Перевод: со всех языков на датский

с датского на все языки


  • 1 festivity

    - plural festivities - noun (a celebration: Come and join in the festivities.) festivitas; munterhed
    * * *
    - plural festivities - noun (a celebration: Come and join in the festivities.) festivitas; munterhed

    English-Danish dictionary > festivity

  • 2 hostilities

    noun plural (acts of war; battles: The two countries were engaged in hostilities.) fjendtligheder
    * * *
    noun plural (acts of war; battles: The two countries were engaged in hostilities.) fjendtligheder

    English-Danish dictionary > hostilities

  • 3 hostility

    noun (unfriendliness; opposition.) fjendtlighed
    * * *
    noun (unfriendliness; opposition.) fjendtlighed

    English-Danish dictionary > hostility

  • 4 mysterious

    adjective (difficult to understand or explain, or full of mystery: mysterious happenings; He's being very mysterious (= refuses to explain fully) about what his work is) mystisk; gådefuld
    * * *
    adjective (difficult to understand or explain, or full of mystery: mysterious happenings; He's being very mysterious (= refuses to explain fully) about what his work is) mystisk; gådefuld

    English-Danish dictionary > mysterious

  • 5 steal

    past tense - stole; verb
    1) (to take (another person's property), especially secretly, without permission or legal right: Thieves broke into the house and stole money and jewellery; He was expelled from the school because he had been stealing (money).) stjæle
    2) (to obtain or take (eg a look, a nap etc) quickly or secretly: He stole a glance at her.) stjæle
    3) (to move quietly: He stole quietly into the room.) snige sig
    * * *
    past tense - stole; verb
    1) (to take (another person's property), especially secretly, without permission or legal right: Thieves broke into the house and stole money and jewellery; He was expelled from the school because he had been stealing (money).) stjæle
    2) (to obtain or take (eg a look, a nap etc) quickly or secretly: He stole a glance at her.) stjæle
    3) (to move quietly: He stole quietly into the room.) snige sig

    English-Danish dictionary > steal

  • 6 steam

    [sti:m] 1. noun
    1) (a gas or vapour that rises from hot or boiling water or other liquid: Steam rose from the plate of soup / the wet earth in the hot sun; a cloud of steam; ( also adjective) A sauna is a type of steam bath.) damp; damp-; em; em-
    2) (power or energy obtained from this: The machinery is driven by steam; Diesel fuel has replaced steam on the railways; ( also adjective) steam power, steam engines.) damp; damp-
    2. verb
    1) (to give out steam: A kettle was steaming on the stove.) dampe
    2) ((of a ship, train etc) to move by means of steam: The ship steamed across the bay.) dampe
    3) (to cook by steam: The pudding should be steamed for four hours.) dampe
    - steamer
    - steamy
    - steamboat
    - steamship
    - steam engine
    - steam roller
    - full steam ahead
    - get steamed up
    - get up steam
    - let off steam
    - run out of steam
    - steam up
    - under one's own steam
    * * *
    [sti:m] 1. noun
    1) (a gas or vapour that rises from hot or boiling water or other liquid: Steam rose from the plate of soup / the wet earth in the hot sun; a cloud of steam; ( also adjective) A sauna is a type of steam bath.) damp; damp-; em; em-
    2) (power or energy obtained from this: The machinery is driven by steam; Diesel fuel has replaced steam on the railways; ( also adjective) steam power, steam engines.) damp; damp-
    2. verb
    1) (to give out steam: A kettle was steaming on the stove.) dampe
    2) ((of a ship, train etc) to move by means of steam: The ship steamed across the bay.) dampe
    3) (to cook by steam: The pudding should be steamed for four hours.) dampe
    - steamer
    - steamy
    - steamboat
    - steamship
    - steam engine
    - steam roller
    - full steam ahead
    - get steamed up
    - get up steam
    - let off steam
    - run out of steam
    - steam up
    - under one's own steam

    English-Danish dictionary > steam

  • 7 steed

    (an old word for a horse for riding.) ganger
    * * *
    (an old word for a horse for riding.) ganger

    English-Danish dictionary > steed

  • 8 steel

    [sti:l] 1. noun, adjective
    (of) a very hard alloy of iron and carbon, used for making tools etc: tools of the finest steel; steel knives/chisels; He had a grip of steel (= a very strong grip). stål; stål-
    2. verb
    (to harden and strengthen (oneself, one's nerves etc) in preparation for doing, or resisting, something: He steeled himself to meet the attack / to tell his wife the truth.) ruste sig
    - steeliness
    - steel wool
    - steelworks
    * * *
    [sti:l] 1. noun, adjective
    (of) a very hard alloy of iron and carbon, used for making tools etc: tools of the finest steel; steel knives/chisels; He had a grip of steel (= a very strong grip). stål; stål-
    2. verb
    (to harden and strengthen (oneself, one's nerves etc) in preparation for doing, or resisting, something: He steeled himself to meet the attack / to tell his wife the truth.) ruste sig
    - steeliness
    - steel wool
    - steelworks

