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  • 81 GESTR

    (-s, -ir), m.
    1) guest;
    * * *
    m., gen. gests; pl. gestir, acc. gesti; [Ulf. gasts = ξένος; A. S. gest; Engl. guest; Germ. gast; Dan. gjæst; Swed. gäst; Lat. hostis]:
    I. a guest; the original meaning of this word is a stranger, alien, cp. Lat. hostis.
    β. the Guests, one division of the king’s men; the Guests were a kind of policemen, and had not the full privileges of the king’s guardsmen or hirðmenn, although they were in the king’s pay; they had their own seats in the king’s hall, the guests’ bench, gesta-bekkr, m., Fb. i. 347; their own chief, gesta-höfðingi, a, m., Nj. 7, Hkr. ii. 69, Fms. vii. 35; their own banner, gesta-merki, n., Fms. ix. 489; their own meeting, gesta-stefna, u, f., Fms. viii. 250; they formed a separate body, gesta-sveit, f., Fas. i. 318; skulu þar fylgja hirðmenn ok gestir, Ó. H. 204, in the battle at Stiklastað: a guests’ hall, gesta-skáli, a, m., is mentioned in Eg. 28, Fas. ii. 93: a ship, gesta-skip ( gesta-fley), n., Fms. viii. 139; cp. the Sagas passim, esp. the Konunga Sögur, Fms. x. 147, Hkr. passim, but esp. N. G. L. in the section Hirðs-skrá, or the law ( rules) for the king’s men, and Sks. 257 sqq. As the gestir were lower in rank than the hirðmenn, a recruit had often to serve his apprenticeship among them, e. g. var hann í gestasæti, he was seated among the guests, i. e. was held in small repute, Fas. i. 51.
    II. a stranger, guest, Lat. hospes, but keeping the old notion of a stranger, prop. an accidental guest, chance comer, and is distinguished from boðs-maðr, an invited guest, or the like; hence the allit. phrase, gestr ok gangandi, a guest and ganger, since with the ancients the poor had to go from house to house (cp. gangleri); this is to be borne in mind, if one would understand old sayings such as, Guð elr gesti, God feeds guests, Bs. i. 247; or many passages in the old heathen poem Hávamál, e. g. órir gestr við gest, guest quarrels with guest, Hm. 31; gestr at gest hæðinn, guest mocking guest, 30, which reminds one of Hom. Od. xviii. 1–33; gest þú né geyja né á grind hrekir (scoff not at a guest, nor drive him to the door), get þú váluðum vel, Hm. 136, where gestr ( a guest) and válaðr ( a vagrant) are used synonymously; ganga skal, skala gestr vera æ í einum stað, 34. In olden times there were no public hostelries, and all entertainment was (as it still is in Icel.) private bounty; a fine instance of a munificent hostess of the heathen age is recorded in Landn.,—Geirríðr sparði ekki mat við menn, ok lét göra skála sinn of þjóðbraut þvera, hón sat á stóli ok laðaði úti gesti, en borð stóð inni jafnan ok matr á, 2. 13. After the introduction of Christianity, when churches were built and endowments given, the donors often imposed the duty of ‘feeding guest and ganger for a night’ (ala gest ok ganganda), Dipl. i. 169, 174; or, þar er ekki gesta eldi skylt ( it is not required to feed guests), ala hvern at ósekju er vill, 200; ala þurfa-menn ok þá er fara skylda-erinda, 201, cp. 273 passim:—gener. a visitor, guest: gesta-eldi, n. shelter for guests, D. I. (vide above): gesta-fluga, u, f. a guest-fly, a moth, Ísl. Þjóðs. i. 558: gesta-herbergi, n. a ‘guest-harbour,’ hostel, inn, Gr. καταλύμα, Luke ii. 7: gesta-hús, n. a guest-room, Sturl. i. 216, ii. 191: gesta-koma, u, f., gesta-nauð, n. a coming, crowding of guests: gesta-maðr, m. a guest-man (bishops had a special servant so called), Bs. i. 850, 876: gesta-rúm, n. a guest-bed: gesta-skáli, a, m. a guest-chamber, Hom. 36: gesta-spjót, n. pl., a cat is said to raise the ‘guest-spears’ when it lies on its back and cleans itself with its hind legs, which is a token that a stranger is at hand, Ísl. Þjóðs. i. 558.
    III. as pr. names, Landn., freq.; also in compds, Þor-gestr, Heim-gestr, Goð-gestr, Hleva-gastir on the Golden horn (Bugge’s reading), and Gr. Ξενο-φών, Ξενο-φάνης. Gestr is a name of Odin = the Traveller, Edda, Vþm., Gm., Hervar. S. ch. 15 (Gestum-blindi). It is curious to notice that whereas with the Romans hostis came to mean a foe, with the Teutons (as with the Gr. ξένος) the equivalent word became a term of friendship, used of a friend staying at one’s house.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GESTR

