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  • 1 ought

    negative short form - oughtn't; verb
    1) (used to indicate duty; should: You ought to help them; He oughtn't to have done that.) dever
    2) (used to indicate something that one could reasonably expect; should: He ought to have been able to do it.) dever
    * * *
    [ɔ:t] n 1 coll nada, zero. 2 alguma coisa.
    [ɔ:t] n dever, obrigação moral. • v aux (seguido de infinitivo com to) dever, convir, ser necessário. • vt Brit 1 possuir. 2 ter dívida, dever. you ought to have written você devia ter escrito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ought

  • 2 ought

    negative short form - oughtn't; verb
    1) (used to indicate duty; should: You ought to help them; He oughtn't to have done that.) dever
    2) (used to indicate something that one could reasonably expect; should: He ought to have been able to do it.) dever

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ought

  • 3 ought

    nada, zero (Colloq); dever, obrigação
    II. (v)
    dever, convir, ser necessërio

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > ought

  • 4 you ought to have written

    you ought to have written
    você devia ter escrito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > you ought to have written

  • 5 hog

    [hoɡ] 1. noun
    ((especially American) a pig.) porco
    2. verb
    1) (to gobble up greedily.) devorar
    2) (to take or use more of than one ought to; to keep or use longer than one ought to: She's hogging the telephone and no-one else can use it.) açambarcar
    - go the whole hog
    * * *
    [hɔg] n 1 porco para engorda, capado. 2 fig homem porco, porcalhão. 3 Naut escovão. • vt+vi 1 cortar o pêlo ou a crina, cortar rente. 2 limpar o casco do navio. 3 receber mais do que é devido. 4 comer e beber em demasia. he went the whole hog sl ele resolveu o assunto, ele arrumou o negócio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hog

  • 6 hog

    [hoɡ] 1. noun
    ((especially American) a pig.) porco
    2. verb
    1) (to gobble up greedily.) avançar em
    2) (to take or use more of than one ought to; to keep or use longer than one ought to: She's hogging the telephone and no-one else can use it.) açambarcar
    - go the whole hog

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hog

  • 7 above

    1. preposition
    1) (in a higher position than: a picture above the fireplace.) sobre
    2) (greater than: The child's intelligence is above average.) acima de
    3) (too good for: The police must be above suspicion.) acima de
    2. adverb
    1) (higher up: seen from above.) de cima
    2) ((in a book etc) earlier or higher up on the page: See above.) acima
    - above all
    * * *
    [əb'∧v] n 1 o alto, céu. 2 o acima mencionado, o acima escrito ou dito. the above is his opinion / o acima escrito é a opinião dele. in addition to all of the above, I must say that... / em acréscimo a todo o acima mencionado, devo dizer que... • adj acima mencionado, anteriormente escrito ou dito. for further information see the above passage / para informações complementares consulte o texto acima. the above remarks are concerned with this item / as observações anteriores dizem respeito a este item. • adv 1 acima, no alto, em cima. the sound was coming from the bedroom above / o som vinha do quarto de cima. our plane flew above the clouds / nosso avião voava acima das nuvens. 2 anteriormente (citado ou dito). the facts mentioned above / os fatos mencionados acima. 3 em lugar mais alto. those are the hills above Rome / aquelas são as colinas no alto de Roma. • prep 1 sobre, acima, por cima. she lived on the first floor above a night club / ela morava no primeiro andar acima de uma boate. the police officer ought to be above suspicion / o policial devia estar acima de suspeita. 2 superior. he is above his brother / ele é superior a seu irmão. 3 mais que. the show is allowed to children above the age of ten years / o espetáculo é permitido para crianças com mais de dez anos. 4 além de. he is above criticism / ele está além da crítica. it is above me / isso está além da minha compreensão. above all sobretudo, mais importante de tudo. above all things antes de tudo. above-board a) claro, franco, honesto, correto. b) francamente, honestamente, corretamente. above-ground a) vivo, na terra. b) acima do solo. above-mentioned supracitado, supradito, acima mencionado. above par Econ acima do valor, com ágio. above praise acima de louvor. above the average acima da média. from above de cima. I am above myself eu estou fora de mim (de alegria, de raiva). over and above além disto. to be above nothing considerar nada indigno demais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > above

