1 hygienist
- hygienist -
2 hygienist
[ʹhaıdʒi:nıst] n1) гигиенист2) ассистент зубного врача - специалист по гигиене полости рта -
3 hygienist
4 hygienist
['haɪdʒiːnɪst]1) Общая лексика: ассистент зубного врача - специалист по гигиене полости рта2) Медицина: гигиенист -
5 hygienist
мед.прил. гигиенист* * * -
6 hygienist
7 hygienist
гигиенист -
8 hygienist
9 hygienist
10 hygienist
11 hygienist
1. n гигиенист2. n ассистент зубного врача — специалист по гигиене полости рта -
12 hygienist
13 Hygienist Chair
Медицинская техника: (санитарно-)гигиеническое кресло -
14 certified industrial hygienist
Химическое оружие: аттестованный специалист по гигиене трудаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > certified industrial hygienist
15 dental hygienist
Медицина: стоматолог-гигиенист -
16 governmental industrial hygienist
Медицина: государственный врач по промышленной гигиене (государственный инспектор; должность)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > governmental industrial hygienist
17 industrial hygienist as clinical consultant
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > industrial hygienist as clinical consultant
18 occupational hygienist
Медицина: врач по гигиене трудаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > occupational hygienist
19 dental hygienist
Чаще всего эту роль выполняет квалифицированная медсестра, которая проводит очистку зубов и удаление камнейEnglish-Russian dictionary of regional studies > dental hygienist
20 industrial hygienist
(US) промышленный гигиенистEnglish-Russian dictionary of labour protection > industrial hygienist
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
hygienist — [hī jēn′ist, hījen′ist; hī′jēn΄ist] n. 1. an expert in hygiene 2. short for DENTAL HYGIENIST … English World dictionary
Hygienist — Hy gi*en*ist, n. One versed in hygiene. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hygienist — 1844, “an expert on cleanliness,” from HYGIENE (Cf. hygiene) + IST (Cf. ist). Earlier was hygeist (1716). Dental sense is recorded by 1913 … Etymology dictionary
hygienist — ► NOUN ▪ a specialist in the promotion of hygiene … English terms dictionary
hygienist — One who is skilled in the science of health and its maintenance. SYN: hygieist. dental h. a licensed, professional auxiliary in dentistry who is both an oral health educator and clinician, and who uses preventive … Medical dictionary
hygienist — n. a dental (AE), oral (BE) hygienist * * * [ haɪdʒiːnɪst] oral (BE) hygienist a dental (AE) … Combinatory dictionary
hygienist — [[t]haɪʤi͟ːnɪst[/t]] hygienists N COUNT A hygienist or a dental hygienist is a person who is trained to clean people s teeth and to give them advice on how to look after their teeth and gums … English dictionary
hygienist — UK [ˈhaɪdʒiːnɪst] / US [haɪˈdʒɪnɪst] / US [haɪˈdʒenɪst] noun [countable] Word forms hygienist : singular hygienist plural hygienists someone who helps a dentist by cleaning people s teeth … English dictionary
hygienist — /huy jee nist, jen ist, huy jee nist/, n. 1. an expert in hygiene. 2. See dental hygienist. Also, hygeist, hygieist /huy jee ist/. [1835 45; HYGIENE + IST] * * * … Universalium
hygienist — hy|gien|ist [ˈhaıdʒi:nıst, haıˈdʒi:nıst] n BrE someone who helps a ↑dentist by cleaning patients teeth and giving advice about keeping teeth healthy American Equivalent: dental hygienist … Dictionary of contemporary English
hygienist — hy|gien|ist [ haı dʒinıst, haı dʒenıst ] noun count a DENTAL HYGIENIST … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English