Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 identity

    (who or what a person is: The police are still uncertain of the murderer's identity.) identidade
    * * *
    [aid'entiti] n 1 identidade, igualdade. 2 individualidade. to prove one’s identity documentar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > identity

  • 2 identity

    (who or what a person is: The police are still uncertain of the murderer's identity.) identidade

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > identity

  • 3 identity

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > identity

  • 4 identity card

    (a card with a person's name (often also with a photograph) which is carried to show or prove who he/she is.) bilhete de identidade
    * * *
    i.den.ti.ty card
    [aid'entiti ka:d] n 1 carteira de identidade. 2 crachá.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > identity card

  • 5 identity papers

    i.den.ti.ty pa.pers
    [aid'entiti peipəz] n pl documentos de identidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > identity papers

  • 6 identity tag

    i.den.ti.ty tag
    [aid'entiti tæg] n Mil placa de identificação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > identity tag

  • 7 identity card

    (a card with a person's name (often also with a photograph) which is carried to show or prove who he/she is.) carteira de identidade

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > identity card

  • 8 identity theory of mind

    English-Portuguese philosophical dictionary > identity theory of mind

  • 9 to prove one’s identity

    to prove one’s identity

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to prove one’s identity

  • 10 ID

    1) (identity: The police have established the victim's ID.)
    2) (an identification (card): Can I see some ID, please?; an ID card.)
    * * *
    [ai d'i:] abbr identity card (carteira de identidade).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ID

  • 11 bogus

    (false; not genuine: She was fooled by his bogus identity card.) falso
    * * *
    [b'ougəs] n falsificação, tapeação. • adj falso, adulterado, espúrio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bogus

  • 12 clue

    (anything that helps to solve a mystery, puzzle etc: The car number was a clue to the identity of the murderer; I can't answer the second clue in this crossword.) pista
    - not to have a clue
    * * *
    [klu:] n fio ou chave de um mistério, indício, vestígio. to clue in coll dar uma dica, auxiliar a compreensão de uma questão. to not have a clue coll ser incapaz de entender, não ter uma pista, dica.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clue

  • 13 disclose

    (to uncover, reveal or make known: He refused to disclose his identity.) revelar
    * * *
    [diskl'ouz] vt descobrir, revelar, expor, pôr à vista, divulgar, manifestar(-se), abrir-se, mostrar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disclose

  • 14 disguise

    1. verb
    1) (to hide the identity of by altering the appearance etc: He disguised himself as a policeman; She disguised her voice with a foreign accent.) disfarçar
    2) (to hide (eg one's intentions etc): He tried hard to disguise his feelings.) dissimular
    2. noun
    1) (a disguised state: He was in disguise.) disfarce
    2) (a set of clothes, make-up etc which disguises: He was wearing a false beard as a disguise.) disfarce
    * * *
    [disg'aiz] n 1 disfarce, máscara. 2 dissimulação, fingimento, simulação, pretexto, engano, rebuço, véu. • vt 1 disfarçar, mascarar. 2 dissimular, fingir. 3 encobrir, tapar. 4 coll ocultar, esconder. 5 sl embriagar. a blessing in disguise sorte na desdita. in disguise mascarado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disguise

  • 15 id

    1) (identity: The police have established the victim's ID.)
    2) (an identification (card): Can I see some ID, please?; an ID card.)
    * * *
    [id] n Ichth peixe da mesma família das carpas, encontrado no norte da Europa ( Idus idus).
    [id] n Psych impulso instintivo do indivíduo. • abbr idem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > id

  • 16 know

    past tense - knew; verb
    1) (to be aware of or to have been informed about: He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I know of no reason why you cannot go.) conhecer
    2) (to have learned and to remember: He knows a lot of poetry.) conhecer
    3) (to be aware of the identity of; to be friendly with: I know Mrs Smith - she lives near me.) conhecer
    4) (to (be able to) recognize or identify: You would hardly know her now - she has become very thin; He knows a good car when he sees one.) reconhecer
    - knowingly
    - know-all
    - know-how
    - in the know
    - know backwards
    - know better
    - know how to
    - know the ropes
    * * *
    [nou] n conhecimento, informação reservada. • vt (ps knew, pp known) 1 saber, conhecer, entender. he knows all the answers / ele tem resposta para tudo. she knows him by sight / ela o conhece de vista. I came to know it by chance / fiquei sabendo por acaso. he knows how to paint / ele sabe pintar. 2 reconhecer, indentificar ( for como). I should know him anywhere / eu o reconheceria em qualquer lugar. 3 estar ciente, estar informado. please let me know your arrival / queira por favor informar-me da sua chegada. 4 ter a certeza. I know her to be my friend / tenho certeza de sua amizade. 5 estar relacionado, conhecer pessoalmente. she knows him / ela o conhece. I have known him for three weeks / conheço-o há três semanas. 6 estar habilitado, ter experiência, ser hábil, destro. 7 distinguir ( from de). you can’t know him from his brother / você não pode distingui-lo do seu irmão. 8 Bib arch conhecer, ter relações sexuais com. for all I know que eu saiba. he is in the know ele está a par de. he knows better than to betray her ele não é tão estúpido para traí-la. he knows his own mind ele sabe o que quer. he knows it by heart ele sabe de cor. I know better than that não caio nessa. known as conhecido pelo nome de. make it known torne público. not that I know não que eu saiba. to know how many beans make five saber com quantos paus se faz uma canoa. to know oneself conhecer a si mesmo. to know the ropes a) entender do assunto. b) conhecer em detalhes. well, what do you know? a) Amer sabe lá!, vai saber! b) quais são as novidades? you never know coll talvez, quem sabe? you know é ou não é?, você sabe. you know best você é quem sabe.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > know