  • 8 antiseptic

    noun, adjective
    ((of) a substance that destroys bacteria (eg in a wound): You ought to put some antiseptic on that cut; an antiseptic cream.) antiséptico
    * * *
    [æntis'eptik] adj anti-séptico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > antiseptic

  • 9 disgrace

    [dis'ɡreis] 1. noun
    1) (the state of being out of favour: He is in disgrace because of his behaviour.) desgraça
    2) (a state of being without honour and regarded without respect: There seemed to be nothing ahead of him but disgrace and shame.) desonra
    3) (something which causes or ought to cause shame: Your clothes are a disgrace!) vergonha
    2. verb
    1) (to bring shame upon: Did you have to disgrace me by appearing in those clothes?) desonrar
    2) (to dismiss from a position of importance: He was publicly disgraced.) degradar
    - disgracefully
    * * *
    [disgr'eis] n 1 desgraça, desfavor, desvalimento, desestima, descrédito. 2 vergonha, desonra, ignomínia. • vt 1 desgraçar, causar desgraça a, desfavorecer, desestimar, despedir em desgraça. 2 desonrar, envergonhar, degradar. in disgrace desacreditado. to be a disgrace to ser a vergonha de. to bring disgrace on causar vergonha a. to fall into disgrace with cair no desagrado de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disgrace

  • 10 duty

    plural - duties; noun
    1) (what one ought morally or legally to do: He acted out of duty; I do my duty as a responsible citizen.) dever
    2) (an action or task requiring to be done, especially one attached to a job: I had a few duties to perform in connection with my job.) obrigação
    3) ((a) tax on goods: You must pay duty when you bring wine into the country.) taxa
    - dutiful
    - duty-free
    - off duty
    - on duty
    * * *
    [dj'u:ti] n (pl duties) 1 dever, obrigação. 2 obediência, submissão, respeito. 3 direito aduaneiro, imposto, taxa. 4 rendimento efetivo de uma máquina. 5 serviço, cargo, ofício, trabalho, atribuição, função, ocupação. 6 responsabilidade. export duty taxa de exportação. heavy duty serviço pesado. import duty, customs duty taxa de importação. in duty bound obrigado, compelido pelo dever. in duty to por respeito a. to be off duty estar de folga. to be on duty estar de guarda, estar de serviço. to do duty for substituir, colocar alguém ou alguma coisa em lugar de, pôr ou ser posto em lugar de outra pessoa a título provisório.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > duty

  • 11 gaffe

    (something which ought not to have been said, done etc, a blunder.) gafe
    * * *
    [gæf] n gafe.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gaffe

  • 12 hearing

    1) (the ability to hear: My hearing is not very good.) audição
    2) (the distance within which something can be heard: I don't want to tell you when so many people are within hearing; I think we're out of hearing now.) alcance da voz
    3) (an act of listening: We ought to give his views a fair hearing.) audiência
    4) (a court case: The hearing is tomorrow.) audiência
    * * *
    [h'iəriŋ] n 1 ouvido, audição, ação de ouvir. 2 audiência, interrogatório. he gave me a hearing ele escutou-me. within hearing dentro do alcance da voz.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hearing

