Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 121 хоть в реку

    [ хоть + PrepP; these forms only; usu. subord clause (often introduced by что)]
    (a situation is so hopeless that) a person wants to drown himself, commit suicide, thinking that that is the only solution:
    - one could jump (throw o.s.) off a bridge;
    - one might (go and) drown o.s.;
    - one is simply (absolutely) desperate.
         ♦ Видно было, что человек дошёл до черты, погиб и ищет последнего выхода, а не удастся, то хоть сейчас и в воду (Достоевский 1). Here obviously was a man at the end of his rope, facing ruin and looking for a last way out, and if he did not find it, he might just go and drown himself (1a).
         ♦ "Вот видите, я уж после узнал всю эту штуку: Григорий Александрович до того его [Азамата] задразнил, что хоть в воду; раз он ему и скажи: "Вижу, Азамат, что тебе больно понравилась эта лошадь; а не видать тебе её как своего затылка!" (Лермонтов 1). "You see, I got the whole story later. Grigori Alexandrovich egged him [Azamat] on to a point when the lad was simply desperate. Finally he put it point-blank: i can see, Azamat, that you want that horse very badly. Yet you have as little chance of getting it as of seeing the back of your own head'" (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > хоть в реку

  • 122 хоть с моста в реку

    [ хоть + PrepP; these forms only; usu. subord clause (often introduced by что)]
    (a situation is so hopeless that) a person wants to drown himself, commit suicide, thinking that that is the only solution:
    - one could jump (throw o.s.) off a bridge;
    - one might (go and) drown o.s.;
    - one is simply (absolutely) desperate.
         ♦ Видно было, что человек дошёл до черты, погиб и ищет последнего выхода, а не удастся, то хоть сейчас и в воду (Достоевский 1). Here obviously was a man at the end of his rope, facing ruin and looking for a last way out, and if he did not find it, he might just go and drown himself (1a).
         ♦ "Вот видите, я уж после узнал всю эту штуку: Григорий Александрович до того его [Азамата] задразнил, что хоть в воду; раз он ему и скажи: "Вижу, Азамат, что тебе больно понравилась эта лошадь; а не видать тебе её как своего затылка!" (Лермонтов 1). "You see, I got the whole story later. Grigori Alexandrovich egged him [Azamat] on to a point when the lad was simply desperate. Finally he put it point-blank: i can see, Azamat, that you want that horse very badly. Yet you have as little chance of getting it as of seeing the back of your own head'" (1b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > хоть с моста в реку

  • 123 да еще как

    (И < ДА>) ЕЩЕ КАК coll
    [these forms only; adv (intensif) or indep. sent; may be foll. by the verb used in the preceding context; more often this WO]
    used to emphasize the intensity of an action, desire, quality, characteristic etc, and/ or the certainty that an action did or will occur:
    - and how!;
    - you bet (s.o. < sth.> will <does etc>)!;
    - doesn't <wouldn't etc> s.o. just!;
    - (s.o. < sth.> is (does, will etc),) all right;
    - that one did <it will etc>;
    - [as a response] you can say that again!
         ♦ "Скучал?" - спрашивает она. "Ещё как", - отвечаю я (Аксёнов 8). "Did you miss me?" she would ask. "And how!" I would reply (8a).
         ♦ [Ким:] Я тоже буду таким... таким... [Алла:] Не будешь. [Ким:] Почему это? Ещё как буду! Вот увидишь (Розов 4). [К.:] I'm going to be like them. [A.:] You never will be. [K.:] Why not? You bet I will! Wait and see (4a).
         ♦ А ведь если [Антонина] не лучше других была, то и не хуже, право! Мужика ей не хотелось? Ещё как! (Максимов 3). If she [Antonina] was no better-looking than most, she was no worse either. Didn't she want a husband? Didn't she just! (3a).
         ♦ [Колесов:] Пойти к геологам, авось рассмешат... [Маша:] Ещё как рассмешат (Вампилов 3). [К.:] I'm going to join the geologists, perhaps they can make me laugh. [M.:] They'll make you laugh all right (За).
         ♦ Кровь кинулась Григорию в голову, когда напал глазами на свой курень... "Не щипет [ungrammat = щиплет] глаза?" - улыбнулся Пантелей Прокофьевич, оглядываясь, и Григорий, не лукавя и не кривя душой, сознался: "щипет... да ишо [ungrammat = ещё] как!.." (Шолохов 3). The blood rushed to Grigory's head as his eyes rested on his own home... "Aren't your eyes stinging?" Pantelei smiled as he looked round at his son, and Grigory confessed frankly and without dissembling, "Yes they are-that they are!" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > да еще как

