1 imaging radiometer
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > imaging radiometer
2 imaging radiometer
3 imaging radiometer
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > imaging radiometer
4 ocean color imaging radiometer
радиометр для получения цветовых изображений зон океана (с повышенной биологической продуктивностью)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ocean color imaging radiometer
5 ocean color imaging radiometer
радиометр для получения цветовых изображений зон океана (с повышенной биологической продуктивностью)Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > ocean color imaging radiometer
6 advanced atmospheric sounder and imaging radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > advanced atmospheric sounder and imaging radiometer
7 infrared imaging radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > infrared imaging radiometer
8 ocean color imaging radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ocean color imaging radiometer
9 visible imaging radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > visible imaging radiometer
10 infrared imaging radiometer
English-Russian electronics dictionary > infrared imaging radiometer
11 visible imaging radiometer
English-Russian electronics dictionary > visible imaging radiometer
12 infrared imaging radiometer
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > infrared imaging radiometer
13 visible imaging radiometer
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > visible imaging radiometer
14 infrared imaging radiometer
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > infrared imaging radiometer
15 visible imaging radiometer
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > visible imaging radiometer
16 radiometer
радиометр, радиометрический приёмник-
acoustic radiometer
airborne radiometer
all-wave radiometer
along-track radiometer
- atmospheric sounder radiometer -
cavity radiometer
chopper radiometer
cloud-top altitude radiometer
coastal zone color radiometer
cooled cell radiometer
correlation radiometer
cross-track radiometer
Dicke radiometer
differential-correlation radiometer
Earth radiation budget radiometer
electronically scanned radiometer
far-infrared radiometer
gamma radiometer
geosynchronous radiometer
global ozone monitoring radiometer
heterodyne radiometer
high-resolution radiometer
hollow radiometer
imaging radiometer
infrared radiometer
laser radiometer
limb radiance inversion radiometer
mechanically scanned radiometer
microwave radiometer
moderate resolution radiometer
multichannel radiometer
multifrequency radiometer
multispectral radiometer
narrow-band radiometer
near-infrared radiometer
ocean color imaging radiometer
omnidirectional radiometer
optical radiometer
pressure-modulated radiometer
satellite-borne radiometer
scanning radiometer
self-balanced radiometer
self-calibrating radiometer
sky noise radiometer
solar extinction radiometer
spectral radiometer
spectrally scanning radiometer
spin scan radiometer
surface composition mapping radiometer
switching Dicke radiometer
switching radiometer
thermocouple radiometer
vertical temperature profile radiometer
visible and infrared radiometer
wide field-of-view satellite radiometer
wide field satellite radiometer
wide field-of-view radiometer
wide field radiometer -
17 radiometer
радиометр, радиометрический приёмник- atmospheric sounder radiometer
- chopper radiometer
- correlation radiometer
- Dicke radiometer
- digital radiometer
- direct-readout radiometer
- electronically scanning radiometer
- frequency-modulation radiometer
- frequency-switched radiometer
- infrared radiometer
- infrared imaging radiometer
- IR radiometer
- laser radiometer
- medium-resolution infrared radiometer
- microwave radiometer
- multichannel radiometer
- passive radiometer
- radar radiometer
- selective chopper radiometer
- self-balanced radiometer
- side-looking radiometer
- sky-noise radiometer
- surface-sensing radiometer
- superheterodyne radiometer
- switched radiometer
- switched Dicke radiometer
- vertical temperature profile radiometer
- visible imaging radiometer -
18 radiometer
радиометр, радиометрический приёмник- atmospheric sounder radiometer
- chopper radiometer
- correlation radiometer
- Dicke radiometer
- digital radiometer
- direct-readout radiometer
- electronically scanning radiometer
- frequency-modulation radiometer
- frequency-switched radiometer
- infrared imaging radiometer
- infrared radiometer
- IR radiometer
- laser radiometer
- medium-resolution infrared radiometer
- microwave radiometer
- multichannel radiometer
- passive radiometer
- radar radiometer
- selective chopper radiometer
- self-balanced radiometer
- side-looking radiometer
- sky-noise radiometer
- superheterodyne radiometer
- surface-sensing radiometer
- switched Dicke radiometer
- switched radiometer
- vertical temperature profile radiometer
- visible imaging radiometerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > radiometer
19 imaging microwave radiometer
Компьютерная техника: СВЧ-радиометр со средствами формирования изображенийУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > imaging microwave radiometer
20 Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer
Космонавтика: Многоугловой видеоспектрорадиометр (MISR)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis — (MIRAS) is the major instrument on the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite (SMOS). MIRAS is a planar antenna composed of a central body (the so called hub) and three telescoping, deployable arms, in total 69 receivers on the Unit. Each… … Wikipedia
Microwave radiometer — A microwave radiometer (MWR) is a radiometer that measures energy emitted at sub millimetre to centimetre wavelengths (at frequencies of 1 1000 GHz) known as microwaves. Their primary application has been onboard spacecraft measuring atmospheric… … Wikipedia
Thermal Emission Imaging System — The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) is a camera on board the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter. It images Mars in the visible and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to determine the thermal properties of the surface and to… … Wikipedia
AATSR — The Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) is one of the Announcement of Opportunity (AO) instruments on board the European Space Agency(ESA) s Envisat satellite. This instrument is a multi channel imaging radiometer with the principal… … Wikipedia
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite — Global soil moisture and ocean salinity measurements are needed to better understand Earth’s water cycle and climate. Currently, there is no thorough dataset on soil moisture or ocean salinity. Current satellites operated by NASA have provided… … Wikipedia
SMOS — Typ: Erderkundungssatellit Behörde: ESA Missionsdaten Masse: 658 kg (317 kg Bus mit 28 kg Hydrazin und 366 kg Nutzlast) Größe: 2,4 x 2,3 x 2,3 m … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hydrogen line — For hydrogen lines in general, see Hydrogen spectral series. The hydrogen line, 21 centimeter line or HI line refers to the electromagnetic radiation spectral line that is created by a change in the energy state of neutral hydrogen atoms. This… … Wikipedia
MIRAS — may mean:* Mortgage Interest Relief At Source Tax relief system for mortgages in the UK. * Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis … Wikipedia
Hitchhiker Program — The Hitchhiker Program (HH) was a NASA program established in 1984 and administered by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The program was designed to allow low cost and quick reactive experiments… … Wikipedia
Interférométrie — L interférométrie est une méthode de mesure qui exploite les interférences intervenant entre plusieurs ondes cohérentes entre elles. Interférométrie sur le site du Very Large Array (Nouveau Mexique). Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
SMOS — Caractéristiques Organisation ESA Domaine Étude de l humidité des sols et de la salinité des océans Masse 670 kg … Wikipédia en Français