  • 13 heart

    1. noun
    1) (the organ which pumps blood through the body: How fast does a person's heart beat?; ( also adjective) heart disease; a heart specialist.) coração
    2) (the central part: I live in the heart of the city; in the heart of the forest; the heart of a lettuce; Let's get straight to the heart of the matter/problem.) centro
    3) (the part of the body where one's feelings, especially of love, conscience etc are imagined to arise: She has a kind heart; You know in your heart that you ought to go; She has no heart (= She is not kind).) coração
    4) (courage and enthusiasm: The soldiers were beginning to lose heart.) coragem
    5) (a symbol supposed to represent the shape of the heart; a white dress with little pink hearts on it; heart-shaped.) coração
    6) (one of the playing-cards of the suit hearts, which have red symbols of this shape on them.) copas
    - hearten
    - heartless
    - heartlessly
    - heartlessness
    - hearts
    - hearty
    - heartily
    - heartiness
    - heartache
    - heart attack
    - heartbeat
    - heartbreak
    - heartbroken
    - heartburn
    - heart failure
    - heartfelt
    - heart-to-heart
    2. noun
    (an open and sincere talk, usually in private: After our heart-to-heart I felt more cheerful.)
    - at heart
    - break someone's heart
    - by heart
    - from the bottom of one's heart
    - have a change of heart
    - have a heart!
    - have at heart
    - heart and soul
    - lose heart
    - not have the heart to
    - set one's heart on / have one's heart set on
    - take heart
    - take to heart
    - to one's heart's content
    - with all one's heart
    * * *
    [ha:t] n 1 coração. 2 núcleo, âmago, centro. 3 alma. 4 amor, afeição, inclinação. 5 ânimo, coragem. 6 hearts copas (baralho). bless my heart! meu Deus! he has set his heart on it ele afeiçoou-se a isso. he puts his heart in his work ele se empenha de corpo e alma no seu trabalho. I find it in my heart estou disposto a. in good heart descansado (solo). in the heart of hearts no fundo do coração. it cuts me to the heart isso me dói no coração. out of heart desanimado, desencorajado. the heart of the matter o essencial da questão. to give (lose) one’s heart apaixonar-se. to learn by heart decorar. to lose heart perder o ânimo. to pluck up heart reanimar-se. to speak to one’s heart confortar, encorajar, animar. with all one’s heart com todo o coração. with heart and soul de corpo e alma.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > heart

  • 14 ignorant

    1) (knowing very little: He's really very ignorant - he ought to read more; I'm ignorant about money matters.) ignorante
    2) ((with of) unaware: He continued on his way, ignorant of the dangers which lay ahead.) inconsciente
    - ignorance
    * * *
    ['ignərənt] adj 1 ignorante, não-instruído. 2 rude, descortês, mal-educado. to be ignorant of desconhecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ignorant

  • 15 jail

    [‹eil] 1. noun
    ((a) prison: You ought to be sent to jail for doing that.) cadeia
    2. verb
    (to put in prison: He was jailed for two years.) pôr na cadeia
    - jailor
    - gaoler
    - jailbird
    - gaolbird
    * * *
    [dʒeil] n Amer cadeia, prisão, cárcere, Braz coll xadrez. • vt encarcerar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jail

  • 16 remind

    1) (to tell (someone) that there is something he or she ought to do, remember etc: Remind me to post that letter; She reminded me of my promise.) lembrar a (alguém)
    2) (to make (someone) remember or think of (a person, thing etc): She reminds me of her sister; This reminds me of my schooldays.) fazer lembrar
    * * *
    [rim'aind] vt+vi fazer lembrar, trazer à memória. it reminds me of faz-me lembrar de... this is to remind you that isto é para lembrá-lo de que...

    English-Portuguese dictionary > remind

  • 17 repeat

    [rə'pi:t] 1. verb
    1) (to say or do again: Would you repeat those instructions, please?) repetir
    2) (to say (something one has heard) to someone else, sometimes when one ought not to: Please do not repeat what I've just told you.) repetir
    3) (to say (something) one has learned by heart: to repeat a poem.) reproduzir
    2. noun
    (something which is repeated: I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television; ( also adjective) a repeat performance.) repetição
    - repeatedly
    - repetition
    - repetitive
    - repetitively
    - repetitiveness
    - repeat oneself
    * * *
    [rip'i:t] n 1 repetição, retransmissão. 2 Mus sinal de reprodução, estribilho. • vt+vi 1 repetir, reiterar. 2 fazer novamente. 3 contar, passar adiante (um segredo). 4 recitar. 5 cursar pela segunda vez. 6 ensaiar. 7 reproduzir, imitar. 8 votar fraudulentamente mais de uma vez. to repeat on someone sl arrotar, eructar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > repeat

