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  • 1 ill

    [il] a հիվանդ, տկար. վնասակար. be/feel ill հի վանդ լինել, վատ զգալ. look ill հիվանդ տեսք ունենալ. fall/be taken ill հիվանդանալ. feel ill at ease անհարմար զգալ. (վատ, չար) ill health վատ առողջություն ill feeling անբար յացակամություն, թշնամանք. ill repute վատ/չար համբավ: as if ill luck would have it կարծես դիտմամբ
    [il] adv վատ, անբարենպաստ speak/think ill of smb մեկի մասին վատ խոսել/մտածել. I can ill afford Հազիվ թե կարողանամ. We can ill afford to lose him Մենք չենք կարող մեզ թույլ տալ նրան կորցնել. ill provided վատ ապահովված, անապահով. take a thing ill լավ չընդունել, որևէ բանից նեղանալ

    English-Armenian dictionary > ill

См. также в других словарях:

  • ill afford — ◇ If you can ill afford something, you should not do it or get it because it will cause problems. We can ill afford more bad publicity. She bought a new car, which she could ill afford. • • • Main Entry: ↑ill …   Useful english dictionary

  • can ill afford (to do) something — phrase used for saying that someone should definitely not do something because it will cause problems We could ill afford another argument with the publisher. The soldiers can ill afford to wait another 24 hours before receiving orders. Thesaurus …   Useful english dictionary

  • ill — ill1 [il] adj. worse, worst [ME < ON illr (replacing OE yfel, evil, in many senses): prob. < Gmc * ilhila < IE base * elk , hungry, bad > OIr elc, bad] 1. characterized by, causing, or tending to cause harm or evil; specif., a)… …   English World dictionary

  • ill — [[t]ɪ̱l[/t]] ♦♦ ills 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem. In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia... I was feeling ill... If damp, musty buildings make you ill, mould is …   English dictionary

  • ill — ill1 W3S3 [ıl] adj [Date: 1100 1200; : Old Norse; Origin: illr] 1.) especially BrE suffering from a disease or not feeling well American Equivalent: sick ▪ Bridget can t come she s ill. ▪ I was feeling ill that day and decided to stay at home. ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ill — ill1 W3S3 [ıl] adj [Date: 1100 1200; : Old Norse; Origin: illr] 1.) especially BrE suffering from a disease or not feeling well American Equivalent: sick ▪ Bridget can t come she s ill. ▪ I was feeling ill that day and decided to stay at home. ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ill — ill1 [ ıl ] adjective ** 1. ) not healthy, because of a medical condition or an injury: He s been ill for a couple of weeks. She was too ill to travel. mentally ill patients terminally ill (=going to die because of an illness)… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ill — I UK [ɪl] / US adjective Word forms ill : adjective ill comparative worse superlative worst *** 1) not healthy, because of a medical condition or an injury. The usual American word is sick He s been ill for a couple of weeks. She was too ill to… …   English dictionary

  • afford — v. 1) to well afford 2) (formal) (A) it afforded great pleasure to him; or: it afforded him great pleasure 3)(E; preceded by the forms: can cannot can t could) we cannot afford to buy a new house; we can ill afford to lose this contract 4)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • ill — 1 /Il/ adjective 1 (not usually before noun) especially BrE suffering from a disease or not feeling well; sick: Bridget can t come she s ill. | feel ill: I was feeling ill that day, and decided to stay at home. | be taken ill/fall ill (=become… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • afford — verb ADVERB ▪ easily, well ▪ She can well afford to pay for herself. ▪ barely, hardly, ill, just, not really …   Collocations dictionary

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