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  • 1 deal with

    1) (to be concerned with: This book deals with methods of teaching English.) nagrinėti, būti skirtam
    2) (to take action about, especially in order to solve a problem, get rid of a person, complete a piece of business etc: She deals with all the inquiries.) tvarkyti, užsiimti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > deal with

  • 2 deal

    1. [di:l] noun
    1) (a bargain or arrangement: a business deal.) susitarimas, sandėris
    2) (the act of dividing cards among players in a card game.) (kortų) dalijimas
    2. [delt] verb
    1) (to do business, especially to buy and sell: I think he deals in stocks and shares.) prekiauti
    2) (to distribute (cards).) išdalyti (kortas)
    - dealing
    - deal with
    - a good deal / a great deal

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > deal

  • 3 come to grips with

    (to deal with (a problem, difficulty etc).) susikibti, imtis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > come to grips with

  • 4 get tough with (someone)

    (to deal forcefully with or refuse to yield to (a person): When he started to argue, I got tough with him.) nenusileisti, priešintis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > get tough with (someone)

  • 5 get tough with (someone)

    (to deal forcefully with or refuse to yield to (a person): When he started to argue, I got tough with him.) nenusileisti, priešintis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > get tough with (someone)

  • 6 handle

    ['hændl] 1. noun
    (the part of an object by which it may be held or grasped: I've broken the handle off this cup; You've got to turn the handle in order to open the door.) rankena, rankenėlė
    2. verb
    1) (to touch or hold with the hand: Please wash your hands before handling food.) liesti, imti
    2) (to control, manage or deal with: He'll never make a good teacher - he doesn't know how to handle children.) susitvarkyti su
    3) (to buy or sell; to deal in: I'm afraid we do not handle such goods in this shop.) prekiauti
    4) (to treat in a particular way: Never handle animals roughly.) elgtis su
    - handler
    - handlebars

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > handle

  • 7 grapple

    1) (to grasp and fight with: He grappled with the thief.) susikibti, susigrumti
    2) (to (try to) deal with (a problem etc): He enjoys grappling with riddles.) (imtis) spręsti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > grapple

  • 8 tough

    1. adjective
    1) (strong; not easily broken, worn out etc: Plastic is a tough material.) tvirtas
    2) ((of food etc) difficult to chew.) kietas
    3) ((of people) strong; able to bear hardship, illness etc: She must be tough to have survived such a serious illness.) tvirtas, ištvermingas
    4) (rough and violent: It's a tough neighbourhood.) pavojingas
    5) (difficult to deal with or overcome: a tough problem; The competition was really tough.) sunkus
    2. noun
    (a rough, violent person; a bully.) mušeika, chuliganas
    - toughen
    - tough luck
    - get tough with someone
    - get tough with

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tough

  • 9 attend

    1) (to go to or be present at: He attended the meeting; He will attend school till he is sixteen.) dalyvauti, lankyti
    2) ((with to) to listen or give attention to: Attend carefully to what the teacher is saying!) klausyti, atkreipti dėmesį
    3) (to deal with: I'll attend to that problem tomorrow.) (iš)spręsti, pasirūpinti
    4) (to look after; to help or serve: Two doctors attended her all through her illness; The queen was attended by four ladies.) prižiūrėti, rūpintis
    - attendant
    - in attendance

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > attend

  • 10 boycott

    ['boikot] 1. verb
    (to refuse to have any dealings with (a firm, country etc).) boikotuoti
    2. noun
    (a refusal to deal with a firm etc.) boikotas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > boycott

  • 11 cope

    (to manage; to deal with successfully: I can't cope with all this work.) susidoroti, susitvarkyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cope

  • 12 here

    [hiə] 1. adverb
    1) ((at, in or to) this place: He's here; Come here; He lives not far from here; Here they come; Here is / Here's your lost book.) čia
    2) (at this time; at this point in an argument: Here she stopped speaking to wipe her eyes; Here is where I disagree with you.) čia
    3) (beside one: My colleague here will deal with the matter.) čia
    2. interjection
    1) (a shout of surprise, disapproval etc: Here! what do you think you're doing?) ei!
    2) (a shout used to show that one is present: Shout `Here!' when I call your name.) esu!
    - hereabouts
    - hereabout
    - hereafter
    - the hereafter
    - hereby
    - herein
    - herewith
    - here and there
    - here goes
    - here's to
    - here
    - there and everywhere
    - here you are
    - neither here nor there