  • 18 restore

    1) (to repair (a building, a painting, a piece of furniture etc) so that it looks as it used to or ought to.) restaurar
    2) (to bring back to a normal or healthy state: The patient was soon restored to health.) restabelecer
    3) (to bring or give back: to restore law and order; The police restored the stolen cars to their owners.) restituir
    4) (to bring or put (a person) back to a position, rank etc he once had: He was asked to resign but was later restored to his former job as manager.) reintegrar
    - restorer
    * * *
    [rist'ɔ:] vt 1 restaurar, reparar, reconstruir. 2 recolocar, repor, restituir, devolver. they restored him to liberty / recolocaram-no em liberdade. 3 restabelecer, curar, recuperar. 4 reintegrar. 5 renovar, restabelecer. to be restored to health ser curado, restabelecer-se. to restore to life restituir à vida, ressuscitar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > restore

  • 19 right

    1. adjective
    1) (on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left): When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand.) direito
    2) (correct: Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question?) certo
    3) (morally correct; good: It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen.) certo
    4) (suitable; appropriate: He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him?) certo
    2. noun
    1) (something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc: Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that.) direito
    2) (that which is correct or good: Who's in the right in this argument?) razão
    3) (the right side, part or direction: Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right.) direita
    4) (in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc.) direita
    3. adverb
    1) (exactly: He was standing right here.) exactamente
    2) (immediately: I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down.) imediatamente
    3) (close: He was standing right beside me.) bem
    4) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) totalmente
    5) (to the right: Turn right.) à direita
    6) (correctly: Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right.) bem
    4. verb
    1) (to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position: The boat tipped over, but righted itself again.) endireitar
    2) (to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done: He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right.) corrigir
    5. interjection
    (I understand; I'll do what you say etc: `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.') com certeza
    - righteously
    - righteousness
    - rightful
    - rightfully
    - rightly
    - rightness
    - righto
    - right-oh
    - rights
    - right angle
    - right-angled
    - right-hand
    - right-handed
    - right wing
    6. adjective
    ((right-wing) (having opinions which are) of this sort.) da direita
    - by rights
    - by right
    - get
    - keep on the right side of
    - get right
    - go right
    - not in one's right mind
    - not quite right in the head
    - not right in the head
    - put right
    - put/set to rights
    - right away
    - right-hand man
    - right now
    - right of way
    - serve right
    * * *
    [rait] n 1 direito, o que é justo ou correto. we had a right to do so / tínhamos o direito de assim proceder. 2 justiça, eqüidade. 3 reivindicação, pretensão. 4 privilégio, prerrogativa, regalia. 5 direitos. 6 lado direito ou o que fica no lado direito, mão direita. 7 Sport soco com a direita. 8 direita: o partido conservador. 9 opção (para compra de ações) ou o certificado negociável referente a essa opção. • vt+vi 1 corrigir, pôr em ordem, regularizar, retificar, endireitar. 2 fazer justiça, reabilitar, defender. 3 reassumir ou restaurar posição correta. • adj 1 direito, reto. 2 vertical, a prumo. 3 correto, justo, honesto. 4 bom, próprio, adequado, conveniente, indicado. 5 sadio, são, normal. he is not in his right mind / ele não está com a cabeça no lugar. 6 exato, correto, certo. 7 verdadeiro, genuíno, real, legítimo. 8 à direita, do lado direito. 9 direito. 10 externo, superior (lado de um tecido, etc.). • adv 1 corretamente, justamente, de acordo com os princípios de justiça e moral, verdadeiramente, propriamente. 2 exatamente, corretamente, bem, satisfatoriamente, precisamente. he did quite right to leave / ele fez bem em sair ou partir. 3 muito, bastante, extremamente. 4 para a direita. 5 diretamente, em linha reta, de modo reto. 6 imediatamente, sem demora, logo, neste instante. all right muito bem, está certo, está em ordem. all rights reserved todos os direitos reservados. as of right de direito. as right as perfeitamente bem, em boa saúde, pronto para outra. at the right of the table à direita da mesa. by right of por força de. by rights por direito. he is in the right ele tem razão. human rights direitos humanos. I am not right a) não estou bem, não estou disposto. b) não tenho razão. in one’s own right por si mesmo, por seus próprios méritos. in one’s right mind em sã consciência. it is all right está bem, não importa. it serves you right! bem feito! on the right à direita. right about turn meia-volta (à direita). right ahead! para a frente! para diante! right along sem parar, continuamente. right away imediatamente. right down completamente, perfeitamente, inteiramente. right enough a) satisfatório. b) sem sombra de dúvida. right here aqui mesmo. right in bem para dentro. right now agora mesmo. right off imediatamente. right oh! certo! confere! right there aí, ali ou lá mesmo. right you are perfeitamente. she is on the right side of thirty ela ainda não fez trinta anos, ela ainda não chegou aos trinta. to be right out estar de saída, sair já. the right man in the right place o homem certo no lugar certo. the right way modo, método, caminho certo, a seguir. to put ( to set) to rights pôr em ordem, acertar. to spend money right and left esbanjar dinheiro a torto e a direito. we got it right esclarecemos o caso. you are right você está certo, tem razão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > right