  • 124 еще как

    (И < ДА>) ЕЩЕ КАК coll
    [these forms only; adv (intensif) or indep. sent; may be foll. by the verb used in the preceding context; more often this WO]
    used to emphasize the intensity of an action, desire, quality, characteristic etc, and/ or the certainty that an action did or will occur:
    - and how!;
    - you bet (s.o. < sth.> will <does etc>)!;
    - doesn't <wouldn't etc> s.o. just!;
    - (s.o. < sth.> is (does, will etc),) all right;
    - that one did <it will etc>;
    - [as a response] you can say that again!
         ♦ "Скучал?" - спрашивает она. "Ещё как", - отвечаю я (Аксёнов 8). "Did you miss me?" she would ask. "And how!" I would reply (8a).
         ♦ [Ким:] Я тоже буду таким... таким... [Алла:] Не будешь. [Ким:] Почему это? Ещё как буду! Вот увидишь (Розов 4). [К.:] I'm going to be like them. [A.:] You never will be. [K.:] Why not? You bet I will! Wait and see (4a).
         ♦ А ведь если [Антонина] не лучше других была, то и не хуже, право! Мужика ей не хотелось? Ещё как! (Максимов 3). If she [Antonina] was no better-looking than most, she was no worse either. Didn't she want a husband? Didn't she just! (3a).
         ♦ [Колесов:] Пойти к геологам, авось рассмешат... [Маша:] Ещё как рассмешат (Вампилов 3). [К.:] I'm going to join the geologists, perhaps they can make me laugh. [M.:] They'll make you laugh all right (За).
         ♦ Кровь кинулась Григорию в голову, когда напал глазами на свой курень... "Не щипет [ungrammat = щиплет] глаза?" - улыбнулся Пантелей Прокофьевич, оглядываясь, и Григорий, не лукавя и не кривя душой, сознался: "щипет... да ишо [ungrammat = ещё] как!.." (Шолохов 3). The blood rushed to Grigory's head as his eyes rested on his own home... "Aren't your eyes stinging?" Pantelei smiled as he looked round at his son, and Grigory confessed frankly and without dissembling, "Yes they are-that they are!" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > еще как

