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  • 1 ilk fırsatta

    at the first opportunity, as soon as possible

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > ilk fırsatta

  • 2 olabildiğince çabuk

    1. a s a p 2. as soon as possible

    Turkish-English dictionary > olabildiğince çabuk

  • 3 bir an önce

    adv. as soon as possible, in no time, anon

    Turkish-English dictionary > bir an önce

  • 4 ilk fırsatta

    adv. at the first opportunity, as soon as possible

    Turkish-English dictionary > ilk fırsatta

  • 5 mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk

    adv. as soon as possible

    Turkish-English dictionary > mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk

  • 6 bir an önce

    as soon as possible, right away

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > bir an önce

  • 7 bir

    "1. one (as a number): Bir beyaz manolya yedi pembe manolyaya bedeldir. One white magnolia is worth seven pink magnolias. 2. a, an; a certain, a particular: Bursa´da güzel bir evi var. She has a lovely house in Bursa. Dünkü partide bir kadını gördüm; kim olduğunu sen anlarsın. At yesterday´s party I saw a certain woman; you know who I mean. 3. the same: Emellerimiz bir. Our goals are the same. 4. united; of one mind, of the same opinion: Bu konuda biriz. We´re of one mind on this subject. 5. shared, used in common: Yatak odalarımız ayrı, banyomuz bir. We have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom. 6. only: Bir o bunu yapabilir. Only she can do this. Bunu bir sen bir de ben biliyoruz. You and I are the only ones who know this. 7. used as an emphatic: O hayata bir alıştı ki sorma gitsin! He has really gotten accustomed to that way of life! Bir dene! Just try it! Birdenbire bir feryat! And suddenly there was such a yell! Ah, bir oraya gidebilsem! Ah, if I can just go there! 8. used to add a note of vagueness: Bir zamanlar Arnavutköy´de çilek yetiştirilirdi. There was a time when strawberries were grown in Arnavutköy. Sen bugün bir tuhafsın. You don´t seem quite yourself today. - ağızdan in unison, with one voice. - alan pişman, bir almayan. colloq. It´s the sort of thing that looks good and attracts a lot of interest but is actually of very little use. - alay a great quantity, a large number. - âlem something else, really something, a wonder, amazing: Orası bir âlem! That´s one amazing place! Cüneyt başlı başına bir âlem! Cüneyt is a wonder in his own right! - an at one point: Bir an bir şey söyleyecek gibi oldu. At one point she looked like she was going to say something. - an evvel/önce as soon as possible. - ara/aralık 1. at one point, for a while, for a short period. 2. when one has a free moment, when one has a chance: Bir ara bana uğrayıver. Drop by when you have a free moment. - araba 1. a wagonload of; a truckload of. 2. colloq. a lot of, a slew of. - arada together. - araya gelmek 1. (for people) to come together (in the same place and at the same time). 2. (for events) to happen at the same time, coincide. - araya getirmek /ı/ to bring (people, things) together (in the same place and at the same time). - aşağı bir yukarı (to come and go) aimlessly. - atımlık barutu kalmak/olmak to be almost at the end of one´s resources, be almost at the end of one´s rope; to have played almost all of one´s cards; to have very little energy left. - avuç 1. a handful (of). 2. a handful (of), a very small number or amount (of). - ayağı çukurda olmak to have one foot in the grave. - ayak evvel/önce immediately, at once. - ayak üstünde bin yalan söylemek 1. to tell a whole pack of lies at one go. 2. to be a big liar. - bakıma in one way, in one respect. - baltaya sap olmak to have a job, be employed. - bardak suda fırtına koparmak to raise a tempest in a teapot. - başına all alone, all by oneself. - baştan/uçtan bir başa/uca (traversing, looking at, surveying, filling a place) from one end to the other, from end to end. - ben, bir de Allah bilir. colloq. Only God knows what I´ve gone through. -e beş vermek to yield five times the seed, yield fivefold. -e bin katmak to exaggerate, make much of a trifle. - bir one by one. - boy 1. once. 2. used as an emphatic: Bir boy gidelim, görelim. Let´s just go and see! - boyda of the same height. - bu eksikti. colloq. Nothing but this was lacking!/This was all that was needed! (said sarcastically). - cihetten in one way, in a way. - çatı altında under the same roof, in the same building. - çırpıda at one stretch, without interruption, at once. - çift söz 1. a little advice, a piece of advice: Sana bir çift sözüm var. I have a piece of advice for you. 2. a brief exchange of conversation: Öyle meşguldüm ki kendisiyle bir çift söz bile edemedim. I was so busy that I couldn´t have even a brief conversation with her. - çuval inciri berbat etmek to foul things up but

