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  • 1 möchte

    - {would} = ich möchte gern {I should like to; I would like to}+ = so gern ich auch möchte {as much as I would like}+ = ich möchte nicht so viel {I don't want that much}+ = sie möchte, daß ich komme {she wishes me to come}+ = sie möchte, daß ich ihr helfe {she wants me to help her}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > möchte

  • 2 wherefore

    /'we f:/ * phó từ - (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) tại sao, vì sao =wherefore do you laugh?+ tại sao anh cười? * liên từ - (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) vì vậy, vì thế, do đó =he was angry wherefore I was afraid+ ông ta nổi giận, vì thế tôi sợ * danh từ - lý do, cớ =I don't want to hear the whys and the wherefores+ tôi không muốn nghe nào những tại sao thế, nào những lý

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > wherefore

  • 3 Sie sind

    - {you're} = Sie selbst {yourself}+ = das geht Sie an {this concerns you}+ = erlauben Sie {by your leave; let me see}+ = frieren Sie? {do you feel cold?}+ = Sie heben ab (Kartenspiel) {it's your cut}+ = Sie sind dran {it's your turn}+ = gestatten Sie? {excuse me}+ = hören Sie mal! {I say!}+ = wie Sie wollen {as you will}+ = Verzeihen Sie! {I beg your pardon!}+ = Sind Sie satt? {Are you full?}+ = wie heißen Sie? {what is your name?}+ = er holt Sie ein {he'll catch up with you}+ = treten Sie ein! {walk in!}+ = sind Sie fertig? {have you finished?}+ = Sie dreht durch. {She's cracking up.}+ = seien Sie so gut {do me the kindness}+ = wie Sie wünschen {as you please}+ = woher kommen Sie? {where do you come from?}+ = Sie sind gemeint. {This means you.}+ = Das betrifft Sie. {This concerns you.}+ = Erheben Sie sich! {All Rise!}+ = was wünschen Sie? {what can I do for you?; what do you wish?}+ = da irren Sie sich {there you are mistaken}+ = versuchen Sie es! {have a try at it!}+ = wohin fahren Sie? {where are you bound for?}+ = Sie ist verreist. {She is out of town.}+ = Sie ist nicht da. {She's not in.}+ = treten Sie näher! {come closer!}+ = wollen Sie zu mir? {do you want to see me?}+ = seien Sie sachlich {stick to facts}+ = bleiben Sie sitzen {keep your seats!}+ = Sie sehen gut aus. {You look well.}+ = Rufen Sie mich an! {Give me a call!}+ = Sie verstehen ihn. {they sympathize with him.}+ = Sehen Sie sich um! {Look behind you!}+ = Wie groß sind Sie? {What's your height?}+ = Benehmen Sie sich! {Behave yourself!}+ = Sie wohnt bei mir. {She's staying with me.}+ = Sie war beleidigt. {She was offended.}+ = Sie werden gebeten {you are requested}+ = Meckern Sie nicht! {Don't be so fussy!}+ = das geht Sie nichts an {that doesn't regard you; that's none of your business; that's nothing to you}+ = ich rechne auf Sie [wegen] {I look to you [for]}+ = wie nennen Sie das? {what do you call that?}+ = Verstehen Sie mich? {Do you take me?}+ = Sie kam als letzte. {She came last.}+ = Passen Sie gut auf! {Pay close attention!}+ = Sie ist von gestern. {She's quite a back number.}+ = wo sind Sie geboren? {where were you born?}+ = Was Sie nicht sagen! {You don't say so!}+ = Sie ist fantasielos. {She has no imagination.}+ = Sie ist unglaublich. {She's the limit.}+ = Jetzt sind Sie dran. {the ball's in your court.}+ = wie kommen Sie dazu? {how dare you?}+ = Das wissen Sie doch! {But you know that!}+ = denken Sie sich nur! {just imagine!}+ = Seien Sie anständig! {Behave yourself!}+ = wie fühlen Sie sich? {how do you feel?}+ = Ganz wie Sie wollen. {Just as you like.}+ = Wem erzählen Sie das! {You are telling me!}+ = Halten Sie es geheim! {Keep it dark!}+ = Was halten Sie davon? {How does it strike you?}+ = fahren Sie langsamer! {slow down!}+ = was halten Sie davon? {what do you make of it?}+ = Sie ist schlagfertig. {She's quick at repartee.}+ = Sie leugnete rundweg. {She flatly denied.}+ = Sie kann gut rechnen. {She's good at sums.}+ = Bleiben Sie sachlich! {Stick to facts!}+ = Fahren Sie nach links! {Make a left turn!