1 immunoaffinity chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > immunoaffinity chromatography
2 immunoaffinity chromatography
1) Биология: иммуноаффинная хроматография2) Медицина: иммуносорбционная хроматография (иммуноаффинная)3) Британский английский: иммуноаффинная хроматография (иммуносорбционная) (Метод очистки, при котором фиксированное на матрице антитело связывает специфический белок, присутствующий в сложной смеси других белков)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > immunoaffinity chromatography
3 immunoaffinity chromatography
мед.фраз. иммуноаффинная хроматографияАнгло-русский медицинский словарь > immunoaffinity chromatography
4 immunoaffinity chromatography
English-russian biological dictionary > immunoaffinity chromatography
5 immunoaffinity chromatography
Англо-русский словарь по иммунологии > immunoaffinity chromatography
6 immunoaffinity chromatography
Англо-русский словарь по биотехнологиям > immunoaffinity chromatography
7 immunoaffinity chromatography
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine > immunoaffinity chromatography
8 chromatography
- activated sepharose column chromatography
- adsorption chromatography
- affinity chromatography
- anion-exchange chromatography
- antibody-agarose affinity chromatography
- ascending chromatography
- centrifugal elution chromatography
- charge-transfer chromatography
- circular chromatography
- circular paper chromatography
- column chromatography
- constant-humidity chromatography
- continuous chromatography
- countercurrent chromatography
- countercurrent droplet chromatography
- countercurrent foam chromatography
- descending chromatography
- displacement chromatography
- electromigration chromatography
- electrophoretic chromatography
- exclusion chromatography
- fast performance liquid chromatography
- gas chromatography
- gas-liquid chromatography
- gas-liquid partition chromatography
- gas-solid chromatography
- gel chromatography
- head-space gas chromatography
- high pH anion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography
- high-performance chromatography
- high-performance liquid chromatography
- high-pressure liquid chromatography
- high-resolution liquid chromatography
- hydrophobic chromatography
- hydrophobic interaction chromatography
- immunoaffinity chromatography
- immunoexchange chromatography
- ion-exchange chromatography
- ion-exclusion chromatography
- liquid chromatography on a reversed-phase support
- liquid chromatography
- liquid column chromatography
- liquid partition chromatography
- low-pressure liquid chromatography
- methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography
- methylated albumin kieselgur column chromatography
- molecular sieve chromatography
- one-dimensional chromatography
- paper chromatography
- partition chromatography
- preparative chromatography
- pyrolysis gas chromatography
- recycling chromatography
- reversed-phase chromatography
- reversed-phase partition chromatography
- step-exclusion chromatography
- steric exclusion chromatography
- stream chromatography
- thin-layer chromatography
- two-dimensional chromatography
- two-dimensional paper chromatography
- two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography* * * -
9 chromatography
хроматографияfouling chromatography — хроматография потенциального барьера (комбинированная гидрофобная ионообменная хроматография с предварительным насыщением сорбента лигандом)
gel permeation chromatography — гель-хроматография, гель-фильтрация
inverse chromatography — обращенная [обращённо-фазовая] хроматография
ion-pair chromatography — ионопарная хроматография ( хроматография с использованием ионных пар растворителей)
large-scale chromatography — крупномасштабная ( полупромышленная) хроматография
methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography — хроматография на колонках с метилированным альбумин-кизельгуром
potential barrier chromatography — хроматография потенциального барьера (комбинированная гидрофобная ионообменная хроматография с предварительным насыщением сорбента лигандом)
reversed-phase chromatography — обращенная [обращённо-фазовая] хроматография
salt-mediated hydrophobic chromatography — гидрофобная хроматография в солевой среде, ионозависимая гидрофобная хроматография
size-exclusion chromatography — гель-хроматография, гель-фильтрация
10 chromatography
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > chromatography
11 chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > chromatography
12 thin-layer chromatography
хим. тонкослойная хроматография -
13 ascending paper chromatography
English-Russian big medical dictionary > ascending paper chromatography
14 descending paper chromatography
English-Russian big medical dictionary > descending paper chromatography
15 stream chromatography
English-Russian big medical dictionary > stream chromatography
16 thin-layer chromatography
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > thin-layer chromatography
17 ascending chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > ascending chromatography
18 circular paper chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > circular paper chromatography
19 discending chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > discending chromatography
20 gas-solid chromatography
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > gas-solid chromatography
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
immunoaffinity chromatography — A purification technique in which an antibody is bound to a matrix and is used to isolate a protein from a complex mixture. See: affinity chromatography … Glossary of Biotechnology
Affinity chromatography — is a method of separating biochemical mixtures and based on a highly specific interaction such as that between antigen and antibody, enzyme and substrate, or receptor and ligand. Contents 1 Uses 2 Principle 3 Batch and column setup … Wikipedia
affinity chromatography — A method for purifying specific components in a solution by exploiting their specific binding to known molecule(s). The mixed solution is passed through a column containing a solid medium to which the binding molecule is covalently attached. See … Glossary of Biotechnology
Protein purification — is a series of processes intended to isolate a single type of protein from a complex mixture. Protein purification is vital for the characterisation of the function, structure and interactions of the protein of interest. The starting material is… … Wikipedia
POLD3 — Polymerase (DNA directed), delta 3, accessory subunit, also known as POLD3, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: POLD3 polymerase (DNA directed), delta 3, accessory subunit| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene… … Wikipedia
Proteomics — is the large scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions.cite journal |author=Anderson NL, Anderson NG |title=Proteome and proteomics: new technologies, new concepts, and new words |journal=Electrophoresis |volume=19… … Wikipedia
Staphylococcus aureus — Scanning electron micrograph of S. aureus, 20,000 times enlargement, false color added Scientific classification Domain: Bacteria … Wikipedia
Interleukin 2 — (IL 2) is an interleukin, a type of cytokine immune system signaling molecule, that is instrumental in the body s natural response to microbial infection and in discriminating between foreign (non self) and self. IL 2 mediates its effects by… … Wikipedia
Thromboxane receptor — The thromboxane receptor is a protein on the surface of cells in the endothelium of blood vessels and in the placenta which interacts with the eicosanoid lipid thromboxane. It is a G protein coupled receptors coupled to the G protein Gq.cite… … Wikipedia
Monoamine oxidase B — PDB rendering based on 1gos … Wikipedia
VIPR1 — Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1, also known as VIPR1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: VIPR1 vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView… … Wikipedia