1 import substitution policy
2) Бухгалтерия: политика замещения импортаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > import substitution policy
2 import substitution policy
Politics english-russian dictionary > import substitution policy
3 import substitution policy
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > import substitution policy
4 import substitution policy
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > import substitution policy
5 policy
n1) политика; политический курс; стратегия; система; ( towards smth) позиция•to abandon policy — отходить / отказываться от политики
to adhere to policy — придерживаться политики; быть верным какой-л. политике
to administer policy — проводить политику; осуществлять политику
to adopt policy — принимать политику, брать на вооружение политический курс
to back down from policy — отказываться от какой-л. политики
to be at odds with policy — противоречить какой-л. политике
to be committed to one's policy — быть приверженным своей политике
to be wary about smb's policy — настороженно относиться к чьему-л. политическому курсу
to break away from smb's policy — отходить от чьей-л. политики
to camouflage one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to carry out / to carry through policy — проводить политику
to champion policy — защищать / отстаивать политику
to conflict with smb's policy — противоречить чьей-л. политике
to coordinate one's policy over smth — координировать свою политику в каком-л. вопросе
to cover up one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to decide policy — определять политику, принимать политические решения
to develop / to devise policy — разрабатывать политику
to dismantle one's policy — отказываться от своей политики
to dissociate oneself from smb's policy — отмежевываться от чьей-л. политики
to dither about one's policy — колебаться при проведении своей политики
to effect a policy of insurance — страховаться; приобретать страховой полис
to embark on / to embrace policy — принимать какой-л. политический курс
to execute / to exercise policy — проводить политику
to follow policy — следовать политике; проводить политику
to harmonize policy — координировать / согласовывать политику
to justify one's policy — оправдывать свою политику
to lay policy before the electorate for approval — излагать политический курс для его одобрения избирателями
to make clear one's policy — разъяснять свою политику
to overturn policy — отвергать политику, отказываться от какой-л. политики
to proclaim one's commitment to policy — публично обязываться проводить какую-л. политику
to propagate policy — пропагандировать / рекламировать политику
to put across smb's policy to smb — доводить свою политику до кого-л.
to railroad through one's policy — протаскивать свою политику
to reappraise one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reassess one's policy toward a country — пересматривать свою политику по отношению к какой-л. стране
to reconsider one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to relax one's policy towards smb — смягчать свою политику по отношению к кому-л.
to rethink one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reverse one's policy — изменять свою политику
to shape policy — определять / разрабатывать политику
to spearhead one's policy — направлять острие своей политики
to spell out one's policy in advance — заранее излагать свою политику
to stick to a policy — придерживаться какой-л. политики
to thrash out policy — вырабатывать / обсуждать политику
to tone down one's more controversial policy — ограничивать свои менее популярные политические меры
- active policyto validate policy — поддерживать какую-л. политику / политическую линию
- adventurist policy
- adventuristic policy
- advocacy of policy
- advocate of policy
- aggressive policy
- agrarian policy
- agricultural policy
- alternative policy
- annexationist policy
- anti-inflationary policy
- anti-national policy
- anti-nuclear policy
- anti-recessionary policy
- appropriate policy
- architect of policy
- arms policy
- austere policy
- austerity policy
- autonomous policy
- balanced policy
- banking policy
- bankrupt policy
- basic policy
- beggar-my-neighbor policy
- bellicose policy
- big stick policy
- big-time policy
- bipartisan policy
- blind-eye policy
- bloc policy
- bomb-in-the-basement policy
- breach of policy
- bridge-building policy
- brinkmanship policy
- brink-of-war policy
- broad-brush policy
- budget policy
- cadres policy
- carrot and stick policy
- cautious policy
- centrist policy
- champion of policy
- change in policy