}+ = halten Sie sich rechts {keep to your right}+ = er möchte Sie sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Sie lügt wie gedruckt. {She's a lying so-and-so.}+ = Das gilt auch für Sie. {that applies to you too.}+ = Bitten Sie sie herein. {Ask her in.}+ = überlassen Sie es mir! {leave it to me!}+ = Entschuldigen Sie mich {pardon me}+ = was erlauben Sie sich? {how dare you?}+ = Fangen Sie an zu lesen! {Begin reading!}+ = nach dem, was Sie sagen {from what you say}+ = was wollen Sie von ihm? {what do you want with him?}+ = Sie durfte nicht gehen. {She wasn't allowed to go.}+ = Welche Größe haben Sie? {What size do you take?}+ = bitte, fahren Sie fort! {go on, please!}+ = Sie können mir glauben. {You can take it from me.}+ = bitte bedienen Sie sich {please help yourself}+ = können Sie das belegen? {can you furnish proof of that?}+ = bemühen Sie sich nicht! {don't bother!}+ = werden Sie daraus klug? {does it make sense to you?}+ = Seien Sie offen zu mir! {Be frank with me!}+ = deswegen sind Sie hier. {that's why you're here.}+ = Sie schritt auf und ab. {She paved up and down.}+ = tun Sie, was Sie wollen {do as you please}+ = nehmen Sie es nicht übel {don't take it amiss}+ = haben Sie schon gewählt? {have you made your choice?}+ = Sie hörte schweigend zu. {She listened in silence.}+ = besuchen Sie mich einmal {come to see me some time}+ = Bitte bedenken Sie doch! {Pray, consider!}+ = Sie ist sehr wählerisch. {She's very particular.}+ = wie können Sie es wagen? {how dare you?}+ = wollen Sie es probieren? {would you care to try it?}+ = Sie ist wieder die alte. {She's herself again.}+ = Sie fühlt sich gekränkt. {She feels hurt.}+ = wo sind Sie beschäftigt? {where do you work?}+ = wünschen Sie noch etwas? {would you like anything else?}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte. {You've my apologies.}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte! {I beg your pardon!; excuse me, please!}+ = kommen Sie morgen zu mir {see me tomorrow}+ = das dürfen Sie nie vergessen {you must never forget that}+ = Sie hat nichts zu melden. {She's a nobody.}+ = Sie wird leicht seekrank. {She's a bad sailor.}+ = welche Farbe möchten Sie? {what colour do you want?}+ = machen Sie es sich bequem {make yourself at home; make yourself comfortable}+ = worauf wollen Sie hinaus? {what are you driving at?}+ = Sie sollten sich schämen. {You ought to be ashamed of yourself.}+ = Das werden Sie mir büßen! {You'll hear of this!}+ = jetzt, da Sie es erwähnen {now you mention it}+ = Nehmen Sie es nicht übel. {Don't take it amiss.}+ = langen Sie ordentlich zu! (beim Essen) {cut and come again!}+ = er behauptet Sie zu kennen {he claims to know you}+ = Ich verlasse mich auf Sie. {I count on you.}+ = Rechnen Sie nicht mit mir! {You can count me out!}+ = er wünscht Sie zu sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Können Sie das beschwören? {Can you swear to that?}+ = Bitte seien Sie pünktlich. {Please be on time.}+ = würden Sie mir bitte sagen {would you kindly tell me}+ = Glauben Sie es bloß nicht. {Don't run away with the idea.}+ = Erinnern Sie sich an mich? {Do you remember me?}+ = Und was wünschen Sie noch? {And what more do you want?}+ = Sie haben nichts gegessen. {they feel empty.}+ = ich habe eine Bitte an Sie {may I ask you a favour}+ = können Sie mir herausgeben? {can you give me change?}+ = Sie ist piekfein gekleidet. {She's dressed up to the nines.}+ = Sie haben uns sehr gefehlt. {We've missed you badly.}+ = wären Sie so freundlich und {would you be kind enough to}+ = Sie braucht nicht zu gehen. {She hasn't got to go.}+ = Sie war tief eingeschlafen. {She was fast asleep.}+ = Gehen Sie sparsam damit um! {Use it sparingly!}+ = Sie ist sein ein und alles. {She's all the world to him.}+ = Sie werden bald gesund sein {you'll soon get well}+ = was wollen Sie damit sagen? {what do you mean by that?}+ = Bekennen Sie sich schuldig? {Do you plead guilty?}+ = Sie können mich gern haben. {I'll see you further first.}+ = wieviel verlangen Sie dafür? {what are you asking for that?}+ = Sie müssen sich entscheiden. {You have to make up your mind.