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  • 1 school

    n. okul, mektep, ekol, tarz, okul çalışanları ve öğrencileri, okul binası, balık sürüsü
    v. okula göndermek, ders vermek, eğitmek, öğretmek, yetiştirmek, terbiye etmek, alıştırmak
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    I 1. [sku:l] noun
    1) (a place for teaching especially children: She goes to the school; He's not at university - he's still at school; (American) He's still in school.) okul
    2) (the pupils of a school: The behaviour of this school in public is sometimes not very good.) okul
    3) (a series of meetings or a place for instruction etc: She runs a sewing school; a driving school.)... okulu,... kursu
    4) (a department of a university or college dealing with a particular subject: the School of Mathematics.) fakülte
    5) ((American) a university or college.) üniversite, kolej
    6) (a group of people with the same ideas etc: There are two schools of thought about the treatment of this disease.) ekol
    2. verb
    (to train through practice: We must school ourselves to be patient.) öğretmek, eğitmek
    - schoolboy, schoolgirl
    - schoolchild
    - school-day
    - schooldays
    - schoolfellow
    - school-leaver
    - schoolmaster
    - schoolmate
    - school-teacher
    II [sku:l] noun
    (a group of certain kinds of fish, whales or other water animals swimming about: a school of porpoises.) sürü

    English-Turkish dictionary > school

  • 2 aspect

    n. görünüş, görünüm, görüş, bakım; hal, tavır, çehre, yön; cephe
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    bakış açısı
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    1) (a part of something to be thought about: We must consider every aspect of the problem.) yön, bakım
    2) (a side of a building etc or the direction it faces in.) cephe, yüz
    3) (look or appearance: His face had a frightening aspect.) görünüş, çehre

    English-Turkish dictionary > aspect

  • 3 forethought

    n. önsezi, sağgörü, sağduyu, geleceği görme, önlem, tedbir
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    (thought about, or concern for, the future: They acted without sufficient forethought.) tedbir

    English-Turkish dictionary > forethought

  • 4 think

    v. düşünmek, saymak, anmak, sanmak, tasavvur etmek, zannetmek, aklından geçirmek, planlamak
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    1. düşün (v.) 2. düşünce (n.)
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    [Ɵiŋk] 1. past tense, past participle - thought; verb
    1) ((often with about) to have or form ideas in one's mind: Can babies think?; I was thinking about my mother.) düşünmek
    2) (to have or form opinions in one's mind; to believe: He thinks (that) the world is flat; What do you think of his poem?; What do you think about his suggestion?; He thought me very stupid.) inanmak, sanmak,... olduğunu düşünmek
    3) (to intend or plan (to do something), usually without making a final decision: I must think what to do; I was thinking of/about going to London next week.) düşünmek, niyet etmek
    4) (to imagine or expect: I never thought to see you again; Little did he think that I would be there as well.) düşünmek, aklına gelmek
    2. noun
    (the act of thinking: Go and have a think about it.) düşünme
    - - thought-out
    - think better of
    - think highly, well, badly of
    - think little of / not think much of
    - think of
    - think out
    - think over
    - think twice
    - think up
    - think the world of

    English-Turkish dictionary > think

  • 5 joke

    n. fıkra, şaka, muziplik, komiklik, alay konusu
    v. şaka yapmak, espri yapmak, muziplik yapmak, fıkra anlatmak
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    1. şaka yap (v.) 2. şaka (n.)
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    [‹əuk] 1. noun
    1) (anything said or done to cause laughter: He told/made the old joke about the elephant in the refrigerator; He dressed up as a ghost for a joke; He played a joke on us and dressed up as a ghost.) şaka
    2) (something that causes laughter or amusement: The children thought it a huge joke when the cat stole the fish.) komik olay, gülünç bir şey
    2. verb
    1) (to make a joke or jokes: They joked about my mistake for a long time afterwards.) şaka yapmak
    2) (to talk playfully and not seriously: Don't be upset by what he said - he was only joking.) takılmak, şaka olsun diye söylemek
    - jokingly
    - it's no joke
    - joking apart/aside
    - take a joke

    English-Turkish dictionary > joke

  • 6 in the long run

    uzun vadede, zamanla
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    (in the end: We thought we would save money, but in the long run our spending was about the same as usual.) sonunda, nihayet

    English-Turkish dictionary > in the long run

  • 7 particular

    adj. belli, belirli, özel, özgü, dikkatli, müşkülpesent, titiz, detaylı, ayrıntılı
    n. ayrıntı, husus, nokta, özellik, kişisel bilgiler
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    1. dikkate değer 2. özellik
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    1) (of a single definite person, thing etc thought of separately from all others: this particular man/problem.) belli, belirli
    2) (more than ordinary: Please take particular care of this letter.) özel
    3) (difficult to please: He is very particular about his food.) zor beğenir
    - particulars
    - in particular

