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ice foot

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ice foot — Ice Ice ([imac]s), n. [OE. is, iis, AS. [=i]s; aksin to D. ijs, G. eis, OHG. [=i]s, Icel. [=i]ss, Sw. is, Dan. iis, and perh. to E. iron.] 1. Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ice foot — n. [ ICE + FOOT, transl. of Dan isfod] a fringe of sea ice frozen to the shore in polar regions …   English World dictionary

  • ice-foot — iceˈ foot noun A belt of ice forming round the coast in Arctic regions (also iceˈ belt or iceˈ ledge) • • • Main Entry: ↑ice …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ice-foot — An ice foot is a narrow strip of ice that is frozen to the shore of many arctic beaches. The ice foot is produced by the gradual freezing (in Autumn) of wave spray and its size is a function of the tidal range, storminess of water and beach angle …   Wikipedia

  • ice foot — noun 1. : a wall or belt of ice frozen to the shore in arctic regions having a base at or below the low water mark and formed as a result of the rise and fall of the tides, freezing spray, or stranded ice 2. : the ice at the front of a glacier *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ice foot — (in polar regions) a belt of ice frozen to the shore, formed chiefly as a result of the rise and fall of the tides. Cf. fast ice. [1850 55] * * * …   Universalium

  • ice foot — noun the ledge of ice that forms along Arctic shorelines …   Wiktionary

  • Ice — ([imac]s), n. [OE. is, iis, AS. [=i]s; aksin to D. ijs, G. eis, OHG. [=i]s, Icel. [=i]ss, Sw. is, Dan. iis, and perh. to E. iron.] 1. Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ice age — Ice Ice ([imac]s), n. [OE. is, iis, AS. [=i]s; aksin to D. ijs, G. eis, OHG. [=i]s, Icel. [=i]ss, Sw. is, Dan. iis, and perh. to E. iron.] 1. Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ice anchor — Ice Ice ([imac]s), n. [OE. is, iis, AS. [=i]s; aksin to D. ijs, G. eis, OHG. [=i]s, Icel. [=i]ss, Sw. is, Dan. iis, and perh. to E. iron.] 1. Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ice blink — Ice Ice ([imac]s), n. [OE. is, iis, AS. [=i]s; aksin to D. ijs, G. eis, OHG. [=i]s, Icel. [=i]ss, Sw. is, Dan. iis, and perh. to E. iron.] 1. Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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