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  • 1 damn

    1. verb
    1) to sentence to unending punishment in hell:

    His soul is damned.

    يُدين، يَحْكُم عَلَيْهِ بالعِقاب الأبَدي في جَهَنَّم
    2) to cause to be condemned as bad, unacceptable etc:

    That film was damned by the critics.

    يَلْعَن، يَذِم
    2. interjection
    expressing anger, irritation etc:

    Damn! I've forgotten my purse.

    يا للْفَظاعَه! اللعْنَه!
    3. noun
    something unimportant or of no value:

    I don't give a damn! (= I don't care in the least).

    شَيْء تافِه

    Arabic-English dictionary > damn

См. также в других словарях:

  • don't give a damn — [B] do not care, am not interested, give a shit [B]    Jack s late for class every day and I don t give a damn! He s a big boy now and it s his business! …   English idioms

  • Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. — Infobox movie quote name = Frankly, My Dear, I Don t Give A Damn caption = character = Rhett Butler actor = Clark Gable creator = firstusedin = Gone with the Wind alsousedin = Corpse Bride ; Windy City Heat moviequotes = #1 Frankly, my dear, I… …   Wikipedia

  • Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. — Franchement, ma chère, c est le cadet de mes soucis. « Franchement, ma chère, c est le cadet de mes soucis. » (en version originale : « Frankly, my dear, I don t give a damn. ») est la réplique finale de Rhett Butler… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • I don't give a damn — I couldn t care less, I really don t care …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Give a Damn — La campaña Give a Damn es un proyecto de True Colors Fund, una organización co fundada por la cantante Cyndi Lauper dedicada a la difusión, especialmente entre los heterosexuales, del apoyo a la igualdad hacia la comunidad LGBT. El nombre de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • give a damn — verb show no concern or interest; always used in the negative I don t give a hoot She doesn t give a damn about her job • Syn: ↑care a hang, ↑give a hoot, ↑give a hang • Verb Frames: Somebody s …   Useful english dictionary

  • give a damn — (not) give a damn informal to not be interested in or worried about something or someone. He can think what he likes. I don t give a damn. Most companies don t give a damn about the environment. (often + about) I ve made my decision and I don t… …   New idioms dictionary

  • give-a-damn-dividend — I know this is four words joined together but if you say it right it can sound like one. It means I don t give a damn, of course, but if you add the dividend on the end it really rolls of the tongue. No one can take you seriously if you say this… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • give-a-damn-dividend — I know this is four words joined together but if you say it right it can sound like one. It means I don t give a damn, of course, but if you add the dividend on the end it really rolls of the tongue. No one can take you seriously if you say this… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • give a damn / give a shit / give a fuck — [B] care about, don t give a damn, give a hoot    Look at his hair. He doesn t give a damn about his appearance …   English idioms

  • don't give a crap — [B] do not care at all, do not value it, don t give a damn    Janis doesn t care if he likes other girls. She said she doesn t give a crap …   English idioms

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