- change of emphasis in policy
- change of policy
- circumspect policy
- class policy
- clean-air policy
- closed-door trade policy
- coherent policy
- cold war policy
- colonial policy
- colonialist policy
- commercial policy
- commitment to policy of nonintervention
- common policy
- comprehensive national science and technology policy
- comprehensive set of policy
- concerted policy
- conduct of policy
- confrontation policy
- consistent policy
- containment policy
- continuity in policy
- continuity of policy
- continuity with smb's policy
- controversial policy
- coordinated policy
- cornerstone of policy
- counterproductive policy
- country's fundamental policy
- credible policy
- credit card policy
- credit policy
- crumbling policy
- cultural policy
- current policy
- damaging policy
- defeatist policy
- defense policy
- deflationary policy
- demilitarization policy
- democratic policy
- departure in policy
- destabilization policy
- deterrent policy
- development policy
- diametrically opposed policy
- dilatory policy
- diplomatic policy
- disarmament policy
- discretionary policy
- discriminatory policy
- disinflation policy
- distortion of policy
- divide-and-rule policy
- domestic policy
- dynamic policy
- economic and commercial policy
- economic policy
- embargo policy
- emigration policy
- emission policy
- employment policy
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- erroneous policy
- European policy
- even-handed policy
- expansionary policy
- expansionist policy
- experience of policy
- extreme right-wing policy
- fair policy
- farm policy
- far-reaching policy
- far-sighted policy
- federal policy
- financial policy
- firm policy
- fiscal policy
- flexible policy
- for reasons of policy
- foreign aid policy
- foreign policy
- foreign trade policy
- foreign-economic policy
- formation of foreign policy
- formulation of policy
- forward-looking policy
- framework for policy
- free trade policy
- general policy
- generous policy
- give-and-take policy
- global policy
- godfather to policy
- good neighbor policy
- government policy
- government's policy
- great-power policy
- green policy
- gunboat policy
- hands-off policy
- hard-line policy
- harmful policy
- harmonized policy
- health policy
- hegemonic policy
- high-risk policy
- home policy
- ill-thought-out policy
- imperial policy
- imperialist policy
- import policy
- import substitution policy
- in line with policy
- in the field of foreign policy
- inadmissibility of policy
- independent line of policy
- independent policy
- industrial policy
- inflationary policy
- inhuman policy
- instigatory policy
- insurance policy
- internal policy
- international policy
- internment policy
- interventionist policy
- intolerableness of policy
- investment policy
- iron-fist policy
- irreversible policy
- it's against our policy
- kid-glove policy
- labor mediation policy
- laissez-faire policy
- land policy
- language policy
- leash-loosening policy
- left-wing policy
- lending policy
- liberal policy
- liberalization of policy
- liberalized policy
- line of policy
- long-range policy
- long-term policy
- lunatic policy
- main plank of smb's policy
- major changes to policy
- manifestation of policy
- maritime policy
- marketing policy
- massive condemnation of smb's policy
- militaristic policy
- misconduct of policy
- mobile policy
- moderate policy
- monetarist policy
- monetary policy
- much-heralded policy
- mushy policy
- national policy
- nationalistic policy
- nationalities policy
- native policy
- nativist policy
- neo-colonialist policy
- neutral policy
- neutrality policy
- New Economic Policy
- news policy
- nonaligned policy
- nonalignment policy
- noninterference policy
- nonintervention policy
- nonnuclear policy
- nuclear defense policy
- nuclear deterrent policy
- nuclear policy
- nuclear-free policy
- obstructionist policy
- official policy
- official trade policy
- oil policy
- old faces can't make new policy
- one-child-family policy
- one-sided policy
- open-door policy
- openly pursued policy
- opportunistic policy
- optimal policy
- ostrich policy
- ostrich-like policy
- outward-looking policy
- overall policy
- overtly racist policy
- parliamentary policy
- party policy
- passive policy
- pay-curb policy
- peace policy
- peaceful policy
- peace-loving policy
- personnel policy
- plunderous policy
- policy from positions of strength
- policy from strength
- policy in science and technology
- policy is bearing fruit
- policy is constitutional
- policy of a newspaper
- policy of aid
- policy of alliances