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > here

  • 13 practical

    1) (concerned with the doing of something: practical difficulties; His knowledge is practical rather than theoretical.) praktinio pobūdžio
    2) ((of a thing, idea etc) useful; effective: You must try to find a practical answer to the problem.) tinkamas, tikras
    3) ((negative unpractical) (of a person) able to do or deal with things well or efficiently: He can look after himself - he's a very practical child.) praktiškas
    - practically
    - practical joke

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > practical

  • 14 treat

    [tri:t] 1. verb
    1) (to deal with, or behave towards (a thing or person), in a certain manner: The soldiers treated me very well; The police are treating his death as a case of murder.) elgtis su, laikyti
    2) (to try to cure (a person or disease, injury etc): They treated her for a broken leg.) gydyti
    3) (to put (something) through a process: The woodwork has been treated with a new chemical.) apdoroti, paveikti
    4) (to buy (a meal, present etc) for (someone): I'll treat you to lunch; She treated herself to a new hat.) pavaišinti, nupirkti
    5) (to write or speak about; to discuss.) aptarinėti, analizuoti
    2. noun
    (something that gives pleasure, eg an arranged outing, or some special food: He took them to the theatre as a treat.) kažkas malonaus, dovana

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > treat

  • 15 accountant

    noun (a keeper or inspector of (money) accounts: He employs an accountant to deal with his income tax.) buhalteris, sąskaitininkas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > accountant

  • 16 basically

    adverb (fundamentally: She seems strict, but basically (= in reality) she's very nice; Her job, basically, is to deal with foreign customers.) iš esmės

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > basically

  • 17 break new ground

    (to deal with a subject for the first time.) praskinti naujus kelius

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > break new ground

  • 18 breakfast-time

    noun I'll deal with that at breakfast-time.) pusryčiai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > breakfast-time

  • 19 committee

    (a number of persons, selected from a larger body, to deal with some special business, eg the running of the larger body's affairs: The committee meet(s) today; ( also adjective) a committee meeting.) komitetas, komisija

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > committee

  • 20 correspondence

    1) (agreement; similarity or likeness.) atitikimas, sutikimas, panašumas
    2) ((communication by) letters: I must deal with that (big pile of) correspondence.) laiškai, korespondencija, susirašinėjimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > correspondence

См. также в других словарях:

  • deal with — deal [n1] agreement, bargain accord, arrangement, buy, compromise, conception, contract, pact, pledge, prearrangement, transaction, understanding; concept 684 Ant. disagreement, misunderstanding deal [n2] amount, share abundance, degree,… …   New thesaurus

  • Deal With The Devil — Album par Lizzy Borden Sortie 10 Octobre 2000 Enregistrement 2000 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Deal with This — Studio album by 2 Live Crew Released January 20, 1993 …   Wikipedia

  • Deal with It — can refer to: Deal with It (song), a Corbin Bleu song written by Jay Sean Deal With It (album), the original title for Jay Sean s album My Own Way Dealing with It!, album by Dirty Rotten Imbeciles This disambiguation page lists articles… …   Wikipedia

  • deal with — have commercial relations with. → deal deal with take measures concerning. → deal …   English new terms dictionary

  • Deal with the Devil — Album par Lizzy Borden Sortie 10 octobre 2000 Durée 49:17 Genre Heavy Metal Producteur Elliot Solomon Label …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Deal with It — Album par Comateens Sortie 1984 Critique AllMusic Albums d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • deal with — index appertain, apply (pertain), communicate, concern (involve), conduct, correspond (be equi …   Law dictionary

  • deal with definitely — index dispatch (dispose of) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • deal with gently — index favor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • deal with — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms deal with : present tense I/you/we/they deal with he/she/it deals with present participle dealing with past tense dealt with past participle dealt with 1) a) deal with something to take action to do something …   English dictionary

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