    English-Turkish dictionary > particular

  • 8 puzzle

    n. bilmece, muamma, bulmaca, şaşkınlık, kafası karışma, tereddüd, yap boz
    v. şaşırtmak, kafasını karıştırmak, düşündürmek, şaşırmak, karışıklaştırmak, kafası karışmak, kafa patlatmak, muamma gibi gelmek
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    1. şaşırt (v.) 2. bilmece (n.) 3. yapboz
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    1. verb
    1) (to perplex, baffle or bewilder: The question puzzled them; What puzzles me is how he got here so soon.) şaşırtmak, kafasını karıştırmak
    2) (to think long and carefully about a problem etc: I puzzled over the sum for hours.) kafa yormak/patlatmak
    2. noun
    1) (a problem that causes a lot of thought: Her behaviour was a puzzle to him.) bilmece, muamma
    2) (a kind of game or toy to test one's thinking, knowledge or skill: a jig-saw puzzle; a crossword puzzle.) bulmaca
    - puzzle out

    English-Turkish dictionary > puzzle

  • 9 relish

    n. lezzet, çeşni, tat, ağız tadı, iştah, istek, eğilim, heves, zevk, haz
    v. tadına varmak, zevkle yemek, tadını çıkarmak, beğenmek, hoşlanmak, hoş tat vermek, hoş kokmak, mis gibi kokmak
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    1. zevk al (v.) 2. zevk (n.)
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    ['reliʃ] 1. verb
    (to enjoy greatly: He relishes his food; I relished the thought of telling my husband about my promotion.) çok hoşlanmak, büyük zevk almak
    2. noun
    1) (pleasure; enjoyment: He ate the food with great relish; I have no relish for such a boring task.) zevk, hoşlanma
    2) (a strong flavour, or a sauce etc for adding flavour.) yemeğe tat katan şey

    English-Turkish dictionary > relish

  • 10 should

    v. olursa, malı
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    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.) Not: shall'in geçmiş zaman şekli
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.) (yap)malı, (yap)sa iyi olur,...-meliydi (ama olmadı)
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.) herhâlde...-ecek
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.)...-mesi,...-men
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.)...-ecek olursa,...-se
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).) İstiyorum, İsterim, İsterdim
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.) ne (ol)sa

    English-Turkish dictionary > should

  • 11 think over

    düşünüp taşınmak, üzerinde düşünmek
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    tekrar düşün
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    (to think carefully about; to consider all aspects of (an action, decision etc): He thought it over, and decided not to go.) iyice düşünüp taşınmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > think over

  • 12 thoughtless

    adj. düşüncesiz, tasasız, bencil, patavatsız
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    adjective (not thinking about other people; showing no thought, care or consideration; inconsiderate: thoughtless words.) düşüncesiz

    English-Turkish dictionary > thoughtless

См. также в других словарях:

  • thought about it — thought it through, made up his mind …   English contemporary dictionary

  • We Thought About Duke — Studioalbum von Franz Koglmann Veröffentlichung 1995 Label Hat ART/WDR …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • I Thought About You (film) — I Thought About You DVD cover for I Thought About You (1997) Directed by Yukio Kitazawa[1] …   Wikipedia

  • thought — thought1 [θo:t US θo:t] the past tense and past participle of ↑think 1 thought 2 thought2 W1S1 n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(something you think about)¦ 2¦(ideas/opinions)¦ 3¦(careful consideration)¦ 4¦(act of thinking)¦ 5¦(caring about something)¦ 6¦(intention)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thought — 1 past tense and past participle of think 1 2 noun 1 STH YOU THINK ABOUT (C) something that you think of, remember, or realize; idea: I was just going to pick up the phone when a sudden thought made me hesitate. (+ of): a traveller s thoughts of… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • thought — n. reflection 1) to entertain, harbor, have; relish a thought (to harbor thoughts of revenge) 2) to express, present a thought 3) to gather; sum up one s thoughts 4) an evil; fleeting, passing; happy; intriguing; refreshing; sober, sobering;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • thought — noun 1 sth that you think ADJECTIVE ▪ comforting, good, happy, pleasant, positive ▪ It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn t suffered. ▪ Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and t …   Collocations dictionary

  • thought over — (Roget s IV) , modif. Syn. studied, thought about, revised; see considered 1 , investigated …   English dictionary for students

  • Thought Field Therapy — Thought Field Therapy, or TFT, is an alternative treatment developed by an American psychologist, Roger Callahan, Ph.D. Its proponents say that it can heal of a variety of mental and physical ailments through specialized tapping with the fingers… …   Wikipedia

  • Thought suppression — Thought suppression, the process of deliberately trying to stop thinking about certain thoughts (Wegner, 1989), is associated with obsessive compulsive disorder, in which a sufferer will repeatedly (usually unsuccessfully) attempt to prevent or… …   Wikipedia

  • thought — *idea, concept, conception, notion, impression Analogous words: *opinion, view, sentiment, belief, conviction, persuasion thoughtful 1 Thoughtful, reflective, speculative, contemplative, meditative, pensive can be applied to persons or their… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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