  • 20 rightful

    adjective (proper; correct; that ought to be or has a right to be something: He is the rightful king of this country.) legítimo
    * * *
    [r'aitful] adj 1 por direito, legítimo. 2 reto, justo, probo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rightful

См. также в других словарях:

  • ought — [ ɔt ] modal verb *** Ought is usually followed by to and an infinitive: You ought to tell the truth. Sometimes it is used without to or a following infinitive in a formal way: I don t practice as often as I ought. It is also used in an informal… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ought to — W2S1 [ˈo:t tu: US ˈo:t ] modal v [: Old English; Origin: ahte, past tense of agan; OWE] 1.) used to say that someone should do something because it is the best or most sensible thing to do = ↑should ▪ You really ought to quit smoking. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Ought — Ought, imp., p. p., or auxiliary. [Orig. the preterit of the verb to owe. OE. oughte, aughte, ahte, AS. [=a]hte. [root]110. See {Owe}.] 1. Was or were under obligation to pay; owed. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] This due obedience which they ought to the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ought To Go — Breed Quarter Horse Discipline Racing Sire Go Man Go Grandsire …   Wikipedia

  • ought — In current use the verb ought is followed by a to infinitive: • You ought to have a cooked breakfast, these cold mornings David Lodge, 1988. Since it is a modal verb, it forms a negative directly with not and forms a question by plain inversion:… …   Modern English usage

  • ought — ought1 [ôt] v.aux. used with infinitives and meaning: 1. to be compelled by obligation or duty [he ought to pay his debts ] or by desirability [you ought to eat more] 2. to be expected or likely [it ought to be over soon]: Past time is expressed… …   English World dictionary

  • ought — ► MODAL VERB (3rd sing. present and past ought) 1) used to indicate duty or correctness. 2) used to indicate something that is probable. 3) used to indicate a desirable or expected state. 4) used to give or ask advice. USAGE The standard… …   English terms dictionary

  • ought to have (done something) — phrase used when you realize that someone did not do the right thing in the past You ought to have listened to the warnings. I know I ought not to have taken the money. Thesaurus: modal verbshyponym Main entry: ought …   Useful english dictionary

  • ought — ought·lins; ought·ness; ought; …   English syllables

  • Ought — ([add]t), n. & adv. See {Aught}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ought|n't — «AWT uhnt», ought not …   Useful english dictionary

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