1 hygroscopic nuclei
English-Spanish dictionary of Geography > hygroscopic nuclei
2 hygroscopic
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Cloud condensation nuclei — Aerosol pollution over Northern India and Bangladesh NASA Cloud condensation nuclei or CCNs (also known as cloud seeds) are small particles typically 0.2 µm, or 1/100 th the size of a cloud droplet [1]) about which cloud droplets coalesce. Water… … Wikipedia
smog — a mixture of smoke and fog produced by factory and domestic emissions which provide hygroscopic nuclei for condensation to occur onto … Geography glossary
radiation fog — A type of fog formed by the cooling of the earth’s surface at night, which, in turn, cools the adjoining layer of air above it rapidly to an extent that the dew point is reached. This type of fog may occur even when the relative humidity has not… … Aviation dictionary
condensation nucleus — Meteorol. nucleus (def. 5). [1910 15] * * * ▪ meteorology tiny suspended particle, either solid or liquid, upon which water vapour condensation begins in the atmosphere. Its diameter may range from a few microns to a few tenths of a micron… … Universalium
seed and fruit — ▪ plant reproductive part Introduction respectively, the characteristic reproductive (reproductive system, plant) body of both angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (conifers, cycads, and ginkgos) and the ovary that encloses it.… … Universalium
Cloud seeding — can be done by ground generators, plane, or rocket (not shown). Cloud seeding, a form of intentional weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air… … Wikipedia
Caesium — xenon ← caesium → barium Rb ↑ Cs ↓ Fr … Wikipedia
Fog — For other uses, see Fog (disambiguation). Part of the Nature series on Weather Calendar seasons Spring … Wikipedia
condensation — condensational, adj. condensative, adj. /kon den say sheuhn, deuhn /, n. 1. the act of condensing; the state of being condensed. 2. the result of being made more compact or dense. 3. reduction of a book, speech, statement, or the like, to a… … Universalium
precipitation — /pri sip i tay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of precipitating; state of being precipitated. 2. a casting down or falling headlong. 3. a hastening or hurrying in movement, procedure, or action. 4. sudden haste. 5. unwise or rash rapidity. 6. Meteorol. a … Universalium
Crystallography — For the book of poetry, see Crystallography (book). A crystalline solid: atomic resolution image of strontium titanate. Brighter atoms are Sr and darker ones are Ti. Crystallography is the experimental science of the arrangement of atoms in… … Wikipedia