- policy of amicable cooperation with smb
- policy of appeasement
- policy of belt-tightening
- policy of capitulation
- policy of compromise
- policy of conciliation
- policy of confrontation
- policy of connivance
- policy of containment
- policy of cooperation
- policy of democracy and social progress
- policy of détente
- policy of deterrence
- policy of dictate
- policy of discrimination
- policy of economic blockade and sanctions
- policy of economy
- policy of elimination
- policy of expansion and annexation
- policy of fiscal rigor
- policy of freedom of expression
- policy of friendship
- policy of genocide
- policy of good-neighborliness
- policy of goodwill
- policy of inaction
- policy of intervention
- policy of intimidation
- policy of isolation
- policy of militarism
- policy of militarization
- policy of military confrontation
- policy of military force
- policy of national reconciliation
- policy of neutrality
- policy of nonalignment
- policy of noninterference
- policy of nonintervention
- policy of nonviolence
- policy of obstruction
- policy of openness
- policy of pacification
- policy of peace
- policy of peaceful co-existence
- policy of plunder
- policy of protectionism
- policy of racial segregation and discrimination
- policy of reconciliation
- policy of reform
- policy of reforms
- policy of regulating prices
- policy of renewal
- policy of restraint
- policy of revanche
- policy of revenge
- policy of subjugation
- policy of violence
- policy of wage restraint
- policy of war
- policy towards a country
- policy vis-à-vis a country
- policy with regard to a country
- policy won out
- political policy
- population policy
- position-of-strength policy
- practical policy
- predatory policy
- price control policy
- price-formation policy
- price-pricing policy
- pricing policy
- principled policy
- progressive policy
- proponent of policy
- protagonist of policy
- protectionist policy
- pro-war policy
- pro-Western policy
- public policy
- push-and-drag policy
- racial policy
- racist policy
- radical policy
- rapacious policy
- reactionary policy
- realistic policy
- reappraisal of policy
- reassessment of policy
- recession-induced policy
- reevaluation of policy
- reexamination of policy
- reform policy
- reformist policy
- regional policy
- renewal of policy
- re-orientation of policy
- repressive policy
- resettlement policy
- rethink of policy
- retrograde policy
- revanchist policy - revisionist policy
- rigid economic policy
- robust foreign policy
- ruinous policy
- safe policy
- sanctions policy
- scientifically substantiated policy
- scorched-earth policy
- selfless policy
- separatist policy - short-sighted policy
- single-child policy
- social policy
- socio-economic policy
- sound policy
- splitting policy
- state policy
- state remuneration of labor policy
- stated policy
- staunch policy
- sterile policy
- stick-and-carrot policy
- stringent policy
- strong policy
- structural policy
- suitable policy
- sustained policy
- sweeping review of policy
- switch in policy
- tariff policy
- tax policy
- taxation policy
- technological policy
- tight policy
- tightening of policy
- time-serving policy
- tough policy
- toughening of policy
- trade policy
- trade-unionist policy
- traditional policy
- treacherous policy
- turn in policy
- turning point in policy
- unified policy
- united policy
- unsophisticated policy
- U-turn in policy
- viability of policy
- vigorous policy
- vote-losing policy
- wage policy
- wage-freeze policy
- wages policy
- wait-and-see policy
- war-economy policy
- wealth-creating policy
- whip-and-carrot policy
- wise policy
- world policy
- zigzags in policy -
6 policy
In1) политика- buck smb.'s policy- attack smb.'s policy- condemn smb.'s policy- have misgivings about smb.'s policy2) линия поведения; курс, стратегия•- discredit smb.'s foreign policy- denigrate smb.'s foreign policy- misunderstand smb.'s foreign policy- libel smb.'s foreign policy- detect the true nature of smb.'s foreign policyIIn -
7 policy
1) политика, курс; стратегия, поведение2) методика; правила3) страх. полис -
8 import
1. сущ.1) межд. эк. импорт, ввоз, импортирование (ввоз в страну товаров и услуг из-за границы; покупка резидентами товаров и услуг у нерезидентов)manufactured import — промышленный импорт, импорт промышленных товаров
military import — военный импорт, импорт продукции военного назначения
import of goods [services\] — импорт товаров [услуг\]
import from Australia — импорт [ввоз\] из Австралии
import ban on smth., ban on import of smth. — заперт на импорт чего-л.