}+ = Sie ist sehr mager geworden. {She's grown very thin.}+ = Mit wem sind Sie verabredet? {Who is your date?}+ = Sie amüsierte sich köstlich. {She had a ripping good time.}+ = grüßen Sie ihn schön von mir {give him my best regards}+ = in welcher Branche sind Sie? {what line are you in?}+ = unterbrechen Sie mich nicht! {don't interrupt me!}+ = ich hoffe daß Sie gesund sind {I trust that you are well}+ = Wie sind Sie darauf gekommen? {How did you hit on that?}+ = Wie Sie es auch immer machen. {However you do it.}+ = Sie können es ruhig gestehen. {You may as well own up.}+ = Kümmern Sie sich nicht darum. {Don't bother about it.}+ = lassen Sie es mich versuchen! {let me have a try at it!}+ = haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? {do you have anything to declare?}+ = wenn Sie nichts dagegen haben {if you don't object}+ = Machen Sie es wie Sie wollen! {Do your best or your worst!}+ = versäumen Sie nicht hinzugehen {don't fail to go there}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht nötigen! {don't wait to be asked!}+ = ich bin zweimal so alt wie Sie {I'm double your age}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen {don't let yourself be fooled}+ = Sie fragten mich geradeheraus. {they asked me point-black.}+ = Sie haben es heraufbeschworen. {You've asked for it.}+ = Sie ist entschlossen zu gehen. {She's bent on going.}+ = Warten Sie, bis Sie dran sind! {wait your turn!}+ = das können Sie uns nicht erzählen! {tell us another!}+ = Haben Sie sich gut unterhalten? {Did you have a nice time?}+ = Sie müssen mich einmal besuchen {you must come and see me some day}+ = Wahrscheinlich haben Sie recht. {I dare say you're right.}+ = erlauben Sie mir, das zu machen {let me do that}+ = Sie haben sich nicht verstanden. {they didn't get on well together.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie wiederzusehen {I'm looking forward to seeing you again}+ = würden Sie so freundlich sein und {would you be so kind as}+ = verstehen Sie, worauf es ankommt? {do you see the point?}+ = entschuldigen Sie, wenn ich störe {excuse my interrupting you}+ = Sie können sich darauf verlassen. {You can count on that.}+ = halten Sie es für wahrscheinlich? {do you think it probable?}+ = Lassen Sie sich nicht entmutigen. {Don't get discouraged.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen {nice to meet you}+ = Sie ist gut bei ihm angeschrieben. {She's in his good books.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. {I'm glad to meet you.}+ = kann ich Sie telefonisch erreichen? {are you on the phone?}+ = Sie ist gar nicht so unmusikalisch. {She's not at all musical.}+ = Sie haben nichts füreinander übrig. {there's no love lost between them.}+ = Sie macht sich nur über Sie lustig. {She's only trying to poke fun at you.}+ = Ich begreife nicht, was Sie meinen. {I fail to see what you mean.}+ = Sie wollte es einfach nicht glauben. {She refused to believe it.}+ = Sie passen überhaupt nicht zusammen. {they're a bad match.}+ = Sie äußerte sich sehr offen darüber. {She was very outspoken about it.}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich Sie störe {sorry to trouble you}+ = damit können Sie bei mir nicht landen {that cuts no ice with me}+ = es wäre besser, wenn Sie jetzt gingen {you had better go now}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich unterbreche {excuse my interrupting}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich zu spät komme {excuse me for being late}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche {do you mind if I smoke}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche? {do you mind my smoking?}+ = Sie brauchen sich nicht zu rechtfertigen. {You needn't justify yourself.}+ = lassen Sie sich durch mich nicht abhalten {don't let me hinder you}+ = bitte sorgen Sie dafür, während ich fort bin {please see to this while I'm away}+ = ich danke Ihnen dafür, daß Sie mir geholfen haben {thank you for helping me}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Sie sind