  • 82 пускать пыль в глаза

    разг., неодобр.
    1) (пытаться обмануть кого-либо, намеренно отвлекая его внимание от чего-либо, скрывая что-либо) throw dust in smb.'s eyes; pull the wool over smb.'s eyes

    - И вот решил я на свой, как говорится, страх и риск: пойду на западный, погляжу. Только пойду попросту, как говорится, частным образом, а то комиссиям да бригадам у нас научились пыль в глаза пускать. (А. Чаковский, Год жизни) — 'So I decided to go over to the western sector and see for myself how things were. I did it on my own - a sort of private visit, because those commissions that come to us have taught us how to throw dust in people's eyes.'

    - Думаю, что лейтенант Курочкин... до невыносимости избаловал Лазарева, сам за него всё делал, а он пускал пыль в глаза, - сказал Илья. (Ю. Бондарев, Выбор) — 'I think that Lieutenant Kurochkin... spoiled Lazarev unforgivably, spared him of all work, while Lazarev pulled the wool over his eyes,' Ilya said.

    2) (хвастаться, создавать видимость богатства, роскоши и т. п.) show off; cut a dash; try to dazzle smb.

    Мешков вместо приданого взялся справить свадьбу и вот теперь пускал в глаза пыль богатой родне. (К. Федин, Первые радости) — Meshkov had undertaken instead of the dowry to bear the cost of the wedding, and now look at the way he was trying to dazzle his rich new kindred.

    Изредка, в большие праздники, любил Сергей Платонович пустить пыль в глаза: созывал гостей и угощал дорогими винами, свежей осетровой икрой, ради этого случая выписанной из Батайска, лучшими закусками. В остальное время жил узко. (М. Шолохов, Тихий Дон) — On rare occasions, during the great holidays, Sergei Platonovich liked to cut a dash: he invited guests and regaled them with expensive wines, fresh caviare, ordered from Bataisk for the occasion, and the finest of hors-d'oeuvres. At other times he lived frugally.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пускать пыль в глаза

  • 83 Lovelock, James Ephraim

    b. 26 July 1919 Brixton, London, England
    English biologist and philosopher, inventor of the microwave oven and electron capture detector.
    Lovelock was brought up in Brixton in modest circumstances. At the age of 4 he was given a toy electrical set, which first turned his attention towards the study of science. From the Strand School, Brixton, he went on to the universities of Manchester and London, and after graduating in science, in 1941 he joined the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, as a staff scientist, remaining there for twenty years. During the early 1950s, he and his colleagues were engaged in research into freezing live animals and bringing them back to life by heating: Lovelock was struck by the intense pain this process caused the animals, and he sought a more humane method. He tried diathermy or internal heating through the effect of a continuous wave magnetron borrowed from the Navy. He found that the animals were brought back to life painlessly, and impressed with his success he tried baking a potato for his lunch in the apparatus and found that it cooked amazingly quickly compared with the one hour normally needed in an ordinary oven. Lovelock had invented the microwave oven, but its commercial possibilities were not at first realized.
    In the late 1950s he invented the electron capture detector, which proved to be more sensitive than any other analytical equipment in detecting and measuring toxic substances. The apparatus therefore had obvious uses in testing the quality of the environment and so offered a tremendous boost to the "green" movement. In 1961 he was invited to joint the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to employ the apparatus in an attempt to detect life in space.
    In the early 1970s Lovelock relinquished his biological work in order to devote his attention to philosophical matters, specifically to develop his theory of the Universe, now widely celebrated as the "Gaia theory". In this controversial theory, Lovelock regards our planet and all its living beings, including humans, as a single living organism.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    CBE 1990. FRS 1974. Many academic awards and honorary degrees. Visiting Professor, University of Reading 1967–90.
    1979, Gaia.
    1983, The Great Extinction.
    1988, The Ages of Gaia.
    1991, Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine.

