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См. также в других словарях:

  • importunately — importunate ► ADJECTIVE ▪ persistent or pressing. DERIVATIVES importunately adverb importunity noun (pl. importunities) . ORIGIN Latin importunus inconvenient , from Portunus, the god who protected harbours …   English terms dictionary

  • Importunately — Importunate Im*por tu*nate ([i^]m*p[^o]r t[ u]*n[asl]t), a. [See {Importune}.] 1. Troublesomely urgent; unreasonably solicitous; overpressing in request or demand; urgent; teasing; as, an importunate petitioner, curiosity. Whewell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • importunately — adverb see importunate …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • importunately — See importunate. * * * …   Universalium

  • importunately — adverb In an importunate manner; with persistent or urgent solicitation …   Wiktionary

  • importunately — adv. with persistent pleading; urgently, pressingly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • importunately — im·por·tu·nate·ly …   English syllables

  • importunately — adverb in a beseeching manner You must help me, she said imploringly • Syn: ↑beseechingly, ↑imploringly, ↑pleadingly, ↑entreatingly • Derived from adjective: ↑importunate, ↑beseeching …   Useful english dictionary

  • importunate — importunately, adv. importunateness, n. /im pawr cheuh nit/, adj. 1. urgent or persistent in solicitation, sometimes annoyingly so. 2. pertinacious, as solicitations or demands. 3. troublesome; annoying: importunate demands from the children for… …   Universalium

  • tout — /towt/, Informal. v.i. 1. to solicit business, employment, votes, or the like, importunately. 2. Horse Racing. to act as a tout. v.t. 3. to solicit support for importunately. 4. to describe or advertise boastfully; publicize or promote; praise… …   Universalium

  • tout — [[t]taʊt[/t]] Informal. 1) inf to solicit business, employment, votes, or the like, importunately 2) +spo to act as a tout 3) inf to solicit importunately 4) cvb inf to describe or advertise boastfully; praise extravagantly: a highly touted… …   From formal English to slang

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