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с румынского на английский


  • 1 intend

    [in'tend] 1. verb
    1) (to mean or plan (to do something or that someone else should do something): Do you still intend to go?; Do you intend them to go?; Do you intend that they should go too?) a avea intenţia (să)
    2) (to mean (something) to be understood in a particular way: His remarks were intended to be a compliment.) a vrea să spună
    3) ((with for) to direct at: That letter/bullet was intended for me.) a destina
    2. noun
    (purpose; what a person means to do: He broke into the house with intent to steal.) in­tenţie, scop
    - intentional
    - intentionally
    - intently

    English-Romanian dictionary > intend

  • 2 that

    1. [ðæt] plural - those; adjective
    (used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) acel, acea, acei, acele
    2. pronoun
    (used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.) acela, aceea, aceia, acelea
    3. [ðət, ðæt] relative pronoun
    (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man (that) you were talking to?) (pe/cu/de) care
    4. [ðət, ðæt] conjunction
    1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised (that) he had gone.)
    2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) dacă (...)!
    5. adverb
    (so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.) atât de
    - that's that

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  • 3 which

    [wi ] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group: Which (colour) do you like best?; Which route will you travel by?; At which station should I change trains?; Which of the two girls do you like better?; Tell me which books you would like; Let me know which train you'll be arriving on; I can't decide which to choose.) care; pe care; la care
    2. relative pronoun
    ((used to refer to a thing or things mentioned previously to distinguish it or them from others: able to be replaced by that except after a preposition: able to be omitted except after a preposition or when the subject of a clause) (the) one(s) that: This is the book which/that was on the table; This is the book (which/that) you wanted; A scalpel is a type of knife which/that is used by surgeons; The chair (which/that) you are sitting on is broken; The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.) care; pe care
    3. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on something: My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well; He said he could speak Russian, which was untrue; My father may have to go into hospital, in which case he won't be going on holiday.)
    - which is which? - which is which

    English-Romanian dictionary > which

  • 4 swing

    [swiŋ] 1. past tense, past participle - swung; verb
    1) (to (cause to) move or sway in a curve (from side to side or forwards and backwards) from a fixed point: You swing your arms when you walk; The children were swinging on a rope hanging from a tree; The door swung open; He swung the load on to his shoulder.) a (se) balansa
    2) (to walk with a stride: He swung along the road.) a merge cu paşi mari
    3) (to turn suddenly: He swung round and stared at them; He is hoping to swing the voters in his favour.) a se întoarce
    2. noun
    1) (an act, period, or manner, of swinging: He was having a swing on the rope; Most golfers would like to improve their swing.) balan­sare
    2) (a swinging movement: the swing of the dancers' skirts.) balansare
    3) (a strong dancing rhythm: The music should be played with a swing.) ritm antrenant
    4) (a change in public opinion etc: a swing away from the government.) reviriment, schimbare (de opinie/de atitudine)
    5) (a seat for swinging, hung on ropes or chains from a supporting frame etc.) balansoar
    - swing bridge
    - swing door
    - be in full swing
    - get into the swing of things
    - get into the swing
    - go with a swing

    English-Romanian dictionary > swing

См. также в других словарях:

  • if I were you — spoken phrase used when giving someone advice If I were you, I’d stay away from Josh Harker – he’s a bad character. Thesaurus: ways of warning or advising someonesynonym Main entry: if * * * used to accompany a piece of advice …   Useful english dictionary

  • should — [[t]ʃəd, STRONG ʃʊd[/t]] ♦ (Should is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb.) 1) MODAL You use should when you are saying what would be the right thing to do or the right state for something to be in. I should exercise more... The …   English dictionary

  • should — [ ʃud ] modal verb *** Should is usually followed by an infinitive without to : You should eat more fresh fruit. Sometimes should is used without a following infinitive: I don t always do everything I should. Should does not change its form, so… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • should — W1S1 [ʃəd strong ʃud] modal v negative short form shouldn t ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(right thing)¦ 2¦(advice)¦ 3¦(expected thing)¦ 4¦(correct thing)¦ 5¦(orders)¦ 6¦(after that )¦ 7¦(possibility)¦ 8¦(imagined situations)¦ 9¦(request …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • should */*/*/ — UK [ʃʊd] / US modal verb Summary: Should is usually followed by an infinitive without to : You should eat more fresh fruit. Sometimes should is used without a following infinitive: I don t always do everything I should. Should does not change its …   English dictionary

  • should — strong /SUd/ modal verb negative short form shouldn t 1 used to show that something is the best thing to do because it is morally right, fair, honest etc: He should learn to be more polite. | What you should have done is call the police. | I have …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • should — /shood/, auxiliary v. 1. pt. of shall. 2. (used to express condition): Were he to arrive, I should be pleased. 3. must; ought (used to indicate duty, propriety, or expediency): You should not do that. 4. would (used to make a statement less… …   Universalium

  • should — [[t]ʃʊd[/t]] auxiliary v. 1) fun pt. of shall 2) fun (used to indicate duty, propriety, or expediency): You should not do that[/ex] 3) fun (used to express condition): Were he to arrive, I should be pleased[/ex] 4) fun (used to make a statement… …   From formal English to slang

  • You shall not steal — is one of the Ten Commandments,[1] of the Torah (the Pentateuch), which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post Reformation scholars.[2] Though usually understood to prohibit the… …   Wikipedia

  • should - would — Should and would are often used with similar meanings. When would comes after a pronoun, it is not usually pronounced in full. When should has a similar meaning to would, it, too, is not usually pronounced in full after a pronoun. When you write… …   Useful english dictionary

  • should - ought to — Should and ought to are sometimes used with similar meanings. When should has a similar meaning to ought to, you pronounce it in full and you do not write it as d. (See entry at ↑ should would.) …   Useful english dictionary

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