  • 4 haben

    (hatte,gehabt) - {to get (got,got) được, có được, kiếm được, lấy được, nhận được, xin được, hỏi được, tìm ra, tính ra, mua, học, mắc phải, ăn, bắt được, đem về, thu về, hiểu được, nắm được, đưa, mang, chuyền, đem, đi lấy - bị, chịu, dồn vào thế bí, dồn vào chân tường, làm bối rối lúng túng không biết ăn nói ra sao, làm cho, khiến cho, sai ai, bảo ai, nhờ ai, to have got có, phải, sinh, đẻ, tìm hộ, mua hộ, xoay hộ - cung cấp, đến, tới, đạt đến, trở nên, trở thành, thành ra, đi đến chỗ, bắt đầu, cút đi, chuồn - {to have (had,had) có, biết được, uống, hút, hưởng, cho phép, muốn, biết, hiểu, nhớ, có bổn phận phải, bắt buộc phải, nói, cho là, chủ trương, tin chắc là, thắng, thắng thế, tóm, nắm, nắm chặt &), sai khiến - nhờ, bảo, bắt, bịp, lừa bịp - {to own} là chủ của, nhận, nhìn nhận, thừa nhận là có, thừa nhận là đúng, cam tâm nhận, thú nhận, đầu thú - {to possess} chiếm hữu, ám ảnh = sie haben {they have}+ = wir haben {we've}+ = gern haben {to be fond of; to like; to love}+ = lieb haben {to be fond of}+ = übrig haben {to spare}+ = recht haben {to be justified; to be on solid ground; to be right}+ = nötig haben {to be in need of; to have need of; to require; to want}+ = nicht haben {to lack}+ = zu tun haben [mit] {to be concerned [with]}+ = es eilig haben {to be in a hurry; to be pressed for time}+ = sehr gern haben {to be fond of; to be partial}+ = genug haben von {to be tired of}+ = zu tun haben mit {to deal with; to touch}+ = so will er es haben {that's the way he wants it}+ = nicht genug von etwas haben {to be short of something}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > haben