  • 17 lead

    I 1. [li:d] past tense, past participle - led; verb
    1) (to guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction: Follow my car and I'll lead you to the motorway; She took the child by the hand and led him across the road; He was leading the horse into the stable; The sound of hammering led us to the garage; You led us to believe that we would be paid!) levar
    2) (to go or carry to a particular place or along a particular course: A small path leads through the woods.) conduzir
    3) ((with to) to cause or bring about a certain situation or state of affairs: The heavy rain led to serious floods.) dar origem
    4) (to be first (in): An official car led the procession; He is still leading in the competition.) ir à frente
    5) (to live (a certain kind of life): She leads a pleasant existence on a Greek island.) levar
    2. noun
    1) (the front place or position: He has taken over the lead in the race.) liderança
    2) (the state of being first: We have a lead over the rest of the world in this kind of research.) liderança
    3) (the act of leading: We all followed his lead.) chefia
    4) (the amount by which one is ahead of others: He has a lead of twenty metres (over the man in second place).) vantagem
    5) (a leather strap or chain for leading a dog etc: All dogs must be kept on a lead.) trela
    6) (a piece of information which will help to solve a mystery etc: The police have several leads concerning the identity of the thief.) pista
    7) (a leading part in a play etc: Who plays the lead in that film?) papel principal
    - leadership
    - lead on
    - lead up the garden path
    - lead up to
    - lead the way
    II [led] noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) an element, a soft, heavy, bluish-grey metal: lead pipes; Are these pipes made of lead or copper?) chumbo
    2) (the part of a pencil that leaves a mark: The lead of my pencil has broken.) bico
    * * *
    [led] n 1 chumbo. 2 grafita. 3 sonda, prumo. 4 chapa para cobrir telhados. 5 bala de arma de fogo. • vt 1 cobrir, moldar, prender, etc. com chumbo. 2 Typogr prover com entrelinhas. • adj de chumbo. black lead grafita. red lead zarcão. to swing the lead coll dizer-se doente para escapar ao serviço. white lead alvaiade.
    [li:d] n 1 conduta, guia. 2 precedência. 3 direção, comando, liderança, primeiro lugar. 4 vanguarda. 5 exemplo, precedente. 6 orientação, indicação, pista, indício. 7 mão (nos jogos de cartas). 8 passagem através do gelo. 9 curso de água artificial. 10 correia para amarrar cachorro. 11 cabo condutor. 12 Theat papel principal. 13 Theat ator principal. 14 Box golpe. 15 trecho introdutório de um artigo de jornal. • vt+vi (ps and pp led) 1 ser o primeiro a encabeçar. 2 conduzir, guiar. 3 dirigir, comandar. 4 preceder. 5 persuadir, induzir, liderar, orientar. 6 jogar de mão (cartas). 7 reger (orquestra). 8 levar, passar (a vida). a lead of uma dianteira (em corrida). to have the lead ser o líder. to lead a healthy life levar uma vida saudável. to lead astray desviar, desencaminhar. to lead away conduzir, levar. to lead captive aprisionar, prender. to lead off dar início, começar. to lead on arrastar, seduzir, influenciar. to lead the way preceder, mostrar o caminho. to lead up to a) conduzir a conversação para determinado assunto. b) conduzir em direção a. c) aplanar o caminho. to take the lead a) assumir o comando. b) tomar a iniciativa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lead

  • 18 molecule

    (the group of atoms that is the smallest unit into which a substance can be divided without losing its basic nature or identity.) molécula
    * * *
    [m'ɔlikju:l] n 1 molécula. 2 partícula pequena.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > molecule

