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См. также в других словарях:

  • hysterography — 1. Radiographic examination of the uterine cavity filled with a contrast medium. 2. Graphic procedure used to record uterine contractions. [hystero + G. grapho, to write] * * * hys·ter·og·ra·phy .his tə räg rə fē n …   Medical dictionary

  • hysterography — hys·ter·og·ra·phy …   English syllables

  • hysterography — ˌhistəˈrägrəfē noun ( es) Etymology: hyster + graphy : examination of the uterus by roentgenography after the injection of an opaque medium …   Useful english dictionary

  • uterography — uter·og·ra·phy .yüt ə räg rə fē n, pl phies HYSTEROGRAPHY * * * n. radiography of the uterus. * * * uter·og·ra·phy (u″tər ogґrə fe) hysterography …   Medical dictionary

  • metrography — me·trog·ra·phy (mə trogґrə fe) hysterography …   Medical dictionary

  • hysterogram — ˈhistərōˌgram noun Etymology: hyster + gram : a roentgenogram made by hysterography …   Useful english dictionary

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