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > bir

  • 8 zarar

    "1. damage, injury, detriment, harm. 2. com. loss. -ı dokunmak /a/ to harm, be harmful to, have a harmful effect on. - etmek 1. to lose money. 2. to make a wrong move, do something to one´s detriment. 3. /a/ to damage, injure, harm. - gelmek /dan/ (for someone) to suffer at the hands of; to be wronged by; to be treated unjustly by: Tuba´dan zarar gelmez. No harm´ll come your way from Tuba. - görmek 1. /dan/ to be damaged, injured, or harmed by. 2. to suffer loss. -ın neresinden dönülse kârdır. proverb If you find yourself in a situation where you can´t seem to get ahead no matter what you do, the only profitable step you can take is to extricate yourself from the whole thing as soon as possible. -ına satmak /ı/ to sell (something) at a loss. -a sokmak /ı/ to cause (someone, a place of business) to suffer loss or damage. - vermek /a/ to damage, injure, harm. -ı yok. colloq. It doesn´t matter./Never mind./That´s okay./Forget it."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > zarar

См. также в других словарях:

  • as soon as possible — as soon/quickly/much/etc as possible phrase as soon, as quickly, as much etc as you can Get as much information as possible. Hold your breath for as long as possible. Thesaurus: very and very much …   Useful english dictionary

  • as soon as possible — index as soon as feasible Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • as soon as possible — in the least amount of time there can be. We need an ambulance as soon as possible! Someone has been hurt! Related vocabulary: as soon as …   New idioms dictionary

  • As Soon As Possible — Jargon informatique Le jargon informatique est un pseudo langage propre aux représentants des professions gravitant autour de l informatique. Discutant essentiellement par messages courts, ces personnes utilisent en excès des abréviations,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • As soon as possible —   [dt. »so bald, wie möglich«], Talk Mode …   Universal-Lexikon

  • possible - possibly — ◊ possible Possible is an adjective. If something is possible, it can be done or achieved. It is possible for us to measure his progress. A breakthrough may be possible next year. Possible …   Useful english dictionary

  • soon — [ sun ] adverb *** 1. ) within a short time from now: If we don t leave soon, we re going to miss our bus. Mom called and said she d be home soon. pretty soon: If he doesn t show up pretty soon, I m leaving. a ) after a short amount of time: soon …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • soon — W1S1 [su:n] adv comparative sooner superlative soonest [: Old English; Origin: sona immediately ] 1.) in a short time from now, or a short time after something else happens ▪ It will be dark soon. ▪ David arrived sooner than I expected. soon… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • as soon as possible — adverb As soon as is possible; at ones earliest convenience; at the earliest possible time. Syn: ASAP …   Wiktionary

  • soon — [so͞on] adv. [ME sone < OE sona, at once, akin to OHG sān, Goth suns] 1. in a short time (after a time specified or understood); shortly; before long [will soon be there] 2. promptly; quickly [as soon as possible] 3. ahead of time; early [we… …   English World dictionary

  • as soon as possible — at the earliest possible opportunity, as early as possible …   English contemporary dictionary

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