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  • 81 flash

    [flæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a quick showing of a bright light: a flash of lightning.) scânteie(re)
    2) (a moment; a very short time: He was with her in a flash.) (într-o) clipă
    3) (a flashlight.) bliţ
    4) ((often newsflash) a brief news report sent by radio, television etc: Did you hear the flash about the king's death?) a izbucni
    2. verb
    1) ((of a light) to (cause to) shine quickly: He flashed a torch.) a (se) aprinde brusc
    2) ((usually with by or past) to pass quickly: The days flashed by; The cars flashed past.) a tre­ce ca un fulger
    3) (to show; to display: He flashed a card and was allowed to pass.) a arăta; a flutura
    - flashy
    - flashily
    - flashlight

    English-Romanian dictionary > flash

  • 82 flat

    [flæt] 1. adjective
    1) (level; without rise or fall: a flat surface.) plat
    2) (dull; without interest: She spent a very flat weekend.) neinteresat
    3) ((of something said, decided etc) definite; emphatic: a flat denial.) categoric
    4) ((of a tyre) not inflated, having lost most of its air: His car had a flat tyre.) dezumflat
    5) ((of drinks) no longer fizzy: flat lemonade; ( also adverb) My beer has gone flat.) trezit
    6) (slightly lower than a musical note should be: That last note was flat; ( also adverb) The choir went very flat.) (mai) jos
    2. adverb
    (stretched out: She was lying flat on her back.) întins
    3. noun
    1) ((American apartment) a set of rooms on one floor, with kitchen and bathroom, in a larger building or block: Do you live in a house or a flat?) apartament
    2) ((in musical notation) a sign (♭) which makes a note a semitone lower.) bemol
    3) (a level, even part: the flat of her hand.) supra­faţă plată
    4) ((usually in plural) an area of flat land, especially beside the sea, a river etc: mud flats.) ţărm jos; ţinut mlăştinos
    - flatten
    - flat rate
    - flat out

    English-Romanian dictionary > flat

  • 83 flourish

    1. verb
    1) (to be healthy; to grow well; to thrive: My plants are flourishing.) a înflori
    2) (to be successful or active: His business is flourishing.) a prospera
    3) (to hold or wave something as a show, threat etc: He flourished his sword.) a flutura
    2. noun
    1) (an ornamental stroke of the pen in writing: His writing was full of flourishes.) înflo­ritură
    2) (an impressive, sweeping movement (with the hand or something held in it): He bowed and made a flourish with his hat.) gest teatral
    3) (an ornamental passage of music: There was a flourish on the trumpets.) preludiu; acord final

    English-Romanian dictionary > flourish

  • 84 forgery

    plural - forgeries; noun
    1) ((the crime of) copying pictures, documents, signatures etc and pretending they are genuine: He was sent to prison for forgery.)
    2) (a picture, document etc copied for this reason: The painting was a forgery.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > forgery

  • 85 fortunate

    adjective (having good fortune; lucky: It was fortunate that no-one was killed in the accident.) norocos

    English-Romanian dictionary > fortunate

  • 86 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) liber
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) liber
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) generos
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) deschis
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuit
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) liber
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) liber
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) eliberat de; gratuit
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) a elibera
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) a scuti/a (se) elibera de
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) a lucra pe cont propriu; a colabora
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free

    English-Romanian dictionary > free

  • 87 fully

    1) (completely: He was fully aware of what was happening; fully-grown dogs.) pe deplin
    2) (quite; at least: It will take fully three days.) cel puţin

    English-Romanian dictionary > fully

  • 88 grant

    1. verb
    1) (to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.) a aproba
    2) (to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.) a admite
    2. noun
    (money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.) subvenţie, bursă
    - granting
    - take for granted

    English-Romanian dictionary > grant

  • 89 groan

    [ɡrəun] 1. verb
    (to produce a deep sound (because of pain, unhappiness etc): He groaned when he heard that he had failed his exam; The table was groaning with food (= there was a great deal of food on it).) a geme
    2. noun
    (a deep sound: a groan of despair.) gea­­măt

    English-Romanian dictionary > groan

  • 90 hail

    I 1. [heil] noun
    1) (small balls of ice falling from the clouds: There was some hail during the rainstorm last night.) grindină
    2) (a shower (of things): a hail of arrows.) ploaie
    2. verb
    (to shower hail: It was hailing as I drove home.) a bate grindină
    II 1. [heil] verb
    1) (to shout to in order to attract attention: We hailed a taxi; The captain hailed the passing ship.) a striga, a chema
    2) (to greet or welcome (a person, thing etc) as something: His discoveries were hailed as a great step forward in medicine.) a întâm­pi­na, a saluta
    2. noun
    (a shout (to attract attention): Give that ship a hail.) chemare; salut
    3. interjection
    (an old word of greeting: Hail, O King!) salut(are)!