import articles, articles of import — статьи [предметы\] импорта [ввоза\]
volume of import(s), import volume — объем импорта (обычно о натуральных единицах: тоннах и т. п.)
import policy — импортная политика, политика в области импорта
Ant:general imports, imports for consumption, invisible import 2), merchandise import 2), negligible imports, net import, special imports, visible import 2) balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:capital import, competitive import, direct import, indirect import, invisible import 1), merchandise import 1), service import, temporary import, visible import 1) country of import, propensity to import, voluntary import expansion COMBS: Commodity Import Program, import-biased growth, Export-Import Bank, export/import business, export-import company, export-import trade, gold import point, import-export company, import-export trade, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1. 1)2) межд. эк., преим. мн. статья импорта [ввоза\], предмет импорта [ввоза\] (ввозимый товары, услуга, капитал и т. п.)ATTRIBUTES:
Ant:general imports, imports for consumption, invisible import 2), merchandise import 2), negligible imports, net import, special imports, visible import 2) balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:grey market imports, parallel imports, prohibited imports, retained imports, demand for imports, duty on imports, supply of imports, reimport 1. 2)3) мн., межд. эк., стат. объем [стоимость, сумма\] импорта (стоимость или количество экспортированных товаров; также название разделов в статистической или финансовой отчетности, в которых отражается информация о величине импорта за период)Ant:general imports, imports for consumption, invisible import 2), merchandise import 2), negligible imports, net import, special imports, visible import 2) balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:general imports, imports for consumption, invisible import 2), merchandise import 2), negligible imports, net import, special imports, visible import 2) balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus4) комп. импорт, импортирование (перенос текстовой информации, графических объектов и т. п. в данный файл или программное приложение из другого файла/приложения)Ant:general imports, imports for consumption, invisible import 2), merchandise import 2), negligible imports, net import, special imports, visible import 2) balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus2. гл.1) межд. эк. ввозить, импортировать ( покупать товары или услуги за границей)The company imports between 15 million and 20 million pounds of shrimp per year. — Компания импортирует от 15 до 20 млн фунтов креветок в год.
to import goods into the UK — импортировать [ввозить\] товары в Великобританию
to import goods from United States — импортировать [ввозить\] товары из США
Ant:importation 2)See:2)а) общ. вносить, вводить, привноситьSee:imported 2)б) комп. импортировать (переносить в данный файл или программное приложение информацию из другого файла/приложения)Ant:importation 2)See:importation 2)3. прил.межд. эк. импортный, ввозной ( относящийся к импорту)import policy — импортная политика, политика в области импорта
import market — импортный рынок, рынок импорта
Ant:customs import specialist, import agent, import bias, import broker, import business, import cartel, import certificate, import clearance, import competition, import contract, import control, import cover, import declaration, import demand, import deposit, import distributor, import duty, import elasticity, import entry, import factoring, import financing, import gold point, import invoice, import leasing, import letter of credit, import levy, import licence, import licensing, import limitation, import merchant, import penetration, import permit, import potential, import price, import products, import prohibition, import promotion, import propensity, import protection, import purchases, import quota, import rate, import regulation, import relief, import restrictions, import specie point, import statistics, import substitute, import substitution, import supply, import surcharge, import surplus, import tariff, import tax, import trade, import transaction, import turnover, import wholesalerSee:customs import specialist, import agent, import bias, import broker, import business, import cartel, import certificate, import clearance, import competition, import contract, import control, import cover, import declaration, import demand, import deposit, import distributor, import duty, import elasticity, import entry, import factoring, import financing, import gold point, import invoice, import leasing, import letter of credit, import levy, import licence, import licensing, import limitation, import merchant, import penetration, import permit, import potential, import price, import products, import prohibition, import promotion, import propensity, import protection, import purchases, import quota, import rate, import regulation, import relief, import restrictions, import specie point, import statistics, import substitute, import substitution, import supply, import surcharge, import surplus, import tariff, import tax, import trade, import transaction, import turnover, import wholesaler