    Biographical history of technology > Lovelock, James Ephraim

  • 84 כנס

    כָּנַס(b. h.; v. כּוֹס I) 1) to collect, gather; to cover, shelter, bring home. B. Kam.VI, 1 הכּוֹנס צאן לדיר he who takes the flock into the stall; a. fr.כ׳ משקה to absorb liquids through pores, opp. to הוציא to let liquids escape through pores. Nidd.49a יביא … אם כָּנְסָהוכ׳ get a tub full of water and put the pot in, if it draws water Kel. X, 8 היו בכוֹנֵס משקח (sub. נקובין) if the vessels were so porous as to be called absorbers of liquids. Nidd. l. c. כיצד … לידע אם ניקב בכונס משקה how do we examine to find out whether a vessel is porous to the extent of absorbing liquids? (v. supra); a. fr.Esp. to take a woman home, to consummate a marriage by conducting a woman to ones house, to wed, v. אֵירוּסִין a. נִישּׂוּאִין. Keth.3b וברביעי כּוֹנְסָהּ and on the fourth day of the week he weds her. Ib. ומסכנה ואילך נהגו … לִכְנוֹסוכ׳ and from the days of persecution … the people adopted the custom to wed on the third day; … ובשני לא יִכְנוֹס but on the second day one must not marry. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b כְּנָסָהּ ולאוכ׳ he took her to his home but did not touch her ; a. fr.Part. pass. כְּנוּסָה. Y.Sot.II, 18b top שומרת יבםוכ׳ neither while waiting for the yabam nor after having been taken to his house. 2) (of a sore) ( to gather, to grow smaller, to contract, opp. פשה. Neg. IV, 7; Tosef. ib. II, 6; Sifra Thazr., Neg., Par. 2, ch. 2; a. e. 3) (archit.) to recede, to form a settle or recess in a wall. Midd. III, 1 עלה אמהוכ׳ אמה (the altar) rose one cubit and then receded one cubit; Men.97b.Y.Erub.VII, 24b bot. (of an inclined plane) עולה אמה וכוֹנֵס שלש it rises vertically one cubit, while the incline measures three cubits, v. כִּיבּוּש.Part. pass. כָּנוּס, f. כְּנוּסָה. Tosef.Erub.I, 10 כותל שצידו אחד כ׳ מחבירווכ׳ a wall which is more receding on one side than on the other, either the inner wall being even ; Erub.9b; 15a; (Y. ib. 19b top כותל הנכנס). Y.Succ.I, 52a אפי׳ כנוסה כמה even if the reduction be ever so large. Nif. נִכְנַס 1) to be brought in, to enter, opp. יצא; to assemble, meet. Erub. 65a, v. סוֹד. Ib. 15b נ׳ ויוצא is easily passed in and out. Kel. IX, 7 מלא … נ׳ when a piece of the size … can be passed, לא נ׳ when it cannot pass (exactly fitting in). Y.Erub.I, 18c bot. אין … לִיכָּנֵסוכ׳ it is not the habit of man to enter through one door and leave through another.Ḥull.3a, a. fr. יוצא ונ׳ superintending by going in and out. Sabb.137b כשםשנ׳ … יִכָּנסוכ׳ as he (the child) has been entered into the covenant, so may he be introduced to the study of the Law Snh.101a נִכְנְסוּ תלמידיווכ׳ his pupils came together to visit him. Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 19, a. e. לא יִכָּנֵס אדם להרוכ׳ one must not enter the Temple mount Meg.I, 3 מקום שנִכְנָסִיןוכ׳ a place where the country people are in the habit of assembling on Mondays ; a. fr. 2) to form a recess or settle. Y.Erub.I, 19b top, v. supra. 3) to be married, v. supra. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b הִיכָּנְסִיוכ׳ be my wife and raise thy sisters children; Koh. R. to IX, 9; a. fr. Pi. כִּינֵּס to gather, collect. Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 24 בשעת המְכַנְּסִין … כַּנֵּס when people collect (learning), scatter, when they scatter (are indifferent), gather in (withdraw); v. בְּדַר; Ber.63a המכניסים (read: המְכַנְּ׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9). Ex. R. s. 17, beg. שכִּינְּסָן מעל הארץ which (waters) he gathered from upon the land. Deut. R. s. 3 כִּינְּסָה את בניה she assembled her children; a. fr.Part. pass. מְכוּנָּס, f. מְכוּנֶּסֶת; pl. מְכוּנָּסִין, מְכוּנָּסוֹת. Erub.21a (מים) מ׳ collected water, opp. מים חיים. Midr. Till. to Ps. 70 הרי הצאן מכ׳ the flock is gathered again. Neg. IV, 3 במ׳ when the hairs on the leprous spot are close together, opp. מפוזר; a. fr. Hif. הִכְנִיס to bring in, to lay in, store up; to introduce, pass; to initiate. Lev. R. s. 9 הִכְנִיסוֹ לביתו he invited him to his house. Ex. R. s. 20 אם אני מַכְנִיסָןוכ׳ if I lead them now into the land. Ib. ה׳ יינווכ׳ he stored his wine in the cellar. Men.97a ומכניס קנהוכ׳ and passes a tube under it. Sabb.118b ה׳ ידווכ׳ put his hand under his belt. Ib. מַכְנִיסֵי שבת who usher the Sabbath in (with prayer). Ib. 137b להַכְנִיסוֹ בבריתווכ׳ to initiate him into the covenant (v. supra). Y.Yeb.I, 3a bot. הרי אתם מַכְנִיסִין ראשיוכ׳ you want me to put my head between two great mountains. Mekh. Bshall., Shir., s.6 לא מוציא ולא מַכְנִיס neither lets escape nor receives, v. נוֹד; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְכַּנֵּס, Nithpa. נִתְכַּנֵּס 1) to assemble, meet, be reunited. Taan.27b מִתְכַּנְּסִין לבה״כ meet at the synagogue. Gen. R. s. 39, a. e. אם מתכנסין כלוכ׳ if all human beings were to join for creating ; Cant. R. to I, 3 מִתְכַּנְּשִׁין. Mekh. Bshall.s.6 אין הגליות מִתְכַּנְּסוֹתוכ׳ the diaspora will be reunited only as a reward for faith; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 12, beg. מתכנסין ויוצאין; (Koh. R. to II, 12 נכנסין) they go in and out. 2) to gather, become closer (v. supra). Neg. I, 6 נִתְכַּנְּסָה the sore gathered.