  • 125 и еще как

    (И < ДА>) ЕЩЕ КАК coll
    [these forms only; adv (intensif) or indep. sent; may be foll. by the verb used in the preceding context; more often this WO]
    used to emphasize the intensity of an action, desire, quality, characteristic etc, and/ or the certainty that an action did or will occur:
    - and how!;
    - you bet (s.o. < sth.> will <does etc>)!;
    - doesn't <wouldn't etc> s.o. just!;
    - (s.o. < sth.> is (does, will etc),) all right;
    - that one did <it will etc>;
    - [as a response] you can say that again!
         ♦ "Скучал?" - спрашивает она. "Ещё как", - отвечаю я (Аксёнов 8). "Did you miss me?" she would ask. "And how!" I would reply (8a).
         ♦ [Ким:] Я тоже буду таким... таким... [Алла:] Не будешь. [Ким:] Почему это? Ещё как буду! Вот увидишь (Розов 4). [К.:] I'm going to be like them. [A.:] You never will be. [K.:] Why not? You bet I will! Wait and see (4a).
         ♦ А ведь если [Антонина] не лучше других была, то и не хуже, право! Мужика ей не хотелось? Ещё как! (Максимов 3). If she [Antonina] was no better-looking than most, she was no worse either. Didn't she want a husband? Didn't she just! (3a).
         ♦ [Колесов:] Пойти к геологам, авось рассмешат... [Маша:] Ещё как рассмешат (Вампилов 3). [К.:] I'm going to join the geologists, perhaps they can make me laugh. [M.:] They'll make you laugh all right (За).
         ♦ Кровь кинулась Григорию в голову, когда напал глазами на свой курень... "Не щипет [ungrammat = щиплет] глаза?" - улыбнулся Пантелей Прокофьевич, оглядываясь, и Григорий, не лукавя и не кривя душой, сознался: "щипет... да ишо [ungrammat = ещё] как!.." (Шолохов 3). The blood rushed to Grigory's head as his eyes rested on his own home... "Aren't your eyes stinging?" Pantelei smiled as he looked round at his son, and Grigory confessed frankly and without dissembling, "Yes they are-that they are!" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и еще как

  • 126 можно видеть, что

    One can see (or recognize) that the later steps in the mechanism are of no consequence.

    It can be seen (or It is seen) that the rotational energy can be expressed as...

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > можно видеть, что

  • 127 видать

    1. (вн.) see* (d.)

    видал(и)? — what do you think of that, now?

    ничего не видать — one can see nothing; you can't see a thing

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > видать

  • 128 видать

    I разг.
    (вн.; видывать) see (d)

    я не вида́л его́ со вчера́шнего дня — I haven't seen him since yesterday

    ничего́ не вида́ть — one can see nothing; you can't see a thing

    его́ не вида́ть — he is not to be seen

    вида́л(и)? — have you seen that?


    он вида́л ви́ды — 1) ( об опытном человеке) he has been around 2) ( о старом предмете) it has seen better days

    II вводн. сл. прост.
    ( по-видимому) it seems, it looks like

    вида́ть, она́ что́-то зна́ет — she seems to know something

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > видать

См. также в других словарях:

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  • see that someone does something — see that someone does something/that something is done/spoken phrase to make sure that someone does something or that something happens Can you see that everything’s ready in time? Thesaurus: to make something possiblesynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • see that that something is done — see that someone does something/that something is done/spoken phrase to make sure that someone does something or that something happens Can you see that everything’s ready in time? Thesaurus: to make something possiblesynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • Can't You See That She's Mine — was the fourth single released in the United States by the Dave Clark Five. Written by Dave Clark and Mike Smith, it reached #4 on the Billboard 100 charts for the week of July 18, 1964. (1) The song is somewhat unusual for British Invasion bands …   Wikipedia

  • Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel — Infobox Album | Name = Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel Type = Album Artist = Atlas Sound Released = Flagicon|USA February 19, 2008 Flagicon|UK May 5, 2008 Recorded = Bradford Cox 2007 Genre = Ambient Shoegaze Length = 50:01… …   Wikipedia

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  • On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (film) — On a Clear Day You Can See Forever Theatrical release poster Directed by Vincente Minnelli Produced by Howard W. Koch …   Wikipedia

  • as far as I can see — To the best of my understanding • • • Main Entry: ↑see * * * as far as I know/can remember/can see/can tell/spoken phrase used for saying what you think is true when you think that there may be facts that you do not know, remember etc No one has… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Only Sisters Can Do That — Studio album by Pointer Sisters Released November 16, 1993 Recorded 1993 …   Wikipedia

  • I Can See Clearly Now — Infobox Single Name=I Can See Clearly Now Artist=Johnny Nash from Album=I Can See Clearly Now B side= How Good It Is Released=1972 Format=7 single Recorded= Genre=Pop Reggae Length=2:45 Label=Epic Writer=Johnny Nash Producer= Last single= Cupid… …   Wikipedia

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