    English-Danish dictionary > steel

  • 9 steeple

    (a high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire.) spir
    * * *
    (a high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire.) spir

    English-Danish dictionary > steeple

  • 10 stevedore

    (a person who loads and unloads ships; a docker.) havnearbejder
    * * *
    (a person who loads and unloads ships; a docker.) havnearbejder

    English-Danish dictionary > stevedore

  • 11 stink

    [stiŋk] 1. past tense - stank; verb
    (to have a very bad smell: That fish stinks; The house stinks of cats.) stinke
    2. noun
    (a very bad smell: What a stink!) stank
    * * *
    [stiŋk] 1. past tense - stank; verb
    (to have a very bad smell: That fish stinks; The house stinks of cats.) stinke
    2. noun
    (a very bad smell: What a stink!) stank

    English-Danish dictionary > stink

  • 12 stitch

    [sti ] 1. noun
    1) (a loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting: She sewed the hem with small, neat stitches; Bother! I've dropped a stitch.) sting; maske
    2) (a type of stitch forming a particular pattern in sewing, knitting etc: The cloth was edged in blanket stitch; The jersey was knitted in stocking stitch.) -sting; -maske
    3) (a sharp pain in a person's side caused by eg running: I've got a stitch.) sidesting
    2. verb
    (to sew or put stitches into: She stitched the two pieces together; I stitched the button on.) sy
    - in stitches
    - stitch up
    * * *
    [sti ] 1. noun
    1) (a loop made in thread, wool etc by a needle in sewing or knitting: She sewed the hem with small, neat stitches; Bother! I've dropped a stitch.) sting; maske
    2) (a type of stitch forming a particular pattern in sewing, knitting etc: The cloth was edged in blanket stitch; The jersey was knitted in stocking stitch.) -sting; -maske
    3) (a sharp pain in a person's side caused by eg running: I've got a stitch.) sidesting
    2. verb
    (to sew or put stitches into: She stitched the two pieces together; I stitched the button on.) sy
    - in stitches
    - stitch up

    English-Danish dictionary > stitch

  • 13 путь


    Русско-датский малый словарь > путь

  • 14 path

    sti {fk}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > path

  • 15 sty [pigsty]

    sti {fk} [grisesti, svinesti]

    English-Danish mini dictionary > sty [pigsty]

  • 16 тропа


    Русско-датский малый словарь > тропа

  • 17 path

    plural - paths; noun
    1) (a way made across the ground by the passing of people or animals: There is a path through the fields; a mountain path.) sti; -sti
    2) ((any place on) the line along which someone or something is moving: She stood right in the path of the bus.) retning
    * * *
    plural - paths; noun
    1) (a way made across the ground by the passing of people or animals: There is a path through the fields; a mountain path.) sti; -sti
    2) ((any place on) the line along which someone or something is moving: She stood right in the path of the bus.) retning

    English-Danish dictionary > path

  • 18 steep

    I [sti:p] adjective
    1) ((of eg a hill, stairs etc) rising with a sudden rather than a gradual slope: The hill was too steep for me to cycle up; a steep path; a steep climb.) stejl
    2) ((of a price asked or demand made) unreasonable or too great: He wants rather a steep price for his house, doesn't he?; That's a bit steep!) voldsom
    - steeply II [sti:p]
    (to soak thoroughly.) lægge i blød
    * * *
    I [sti:p] adjective
    1) ((of eg a hill, stairs etc) rising with a sudden rather than a gradual slope: The hill was too steep for me to cycle up; a steep path; a steep climb.) stejl
    2) ((of a price asked or demand made) unreasonable or too great: He wants rather a steep price for his house, doesn't he?; That's a bit steep!) voldsom
    - steeply II [sti:p]
    (to soak thoroughly.) lægge i blød

    English-Danish dictionary > steep

  • 19 steer

    I [stiə] noun
    (a young ox raised to produce beef.) stud
    II [stiə] verb
    (to guide or control the course of (eg a ship, car etc): He steered the car through the narrow streets; I steered out of the harbour; She managed to steer the conversation towards the subject of her birthday.) styre; lede
    - steering-wheel
    - steer clear of
    * * *
    I [stiə] noun
    (a young ox raised to produce beef.) stud
    II [stiə] verb
    (to guide or control the course of (eg a ship, car etc): He steered the car through the narrow streets; I steered out of the harbour; She managed to steer the conversation towards the subject of her birthday.) styre; lede
    - steering-wheel
    - steer clear of