* * *
1) импорт: ввоз товаров в другую страну; 2) импортировать: ввозить товары из-за границы; 3) импортный товар.* * *1. приобретение у иностранного контрагента товара с ввозом его в страну из-за границы, включает платное пользование услугами иностранных лиц, фирм и организаций2. ввоз в страну из-за границы иностранных товаров для их продажи или использования3. приток в страну капитала из-за границы (предоставление займов и кредитов)4. общее количество или стоимость ввезенных товаров -
9 buy local policy
межд. эк. политика закупки отечественного* (политика государственного регулирования, основанная на том, что при осуществлении государственных закупок предпочтение отдается отечественным товарам; форма стимулирования развития отечественного производства и защиты внутреннего рынка)Syn:See: -
10 export of unemployment
эк. экспорт безработицы* (концепция, согласно которой ограничение импорта и стимулирование развития экспортного производства ведет к созданию дополнительных рабочих мест в данной стране и перенесению бремени безработицы на страны, являющиеся ее торговыми партнерами; однако в долгосрочном периоде политика импортозамещения вместо сокращения безработицы может привести к ее росту, так как вместо импорта относительно дешевых товаров страна сконцентрируется на производстве более дорогих местных аналогов, что отрицательно повлияет на покупателей и может привести к снижению объемов экономической деятельности)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > export of unemployment
См. также в других словарях:
Import substitution industrialization — (also called ISI) is a trade and economic policy based on the premise that a country should attempt to reduce its foreign dependency through the local production of industrialized products. Adopted in many Latin American countries from the 1930s… … Wikipedia
import-substitution industrialization — An economic strategy aimed at encouraging national industrial growth so as to reduce imports of manufactured goods. It was associated with the United Nations Commission for Latin America and put into practice during the 1960s. It is now generally … Dictionary of sociology
Import — For other uses, see Import (disambiguation). World trade A series on Trade … Wikipedia
Trade policy of Japan — Export policiesFor many years, export promotion was a large issue in Japanese government policy. Government officials recognized that Japan needed to import to grow and develop, and it needed to generate exports to pay for those imports. After… … Wikipedia
Commercial policy — World trade A series on Trade … Wikipedia
Drug policy — A drug policy most often refers to a government s attempt to combat the negative effects of drug addiction and misuse in its society. Governments try to combat drug addiction with policies which address both the demand and supply of drugs, as… … Wikipedia
Sri Lanka — Sri Lankan, adj., n. /sree lahng keuh, lang keuh, shree / an island republic in the Indian Ocean, S of India: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 18,762,075; 25,332 sq. mi. (65,610 sq. km). Cap.: Colombo. Formerly, Ceylon. Arabic, Serendip.… … Universalium
Taiwan Miracle — Taiwan s quick industrialization and rapid growth during the latter half of the twentieth century, has been called the Taiwan Miracle (台灣奇蹟 or 臺灣奇蹟, Tongyong Pinyin: , Hanyu Pinyin: táiwān qíjì) or Taiwan Economic Miracle . As it has developed… … Wikipedia
Economic history of Taiwan — The recordkeeping and development of the economic history of Taiwan started in the Age of Discovery. In the 17th century, the Europeans realized that Taiwan is located on the strategic cusp between the Far East and Southeast Asia. Two main… … Wikipedia
Taiwan after World War II — The Republic of China on Taiwan era (zh t|t=中華民國在臺灣), also known as the postwar era (zh t|t=臺灣戰後時期), refers to the period in Taiwan s history, between the end of World War II in 1945 and the present, in which Taiwan and the surrounding islands… … Wikipedia
Economic history of Chile — Colonial era to 1690In colonial times, the segmentation of Chile into latifundios left only small parcels for native American and mestizo villagers to cultivate. Cattle raised on the latifundios were a source of tallow and hides, which were sent … Wikipedia