  • 5 point

    /pɔint/ * danh từ - mũi nhọn (giùi...) mũi kim, đầu ngòi bút; nhánh gạc (hươu nai); cánh (sao) - dụng cụ có mũi nhọn, kim khắc, kim trổ - (địa lý,địa chất) mũi đất - (quân sự) đội mũi nhọn - mỏm nhọn =the point of the jaw; the point+ (quyền Anh) mỏm cắm, chốt cắm (chỗ đánh dễ bị đo ván) - đăng ten ren bằng kim ((cũng) point lace) - (số nhiều) chân ngựa =a bay with black points+ ngựa hồng chân đen - chấm, dấu chấm, điểm =full point+ dấu chấm =decimal point+ dấu thập phân - (vật lý), (toán học) diểm =point contact+ điểm tiếp xúc, tiếp điểm =point of intersection+ giao điểm - (thể dục,thể thao) điểm =to score points+ ghi điểm =to give points to somebody+ chấp điểm ai; (nghĩa bóng) giỏi hơn ai, cừ hơn ai =to win on points+ thắng điểm - điểm, vấn đề, mặt =at all points+ về mọi điểm, về mọi mặt =to differ on many points+ không đồng ý nhau về nhiều điểm =a point of honour+ điểm danh dự, vấn đề danh dự =a point of conscience+ vấn đề lương tâm =point of view+ quan điểm =to make a point of+ coi thành vấn đề, coi là cần thiết =to make a point+ nêu rõ một điểm, nêu rõ vấn đề =to the point+ đúng vào vấn đề =he carried his point+ điều anh ta đưa ra đã được chấp nhận =to come to the point+ đi vào vấn đề, đi vào việc =to be off the point+ lạc đề =in point of fact+ thực tế là - điểm, địa điểm, chỗ, hướng, phương =point of departure+ địa điểm khởi hành =rallying point+ địa điểm tập trung =cardinal points+ bốn phương trời =the 32 points of the compass+ 32 hướng trên la bàn - lúc =at the point death+ lúc hấp hối =on the point of doing something+ vào lúc bắt tay vào việc gì - nét nổi bật, điểm trọng tâm, điểm cốt yếu, điểm lý thú (câu chuyện, câu nói đùa...) =I don't see the point+ tôi không thấy điểm lý thú ở chỗ nào - sự sâu sắc, sự chua cay, sự cay độc, sự châm chọc =his remarks lack point+ những nhận xét của anh ta thiếu sâu sắc - (ngành in) Poang (đơn vị đo cỡ chữ bằng 0, 0138 insơ) - (hàng hải) quăng dây buộc mép buồm - (ngành đường sắt) ghi - (săn bắn) sự đứng sững vểnh mõm làm hiệu chỉ thú săn (chó săn) =to make a point; to come to a point+ đứng sững vểnh mõm làm hiệu chỉ thú săn (chó săn) !not to put too fine a point upon it - chẳng cần phải nói khéo; nói thẳng, nói toạt móng heo * ngoại động từ - vót nhọn (bút chì...) - gắn đầu nhọn vào - làm cho sâu sắc, làm cho chua cay, làm cho cay độc =to point a remark+ làm cho lời nhận xét sâu sắc (chua cay) - ((thường) + at) chỉ, trỏ, nhắm, chĩa =to point a gun at+ chĩa súng vào - chấm (câu...); đánh dấu chấm (bài thánh ca cho dễ hát) - trét vữa (kẽ gạch, đá xây) - đứng sững vểnh mõm chỉ (thú săn) (chó săn) * nội động từ - (+ at) chỉ, trỏ ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng)) nhằm =to be pointed at+ (nghĩa bóng) bị thiên hạ chỉ trỏ, bị thiên hạ để ý - (+ to, towards) hướng về =to point to the north+ hướng về phía bắc - (+ to) hướng sự chú ý vào, lưu ý vào; chỉ ra, chỉ cho thấy, vạch ra =I want to point to these facts+ tôi muốn các bạn lưu ý vào những sự việc này - đứng sững vểnh mõm chỉ chú săn (chó săn) !to point in - vùi (phân) bàng đầu mũi thuổng !to point off - tách (số lẻ) bằng dấu phẩy !to point over - xới (đất) bằng đầu mũi thuổng !to point out - chỉ ra, vạch ra

