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См. также в других словарях:

  • ill-use — I verb abuse, abuti, afflict, be hurtful, be malevolent, bruise, buffet, castigate, cause evil, damage, deal hard measure to, do an injustice to, do evil, do harm to, do violence, do wrong, flagellate, grind, harm, hurt, ill treat, injure, knock… …   Law dictionary

  • ill-use — [il′yo͞oz′; ] for n. [, il′yo͞os′] vt. ill used, ill using to treat unfairly, unkindly, or cruelly; use badly; abuse n. ILL USAGE …   English World dictionary

  • ill-use — v. 1. to treat badly. Syn: mistreat, maltreat, abuse, ill treat. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ill-use — || ‚ɪl‚juːz make poor use of, take advantage of something for negative purposes …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ill use — index abuse (corrupt practice), abuse (physical misuse), misemploy, mishandle (maltreat), mistreat, misuse, persecute …   Law dictionary

  • ill-use — [ ,ıl juz ] verb transitive FORMAL to treat someone in an unfair or unkind way …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ill-use — Synonyms and related words: abuse, active use, appliance, application, atrocity, batter, bleed, bleed white, bruise, buffet, consumption, do violence to, do wrong by, do wrong to, drain, employ, employment, exercise, exertion, exploit, good use,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • ill-use — verb treat badly This boss abuses his workers She is always stepping on others to get ahead • Syn: ↑mistreat, ↑maltreat, ↑abuse, ↑step, ↑ill treat • Derivationally related forms …   Useful english dictionary

  • ill-use — verb ill treat. noun (ill use) ill treatment …   English new terms dictionary

  • ill-use — v. /il yoohz /; n. /il yoohs /, v., ill used, ill using, n. v.t. 1. to treat badly, unjustly, cruelly, etc. n. 2. Also, ill usage. bad, unjust, or cruel treatment. [1835 45] * * * …   Universalium

  • ill-use — verb (transitive usually passive) formal to treat someone badly or unfairly: She s been ill used by her colleagues. ill usage / ju:sIdZ/ noun (U) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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