EX 1 & CHANGE] 1. a) to give, hand over, or transfer (for another thing in return) b) to receive or give another thing for (something … English World dictionary
Exchange Place, Jersey City — Exchange Place is an urban area of Jersey City, New Jersey on the shore of the Hudson River, that is sometimes referred to as Wall Street West . The Goldman Sachs Tower and other buildings are home to many financial corporations. The namesake is… … Wikipedia
Exchange Alley, London — Exchange Alley or Change Alley is a narrow alleyway connecting shops and coffeehouses in an old neighborhood of the City of London, England, bounded by Lombard Street, Cornhill and Birchin Lane [ [http://books.google.com/books?id= OwaAAAAMAAJ… … Wikipedia
Exchange Traded Note — Exchange Traded Notes (ETN) zählen wie Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) und Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) zur Gruppe der Exchange Traded Products (ETP). Das in diesen Produkten verwaltete Vermögen ist in den vergangenen Jahren stark angestiegen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
exchange — vb Exchange, interchange, bandy mean to give a thing to another in return for another thing from him. Exchange may imply a disposing of one thing for another by or as if by the methods of bartering or trading {exchange horses} {the hostile forces … New Dictionary of Synonyms