    Jewish literature > כנס

  • 85 כָּנַס

    כָּנַס(b. h.; v. כּוֹס I) 1) to collect, gather; to cover, shelter, bring home. B. Kam.VI, 1 הכּוֹנס צאן לדיר he who takes the flock into the stall; a. fr.כ׳ משקה to absorb liquids through pores, opp. to הוציא to let liquids escape through pores. Nidd.49a יביא … אם כָּנְסָהוכ׳ get a tub full of water and put the pot in, if it draws water Kel. X, 8 היו בכוֹנֵס משקח (sub. נקובין) if the vessels were so porous as to be called absorbers of liquids. Nidd. l. c. כיצד … לידע אם ניקב בכונס משקה how do we examine to find out whether a vessel is porous to the extent of absorbing liquids? (v. supra); a. fr.Esp. to take a woman home, to consummate a marriage by conducting a woman to ones house, to wed, v. אֵירוּסִין a. נִישּׂוּאִין. Keth.3b וברביעי כּוֹנְסָהּ and on the fourth day of the week he weds her. Ib. ומסכנה ואילך נהגו … לִכְנוֹסוכ׳ and from the days of persecution … the people adopted the custom to wed on the third day; … ובשני לא יִכְנוֹס but on the second day one must not marry. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b כְּנָסָהּ ולאוכ׳ he took her to his home but did not touch her ; a. fr.Part. pass. כְּנוּסָה. Y.Sot.II, 18b top שומרת יבםוכ׳ neither while waiting for the yabam nor after having been taken to his house. 2) (of a sore) ( to gather, to grow smaller, to contract, opp. פשה. Neg. IV, 7; Tosef. ib. II, 6; Sifra Thazr., Neg., Par. 2, ch. 2; a. e. 3) (archit.) to recede, to form a settle or recess in a wall. Midd. III, 1 עלה אמהוכ׳ אמה (the altar) rose one cubit and then receded one cubit; Men.97b.Y.Erub.VII, 24b bot. (of an inclined plane) עולה אמה וכוֹנֵס שלש it rises vertically one cubit, while the incline measures three cubits, v. כִּיבּוּש.Part. pass. כָּנוּס, f. כְּנוּסָה. Tosef.Erub.I, 10 כותל שצידו אחד כ׳ מחבירווכ׳ a wall which is more receding on one side than on the other, either the inner wall being even ; Erub.9b; 15a; (Y. ib. 19b top כותל הנכנס). Y.Succ.I, 52a אפי׳ כנוסה כמה even if the reduction be ever so large. Nif. נִכְנַס 1) to be brought in, to enter, opp. יצא; to assemble, meet. Erub. 65a, v. סוֹד. Ib. 15b נ׳ ויוצא is easily passed in and out. Kel. IX, 7 מלא … נ׳ when a piece of the size … can be passed, לא נ׳ when it cannot pass (exactly fitting in). Y.Erub.I, 18c bot. אין … לִיכָּנֵסוכ׳ it is not the habit of man to enter through one door and leave through another.Ḥull.3a, a. fr. יוצא ונ׳ superintending by going in and out. Sabb.137b כשםשנ׳ … יִכָּנסוכ׳ as he (the child) has been entered into the covenant, so may he be introduced to the study of the Law Snh.101a נִכְנְסוּ תלמידיווכ׳ his pupils came together to visit him. Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 19, a. e. לא יִכָּנֵס אדם להרוכ׳ one must not enter the Temple mount Meg.I, 3 מקום שנִכְנָסִיןוכ׳ a place where the country people are in the habit of assembling on Mondays ; a. fr. 2) to form a recess or settle. Y.Erub.I, 19b top, v. supra. 3) to be married, v. supra. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b הִיכָּנְסִיוכ׳ be my wife and raise thy sisters children; Koh. R. to IX, 9; a. fr. Pi. כִּינֵּס to gather, collect. Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 24 בשעת המְכַנְּסִין … כַּנֵּס when people collect (learning), scatter, when they scatter (are indifferent), gather in (withdraw); v. בְּדַר; Ber.63a המכניסים (read: המְכַנְּ׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9). Ex. R. s. 17, beg. שכִּינְּסָן מעל הארץ which (waters) he gathered from upon the land. Deut. R. s. 3 כִּינְּסָה את בניה she assembled her children; a. fr.Part. pass. מְכוּנָּס, f. מְכוּנֶּסֶת; pl. מְכוּנָּסִין, מְכוּנָּסוֹת. Erub.21a (מים) מ׳ collected water, opp. מים חיים. Midr. Till. to Ps. 70 הרי הצאן מכ׳ the flock is gathered again. Neg. IV, 3 במ׳ when the hairs on the leprous spot are close together, opp. מפוזר; a. fr. Hif. הִכְנִיס to bring in, to lay in, store up; to introduce, pass; to initiate. Lev. R. s. 9 הִכְנִיסוֹ לביתו he invited him to his house. Ex. R. s. 20 אם אני מַכְנִיסָןוכ׳ if I lead them now into the land. Ib. ה׳ יינווכ׳ he stored his wine in the cellar. Men.97a ומכניס קנהוכ׳ and passes a tube under it. Sabb.118b ה׳ ידווכ׳ put his hand under his belt. Ib. מַכְנִיסֵי שבת who usher the Sabbath in (with prayer). Ib. 137b להַכְנִיסוֹ בבריתווכ׳ to initiate him into the covenant (v. supra). Y.Yeb.I, 3a bot. הרי אתם מַכְנִיסִין ראשיוכ׳ you want me to put my head between two great mountains. Mekh. Bshall., Shir., s.6 לא מוציא ולא מַכְנִיס neither lets escape nor receives, v. נוֹד; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְכַּנֵּס, Nithpa. נִתְכַּנֵּס 1) to assemble, meet, be reunited. Taan.27b מִתְכַּנְּסִין לבה״כ meet at the synagogue. Gen. R. s. 39, a. e. אם מתכנסין כלוכ׳ if all human beings were to join for creating ; Cant. R. to I, 3 מִתְכַּנְּשִׁין. Mekh. Bshall.s.6 אין הגליות מִתְכַּנְּסוֹתוכ׳ the diaspora will be reunited only as a reward for faith; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 12, beg. מתכנסין ויוצאין; (Koh. R. to II, 12 נכנסין) they go in and out. 2) to gather, become closer (v. supra). Neg. I, 6 נִתְכַּנְּסָה the sore gathered.