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > point

  • 6 waste

    /weist/ * tính từ - bỏ hoang, hoang vu (đất) =waste land+ đất hoang =to lie waste+ để hoang; bị bỏ hoang - bị tàn phá =to lay waste+ tàn phá - bỏ đi, vô giá trị, không dùng nữa, bị thải đi =waste gas; waste steam+ khí thừa =waste paper+ giấy lộn, giấy vứt đi =waste water+ nước thải, nước bẩn đổ đi - vô vị, buồn tẻ =the waste periods of history+ những thời kỳ vô vị của lịch sử * danh từ - sa mạc; vùng hoang vu, đất hoang =the wastes of the Sahara+ sa mạc Xa-ha-ra - rác rưởi; thức ăn thừa - (kỹ thuật) vật thải ra, vật vô giá trị không dùng nữa =printing waste+ giấy in còn lại; giấy vụn sau khi đóng sách - sự phung phí, sự lãng phí; sự hao phí =it's a sheer waste of time+ thật chỉ phí thì giờ =to run (go) to waste+ uổng phí đi =to prevent a waste of gas+ để ngăn ngừa sự hao phí hơi đốt * ngoại động từ - lãng phí =to waste one's time+ lãng phí thì giờ =to waste one's words+ nói uổng lời =waste not, want not+ không phung phí thì không túng thiếu - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) bỏ qua, để lỡ =to waste one's chance+ để lỡ cơ hội - bỏ hoang (đất đai) - tàn phá - làm hao mòn dần =a wasting disease+ một bệnh làm hao mòn sức khoẻ - (pháp lý) làm hư hỏng, làm mất phẩm chất (của vật gì) * nội động từ - lãng phí, uổng phí =don't let water waste+ đừng để nước chảy phí đi - hao mòn =to waste away+ gầy mòn ốm yếu đi - (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) trôi qua (ngày, tháng...) =the day wastes+ ngày trôi qua

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > waste

См. также в других словарях:

  • Don't Want to Leave You — Single by Scouting for Girls from the album Everybody Wants to Be on TV …   Wikipedia

  • Don't Want to Know If You Are Lonely — EP from Candy Apple Grey by Hüsker Dü R …   Wikipedia

  • Don't Want to Forgive Me Now — Single by Wet Wet Wet from the album Picture This Released June 5, 1995 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Don't Want It All — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Don t Want It All» Canción de Nirvana Box set With the Lights Out Publicación Noviembre de 2004 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Don't Want You In — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Don t Want You In» Sencillo de Elan del álbum What Can Be Done At This Point Publicación 2007 Formato Sencillo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Don't Want to Be a Fool (Luther Vandross song) — Don t Want to Be a Fool Single by Luther Vandross from the album Power of Love …   Wikipedia

  • Don't Want You in — Infobox Single Name = Don t Want You in Caption = Artist = Elan from Album = What Can Be Done at This Point B side = Released = 2007 Format = Recorded = Genre = Alternative rock Length = Label = Abbywho Records Writer = Producer = Certification …   Wikipedia

  • Don't Want...17 Songs Compilation(Sammi Cheng album) — Infobox Album Name = Don t Want...17 Songs Compilation Type = Greatest hits Artist = Sammi Cheng Released = Recorded = 1996 Genre = Cantopop Length = Label = Capital Artists Producer = Reviews = Last album = Can t Let Go This album = Don t Want …   Wikipedia

  • Don't Want That Now — Infobox Single Name = Don t Want That Now Cover size = Border = Caption = Artist = The Blakes Album = A side = B side = Released = 2008 Format = Recorded = Genre = Indie rock Length = Label = Light In The Attic Writer = Producer = Audio sample? …   Wikipedia

  • don't want to go there — do not want to talk about it, it is not a pleasant topic    My divorce? We don t want to go there. It s ugly! …   English idioms

  • I Don't Want To — Infobox Single Name = I Don t Want To Artist = Toni Braxton Album = Secrets B side = I Love Me Some Him Released = March 11, 1997 Format = CD single, CD maxi single 12 single, 7 single Recorded = 1995 Genre = R B Length = 4:17 Label = LaFace… …   Wikipedia

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