  • 19 paper

    ['peipə] 1. noun
    1) (the material on which these words are written, made from wood, rags etc and used for writing, printing, wrapping parcels etc: I need paper and a pen to write a letter; ( also adjective) a paper bag.) papel
    2) (a single (often printed or typed) piece of this: There were papers all over his desk.) papel
    3) (a newspaper: Have you read the paper?) jornal
    4) (a group of questions for a written examination: The Latin paper was very difficult.) exame
    5) ((in plural) documents proving one's identity, nationality etc: The policeman demanded my papers.) documentos
    - paperback 2. adjective
    paperback novels.) de bolso
    - paper-knife
    - paper sculpture
    - paperweight
    - paperwork
    * * *
    [p'eipə] n 1 papel. 2 papiro. 3 folha ou pedaço de papel. 4 carteira. 5 documentos, autos. 6 jornal. 7 papel-moeda. 8 título, bônus, letra de câmbio, nota promissória, ação. 9 teste, ensaio. 10 documentos de identidade. 11 Naut papéis de bordo. 12 questionário de exame. 13 papel fantasia para decoração. 14 sl entrada gratuita. 15 sl portador de permanente. 16 papelotes. 17 sl baralho marcado. 18 sl papelote de drogas. • vt 1 assentar em papel. 2 embrulhar. 3 empapelar. 4 lixar. 5 sl dar permanentes a. 6 suprir de papel. 7 sl preencher multa de trânsito. 8 sl passar cheque sem fundos. • adj 1 de papel. 2 fictício, teórico. 3 frágil, fino. a quire of paper uma mão de papel. a ream of paper uma resma de papel. blotting paper mata-borrão. carbon paper papel-carbono. drawing paper papel para desenho. emery paper lixa. filter paper filtro de papel. fly paper papel pega-moscas. foolscap paper papel almaço. glass paper folha de lixa. he sent in his papers ele pediu demissão. letter paper papel para correspondência. marbled paper papel marmoreado. newspaper jornal. on paper a) por escrito. b) no papel, teoricamente. paper does not blush o papel aceita tudo. starched paper papel gomado. tissue paper papel de seda. toilet paper papel higiênico. to move for papers requerer os autos. to paper over ( a problem) ocultar, esconder (uma dificuldade). to put to paper anotar, registrar, tomar nota de. to read a paper fazer uma conferência. wallpaper papel de parede. waste paper papel usado. waterproof paper papel impermeável. white Paper Brit, Austr, Canada documento oficial que apresenta a política do governo em determinado assunto. wrapping paper papel de embrulho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > paper

  • 20 bogus

    (false; not genuine: She was fooled by his bogus identity card.) falso

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bogus

См. также в других словарях:

  • Identity — may refer to:Philosophy* Identity (philosophy), the sameness of two things * Identity theory of mind, in the philosophy of mind, holds that the mind is identical to the brain * Personal identity (philosophy) * Identity (social science) * Identity …   Wikipedia

  • Identity 2.0 — Identity 2.0, also called digital identity, is the anticipated revolution of identity verification on the internet using emerging user centric technologies such as Information Cards or OpenID. Identity 2.0 stems from the Web 2.0 theory of the… …   Wikipedia

  • identity — iden·ti·ty n pl ties 1: sameness of essential character or aspect collateral estoppel requires identity of the issues and the parties 2 a: separate or distinct existence when movables lose their identity or become an integral part of the… …   Law dictionary

  • identity — UK US /aɪˈdentəti/ noun [C or U] (plural identities) ► the reputation, characteristics, etc. of a person or organization that makes the public think about them in a particular way: »Companies often spend a fortune on branding in their attempts to …   Financial and business terms

  • Identity — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La expresión Identity puede referirse a: El álbum de música Identity, de Zee, editado en 1993. El programa de televisión Identity Obtenido de Identity Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Identity — I*den ti*ty, n.; pl. {Identities}. [F. identit[ e], LL. identitas, fr. L. idem the same, from the root of is he, that; cf. Skr. idam this. Cf. {Item}.] 1. The state or quality of being identical, or the same; sameness. [1913 Webster] Identity is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • identity — (n.) c.1600, sameness, oneness, from M.Fr. identité (14c.), from L.L. (5c.) identitatem (nom. identitas) sameness, from ident , comb. form of L. idem (neut.) the same (see IDENTICAL (Cf. identical)); abstracted from identidem over and over, from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • identity — [n1] person’s individuality character, circumstances, coherence, distinctiveness, existence, identification, integrity, ipseity, name, oneness, particularity, personality, self, selfdom, selfhood, selfness, singleness, singularity, status,… …   New thesaurus

  • identity — [ī den′tə tē] n. pl. identities [Fr identité < LL identitas, coined (prob. infl. by LL essentitas, essence) < L idem, the same, akin to Sans idám, the same < IE base * e , *ei , he, that > Sans ayám, OIr ē, Goth is, he] 1. the… …   English World dictionary

  • identity — ► NOUN (pl. identities) 1) the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. 2) the characteristics determining this. 3) a close similarity or affinity. 4) Mathematics an equation expressing the equality of two expressions for all values of the …   English terms dictionary

  • identity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ true ▪ assumed, false ▪ He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America. ▪ mistaken ▪ This is obviously a case o …   Collocations dictionary

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