    Jewish literature > כָּנַס

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  • All Saints GAC — Infobox GAA club club gaa = All Saints GAC irish = Naomh Uile CLG crest = founded = 1975 county = Antrim province=Ulster nickname = The Saints colours = Black and White grounds =Slemish Park pattern la= blackshoulders|pattern b=|pattern ra=… …   Wikipedia

  • All-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir — The All Ohio State Fair Youth Choir (known as the AOSFYC or the All Ohio Youth Choir) is a singing organization of high school students that meets every summer five days prior to the opening of the Ohio State Fair and performs as entertainment… …   Wikipedia

  • All About Eve (band) — Infobox musical artist Name = All About Eve Img capt = On Top Of The Pops in 1988 deletable image caption Img size = Landscape = yes Background = group or band Alias = The Swarm Origin = flagicon|England England Genre = Alternative rock Folk rock …   Wikipedia

  • All Blacks — Rugby team country =New Zealand union = New Zealand Rugby Union nickname = All Blacks emblem = Silver fern captain = Richie McCaw coach = flagicon|New Zealand Graham Henry [cite news|url=http://www.allblacks.com/index.cfm?layout=displayNews… …   Wikipedia

  • All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 — Infobox Film name = All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 image size = caption = Promotional poster. director = Larry Leker Paul Sabella producer = Paul Sabella Mark Young Kelly Ward Jonathan Dern writer = Mark Young Kelly Ward starring = Charlie Sheen Sheena… …   Wikipedia

  • All American Girl (novel) — Infobox Book | name = All American Girl title orig = translator = image caption = author = Meg Cabot illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = All American Girl series subject = genre = Young adult novel… …   Wikipedia

  • All-Stars (band) — This article is about the 1960s British blues combo. For the 1940s jazz sextet, see Louis Armstrong. The Velvettes redirects here. For the Motown singing trio, see The Velvelettes. The All Stars Also known as The R B All Stars The Cyril Davies… …   Wikipedia

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