    English-Danish dictionary > steer

  • 20 track

    [træk] 1. noun
    1) (a mark left, especially a footprint etc: They followed the lion's tracks.) spor
    2) (a path or rough road: a mountain track.) sti; -sti; hjulspor
    3) ((also racetrack) a course on which runners, cyclists etc race: a running track; ( also adjective) the 100 metres sprint and other track events.) bane; -bane; bane-
    4) (a railway line.) skinne
    2. verb
    (to follow (eg an animal) by the marks, footprints etc that it has left: They tracked the wolf to its lair.) spore; følge
    - in one's tracks
    - keep/lose track of
    - make tracks for
    - make tracks
    - track down
    - tracker dog
    * * *
    [træk] 1. noun
    1) (a mark left, especially a footprint etc: They followed the lion's tracks.) spor
    2) (a path or rough road: a mountain track.) sti; -sti; hjulspor
    3) ((also racetrack) a course on which runners, cyclists etc race: a running track; ( also adjective) the 100 metres sprint and other track events.) bane; -bane; bane-
    4) (a railway line.) skinne
    2. verb
    (to follow (eg an animal) by the marks, footprints etc that it has left: They tracked the wolf to its lair.) spore; følge
    - in one's tracks
    - keep/lose track of
    - make tracks for
    - make tracks
    - track down
    - tracker dog

    English-Danish dictionary > track

См. также в других словарях:

  • sti — sti·fler; sti·kine; sti·let; sti·on; sti·pa; sti·pel; sti·pel·late; sti·pend; sti·pen·di·um; sti·pend·less; sti·pes; sti·pi·form; sub·sti·tut·abil·i·ty; sub·sti·tut·able; sub·sti·tut·er; sub·sti·tut·ibil·i·ty; sub·sti·tu·tion; sub·sti·tu·tion·al; …   English syllables

  • şti — ŞTI, ştiu, vb. IV. I. 1. Tranz şi intranz. (Folosit şi absol.) A avea cunoştinţă (de...), a fi informat (în legătură cu...), a cunoaşte. ♢ loc. adv. Pe ştiute = în cunoştinţă de cauză. Pe neştiute = a) fără să şi dea seama; b) în ascuns, pe furiş …   Dicționar Român

  • STI (Ronan Lefebvre) — Sti (auteur) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lefebvre et STI. Sti …   Wikipédia en Français

  • STI International — STI International, Inc. (known as STI in the shooting community) is a Texas based company that manufactures complete M1911 pistols and parts for competition, duty and self defense. It is most well known for its modular frame guns (so called… …   Wikipedia

  • STI Group — Rechtsform GmbH Gründung 1879 Sitz Lauterbach (Hess …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stı̏cati — stı̏cati1 nesvrš. 〈prez. stı̏čēm, pril. sad. stı̏čūći, gl. im. ānje〉, {{c=1}}v. {{ref}}staknuti{{/ref}} stı̏cati2 (što) nesvrš. 〈prez. stı̏čēm, pril. sad. stı̏čūći, gl. im. ānje〉, {{c=1}}v. {{ref}}steći{{/ref}}, {{ref}}stjecati{{/ref}} …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • stı̏gnuti — (stı̏ći) (∅, koga, što) svrš. 〈prez. stı̏gnēm, pril. pr. stı̏gāvši, prid. rad. stı̏gao/stı̏gla ž〉 1. {{001f}}(∅) doći na cilj kretanja; prispjeti 2. {{001f}}(koga, što) dostići, utrkujući se ili napredujući istim putem; sustići 3. {{001f}}(što)… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • STI (homonymie) — STI Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sti — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • stı̏snuti — (koga, što, se) svrš. 〈prez. stı̏snēm (se), pril. pr. ūvši (se), imp. stı̏sni (se), prid. trp. stı̏snūt〉 1. {{001f}}(što) a. {{001f}}stegnuti rukama ili kliještima sa suprotnih strana b. {{001f}}pritisnuti gnječeći, potiskujući [∼ zubnu pastu] 2 …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • stı̏zati — (∅) nesvrš. 〈prez. stı̏žēm, imp. stı̏ži, pril. sad. stı̏žūći, gl. im. ānje〉, {{c=1}}v. {{ref}}stići{{/ref}} …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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