1 import quota
межд. эк. квота на импорт, импортная квота ( установленный максимально допустимый объем импорта конкретного товара)See:export quota, import regulation, import restrictions, trade policy, tariff quota, in-quota rate, over-quota rate, equivalent quota, global quota, allocated quota
* * *
импортная квота: максимальное количество определенного товара, которое может быть импортировано (ввезено) в данную страну.* * ** * *. способ ограничения (количественный, натуральный либо стоимостной) ввоза товаров в страну как в целом по товарной массе, так и по отдельным ее видам. 1) разновидность количественных (натуральных или стоимостных)нетарифных ограничений на ввоз в данную страну определенных товаров или услуг в течение определенного периода времени; 2) экономический показатель, свидетельствующий о значении импорта для национальной экономики в целом, а также для отдельных ее отраслей, производств и по различным видам продукции. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *Международные перевозки/Таможенное правоограничение, налагаемое на импортируемые товары-----нетарифные количественные (стоимостный или натуральный) способы ограничения ввоза определенных товаров в страну -
2 import quota
3 import quota
4 import quota
импортная квота ; -
5 import quota
импортная квота -
6 Import Quota
Общая лексика: импортный контингент -
7 import quota
Общая лексика: импортный контингент -
8 import quota
9 import quota
импортная квотаАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > import quota
10 import quota
квота на импорт, импортная квота -
11 import quota
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > import quota
12 import quota
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > import quota
13 import quota
импортная квотаEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > import quota
14 import quota
эк. импортная квота (максимальное количество товара, разрешённое к импорту в страну её правительством) -
15 import quota
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > import quota
16 import quota
17 import quota
18 import quota
19 import quota system
система контингентирования импорта ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > import quota system
20 import quota system
система импортных контингентовАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > import quota system
См. также в других словарях:
Import quota — An import quota is a type of protectionist trade restriction that sets a physical limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported into a country in a given period of time. For example, a country might limit sugar imports to 50 tons per year … Wikipedia
import quota — also: quota Puts limits on the quantity of certain products that can be legally imported into a particular country during a particular time frame. There is a Fixed quota, which is a maximum quantity not to be exceeded, and tariff rate surcharge,… … Financial and business terms
import quota — / ɪmpɔ:t ˌkwəυtə/ noun a fixed quantity of a particular type of goods which the government allows to be imported ● The government has imposed a quota on the importation of cars. ● The quota on imported cars has been lifted … Marketing dictionary in english
import quota — / ɪmpɔ:t ˌkwəυtə/ noun a fixed quantity of a particular type of goods which the government allows to be imported ● The government has imposed a quota on the importation of cars. ● The quota on imported cars has been lifted … Dictionary of banking and finance
import quota — An import restriction imposed on imported goods, to reduce the quantity of certain goods allowed into a country from a particular exporting country, in a stated period. The purpose may be to conserve foreign currency, if there is an unfavourable… … Big dictionary of business and management
import quota — A quantitative restriction on the importation of an article into the United States. 19 U.S.C.A. No. 22.53(aX3XC). The establishment of a quota is one of the remedies available to the President upon his determination that an imported article… … Black's law dictionary
import quota — A quantitative restriction on the importation of an article into the United States. 19 U.S.C.A. No. 22.53(aX3XC). The establishment of a quota is one of the remedies available to the President upon his determination that an imported article… … Black's law dictionary
import quota — limit placed on the amount of goods that can be brought in from foreign countries … English contemporary dictionary
Mandatory Oil Import Quota Program — The Mandatory Oil Import Quota Program was a program of import restrictions on oil into the United States, beginning in 1959. Created under Presidential Proclamation 3279, the scheme was intended to prevent a dependence of the United States on… … Wikipedia
Quota — may refer to:Affirmative action * Racial quota * Reservations in India * Quotas in PakistanComputing * Disk quota * Download quota * Upload quotaElectoral systems * Election threshold * Droop quota * Hagenbach Bischoff quota * Hare quota *… … Wikipedia
quota — also: import quota Puts limits on the quantity of certain products that can be legally imported into a particular country during a particular time frame. There is a Fixed quota, which is a maximum quantity not to be exceeded, and tariff rate… … Financial and business terms