    English-Romanian dictionary > hail

  • 91 hang

    past tense, past participle - hung; verb
    1) (to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook: We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall.) a atârna, a fi atârnat
    2) (to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall: A door hangs by its hinges.) a prinde, a fi prins
    3) ((past tense, past participle hanged) to kill, or to be killed, by having a rope put round the neck and being allowed to drop: Murderers used to be hanged in the United Kingdom, but no-one hangs for murder now.) a spânzura, a fi spân­zurat
    4) ((often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards: The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down.) a atârna
    5) (to bow (one's head): He hung his head in shame.) a (a)pleca
    - hanging
    - hangings
    - hangman
    - hangover
    - get the hang of
    - hang about/around
    - hang back
    - hang in the balance
    - hang on
    - hang together
    - hang up

    English-Romanian dictionary > hang

  • 92 head

    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) cap
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) minte
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) (o lungime de) cap
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) lider; şef
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) capăt
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) izvor
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) cap, partea de sus, început
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) în fruntea
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) aptitudine
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) director
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) de fiecare
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) promontoriu
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) guler (de spumă)
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) a fi în fruntea
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) a con­duce
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) a se îndrepta (spre)
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) a intitula
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) a lovi cu capul
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf
    - headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head

    English-Romanian dictionary > head

  • 93 high

    1. adjective
    1) (at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board.) înalt, de la înălţime
    2) (having a particular height: This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high.) înalt (de)
    3) (great; large; considerable: The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature.) mare; bun
    4) (most important; very important: the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official.) înalt
    5) (noble; good: high ideals.) nobil, înalt
    6) ((of a wind) strong: The wind is high tonight.) tare, puternic
    7) ((of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range: a high note.) înalt
    8) ((of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's): He still speaks in a high voice.) as­cu­ţit, strident
    9) ((of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.) fezandat
    10) (having great value: Aces and kings are high cards.) mare
    2. adverb
    (at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc: The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession.) la înălţime
    - highness
    - high-chair
    - high-class
    - higher education
    - high fidelity
    - high-handed
    - high-handedly
    - high-handedness
    - high jump
    - highlands
    - high-level
    - highlight
    3. verb
    (to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc).) a scoate în evidenţă
    - high-minded
    - high-mindedness
    - high-pitched
    - high-powered
    - high-rise
    - highroad
    - high school
    - high-spirited
    - high spirits
    - high street
    - high-tech
    4. adjective
    ((also hi-tech): high-tech industries.)
    - high treason
    - high water
    - highway
    - Highway Code
    - highwayman
    - high wire
    - high and dry
    - high and low
    - high and mighty
    - the high seas
    - it is high time

    English-Romanian dictionary > high

  • 94 hit

    [hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb
    1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) a lovi, a răni
    2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) a trimite
    3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) a afecta
    4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) a ajunge la, a atinge
    2. noun
    1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) lovitură
    2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) lovitură reuşită
    3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) hit, melodie de succes
    - hit-or-miss
    - hit back
    - hit below the belt
    - hit it off
    - hit on
    - hit out
    - make a hit with

    English-Romanian dictionary > hit

  • 95 ideal

    1. adjective
    (perfect: This tool is ideal for the job I have in mind.) ideal
    2. noun
    1) (a person, thing etc that is looked on as being perfect: She was clever and beautiful - in fact she was his ideal of what a wife should be.) ideal
    2) (a person's standard of behaviour etc: a man of high ideals.) ideal
    - idealism
    - idealistic
    - idealize
    - idealise
    - idealization
    - idealisation
    - ideally

    English-Romanian dictionary > ideal

  • 96 imagination

    1) ((the part of the mind which has) the ability to form mental pictures: I can see it all in my imagination.) ima­gina­ţie
    2) (the creative ability of a writer etc: This book shows a lot of imagination.) imaginaţie
    3) (the seeing etc of things which do not exist: There was no-one there - it was just your imagination.) închipuire

    English-Romanian dictionary > imagination

  • 97 immobile

    1) (not able to move or be moved: His leg was put in plaster and he was immobile for several weeks.) imobil; imobilizat
    2) (not moving; motionless: He crouched there immobile until they had gone.) nemişcat
    - immobilize
    - immobilise

    English-Romanian dictionary > immobile

  • 98 in spite of

    1) (taking no notice of: He went in spite of his father's orders.) în ciuda
    2) (although something has or had happened, is or was a fact etc: In spite of all the rain that had fallen, the ground was still pretty dry.) cu toate acestea

    English-Romanian dictionary > in spite of

  • 99 in the first

    (expressions used to show steps in an argument, explanation etc: He decided not to buy the house, because in the first place it was too expensive, and in the second place it was too far from his office.) în primul rând..., în al doilea rând...

    English-Romanian dictionary > in the first

  • 100 install

    1) (to put in place ready for use: When was the telephone/electricity installed (in this house)?) a instala
    2) (to put (a thing, oneself or another person) in a place or position: He was installed as president yesterday; They soon installed themselves in the new house.) a (se) instala (în)
    - instalment

    English-Romanian dictionary > install

См. также в других словарях:

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  • WAS — is a three letter abbreviation with multiple meanings, as described below:In reference to Washington, D.C.: *Washington Nationals, Major League Baseball team *Washington Capitals, National Hockey League team *Washington Redskins, National… …   Wikipedia

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