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См. также в других словарях:

  • Train a grande vitesse — Der Hochgeschwindigkeitszug Train à grande vitesse (französisch, kurz TGV [teʒe ve], deutsch: „Zug für große Geschwindigkeit“) ist ein französisches Hochgeschwindigkeitszugskonzept. Die TGV Züge sowie deren Geschwisterzüge Thalys und Eurostar… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Train à grande vitesse — Das seit Ende 2000[1] verwendete Logo des TGV Train à grande vitesse, kurz TGV [teʒe ve] (deutsch: „Zug mit großer Geschwindigkeit“, Hochgeschwindigkeitszug), ist ein französisches Hochgeschwindigkeitskonzept auf Rad Schiene …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • impulse series — impulsų seka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. impulse series; pulse sequence; pulse series vok. Impulsfolge, f; Impulsreihe, f rus. последовательность импульсов, f; серия импульсов, f pranc. série d’impulsions, f; train d’impulsions, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • train d’impulsions — impulsų seka statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. impulse series; pulse sequence; pulse series vok. Impulsfolge, f; Impulsreihe, f rus. последовательность импульсов, f; серия импульсов, f pranc. série d’impulsions, f; train d’impulsions, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Chunky Creek Train Wreck of 1863 — Details Date February 19, 1863 Time 3:00 am Location Newton County, near Hickory, Mississippi Country United States Rail line Operator …   Wikipedia

  • Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula — The Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula or sinc interpolation is a method to reconstruct a continuous time bandlimited signal from a set of equally spaced samples. Contents 1 Definition 2 Validity condition 3 Interpolation as convolution sum …   Wikipedia

  • Oscillator sync — is a feature in some synthesizers with two or more VCOs (or digital emulations of VCOs). One oscillator will restart the period of another oscillator, so that they will have the same base frequency. The timbre can be altered on the synched… …   Wikipedia

  • Dirac comb — A Dirac comb is an infinite series of Dirac delta functions spaced at intervals of T In mathematics, a Dirac comb (also known as an impulse train and sampling function in electrical engineering) is a periodic Schwartz distribution constructed… …   Wikipedia

  • Blit — can mean:* BLock Image Transfer from Bit blit ( Bit Block Transfer , BitBLT , blitting etc.) is a computer graphics operation in which two bitmap patterns are combined. Sometimes, this is done in hardware by means of a Blitter chip. * The Blit… …   Wikipedia

  • Source-filter model of speech production — The source filter model of speech production models speech as a combination of a sound source, such as the vocal cords, and a filter, the vocal tract (and radiation characteristic).While only an approximation, the model is widely used in a number …   Wikipedia

  • Escapement — redirects here. For the fisheries term for the stock surviving fishing pressures over a spawning cycle, see Spawn (biology). For other uses, see Escapement (disambiguation). A deadbeat escapement, used in many pendulum clocks. Click above to see… …   Wikipedia

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